

Waynesville Georgia

United States

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About Me:
I started losing my hair about 6 years ago. It started just before my third heart surgery. The dermatologist diagnosed it as telogen effluvium. It was very scary at first but I have learned to accept it and not let it control my life. I have been very blessed with a surportive family and friends. I really look forward to meeting everyone.

I am currently trying to find a solution that is both comfortable and affordable.
Do you have alopecia?
Hair loss due to medical treatment
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Kathy

    Hi Dawn, and thanks for the kind welcome!! Today was the day that I shaved my head, and I'm feeling quite liberated!! Tomorrow I face the public and my co-workers with my new look, and new wig!!
  • janet

    Hello Dawn, you asked about my intergrated sytem, well what you have described to me about yours is quite ulike the one ive been using for the past three years, with mine its a very fine net that is placed onto my head, it could be for just a small patch or the whole crown as in my case, then a lot of my hair is pulled through the little holes with a tiny thin needle type hook, it doesnt hurt, may pinch a bit here and there but nothing to moan about really, they pull enough hir through to make what they call conections, by braiding my own hair (whats left of it) with the synthetic hair, no glue is used, instead to bond mine and the synthetic at the root they simply wraap a bit of the synthetic hair around where they have atatched 'mine and theirs' and heat it with a little low heat iron pinches and thats it. they continue like that around the parimeter and in the center, and then where ever you need extra hair (where you have none) they simply nott synthetic hair where ever needed through the base net, they cut and style, it needs readjusting every 8 weeks, where the hair grows naturally so the attatchments need to be attatched to the roots. take a look at this site (go to hair loss) at the top of the page and it will show you how its done.

  • Jennifer

    Thanks Dawn for your warm welcome!!!
  • LadyBee

    Thank you Dawn for welcoming me to the site.
  • Mandy Reece

    Hi, and thanks! Barnesville is halfway between Atlanta and Macon, about 20 minutes south of Griffin, if you are familiar with that.
  • Mandy Reece

    I go to HRS of Atlanta, they are really good. The pieces are real human hair and they are custom made to your head. If you are interested, you should call 404-231-3100, ask for Marshall Boyd, and make an appointment for a consultation, It is the best thing I have been able to find. I don't think they do the vacume systems, I didn't know such a thing existed until yesterday, I was thinking of calling and asking them. I hope that helps.
  • Alessandro

    Ciao Dawn,
    grazie per l'accoglienza.
    Un abbraccio da Cologno Monzese (vicino a Milano)
  • Amber

    thanks for the welcome!!
  • claire

    hope your ok.................
  • Serina Doherty

    Thanks very much for the welcome!
  • Royalty

    Hi Dawn thanks sweetie!! Your hair looks great in the pic!
  • Laurie

    I love it Dawn! Which wig is it?
  • Laurie

    Did Misty help you with the wig? Did you shave your hair? Do you bond or just wear it over your hair? I have looked at that website before and have contemplated ordering. I just worry about the fit. What do you think?
  • Susan

    Your hair looks great!!! I noticed you said it was human hair and a lace front. How do you attach it? Did you have to shave your hair? And if you dont mind, how much does something like that cost? Sorry for all the questions, but you look fantastic!
  • Laurie

    Thanks Dawn!!
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Dawn,
    Your new hair looks great, lovely style and color
  • janet

    Dawn sweety you loo Stunning, it looks so real, lucky you, be happy xxxx
  • Laurie

    Hi Dawn, I hope your first 'wig outing' went well!!
  • Beth

    Hey Dawn!!! Thanks for the welcome!! Where exactly is Waynesville?????
  • J

    yes the beach photo is Sardegna...sigh..wish it was still summer..the other pic is Amsterdam actually.
  • Laurie

    Hey Dawn, just checking in to see how you are doing?
  • Laurie

    Yes, we went trick or treating. They got way too much candy! Mystique did get in touch with me, but I'm just not ready yet. I can't bring myself to do it. No one says they can tell I've been losing hair so I guess I'll wait. I think I'm going to go off the pill for good which will most certainly make the hairfall worse. I just can't imagine going through this ever again if I wait to go off later. Is the wig still working out for you?
  • Laurie

    Well, all we can do is find a solution that makes us happy. Too bad it might take awhile. I didn't know you play the piano for your church. I play the clarinet at my church all the time. Of course, I'm glad we have music in common but I wish neither of us had hair loss!
  • Laurie

    The Posh wig (Jon Renau) felt OK, but I only had it on for 10 minutes. It looked pretty natural but did need some thinning. I think if I ever purchase a wig, I will start with this one just for the cost to see if I like a wig. I've also been looking at scarves on the 4women.com website. There is a transitional scarf for the regrowth stage after cancer, but it sure looks like it will work for the loss stage too. I still have enough hair everywhere it's just my hairline is looking horrible. My forehead is getting bigger and my temples are very bare. I've read that temporal recession in females is a sure sign of telogen effluvium as women don't lose hair there from pattern loss. Who knows?

    I also learned to play the oboe in college, and the flute. I did not major in music, but I always said if the oboe were my first instrument, no one could have kept me away from music. I liked it so much more than the clarinet.
  • Laurie

    I first went to a community college here in Houston where my clarinet teacher taught for his 'day job' (he is a member of the Houston Ballet Symphony at night). I then transferred to the University of Houston and got an accounting degree. Honestly, I'm glad I did that instead of go away to school and major in music or I would have never met my husband!!
  • Crystal

    Sorry it as taken a while to post a comment for you. But yes the pictures that I have posted are of Newfoundland.
  • Jessica

    hey Dawn is the pic of you above is that a wig??
  • Jessica

    Hi Dawn,

    Well I think both pic's of you look great\, but I do know how you are feeling. I have patchy AA and had lost so much that i just deciced to shave it off. I could of gotten away with keeping the hair I did have for a while longer but it was so thin I really didn't see a point in keeping it any longer.

    can i get the info on your wig so cute I want to look into

  • NannC

    Hi Dawn! Thanks for your kind words. Yep! That's me in the NuTech add. They're the very best in my opinion.
  • Vicsta

    I read what you said in your blog about the people at church. I think your profile picture is very beautiful. I love the way the wig looks and to be honest if I saw you in real life and didn't know it was a wig, I would not have thought that about you.

    Hold your head high and try not to let other people pull you down. They have no idea what it is like to have thinning hair. You have to do what you can to make you feel happy... I hope you have cast those nasty comments aside and are wearing your wig with pride.

  • Vicsta

    Hi Dawn

    I already know Mistique!!

    I have a lace wig coming - it's in the mail. It's not from the same vendor as Misty, but I will definitely consider buying from them in the future if I decide that lace wigs are the way to go as the prices are so low. I was already sent one by another vendor, but it was wrong - was wavy and too dense, when I had asked for straight and light to medium. It is custom fit so I shouldn't have to shave my head unless I want to.

    The Reprieve look nice. I can understand what you mean about being too hot. I found that with one of the wigs I had and it is no fun! I just wanted to rip the thing off my head as soon as I got the chance (e.g. got indoors). It is hard finding the right solution and also pricey if you keep buying and then finding it's not right for you.

    Take care

  • Vicsta

    Hi Dawn

    Yes thanks, I had a good Christmas. I hope you did too.

    The lace wig is attached just outside your natural hairline if you have hair or where you hairline would be if you are completely bald. You can attach it with glue or tape. Most women who have hair, choose to wear a stocking wig cap over the top of their bio hair to protect it and it also makes it easier to get the wig on without bits of your hair popping out all over the place! There are several good resources to learn about them, if you are interested message me for the links. They are worn by a lot of African American women either because they cannot achieve the look they want from their own hair or because they want to rest their own hair from straightening, weaves etc and to let their own hair grow.

    It sounds as if the Reprieve would have been VERY costly and a lot of hassle. In my opinion, you want something that is both affordable and do-able. You don't want to spend you whole time having to worry about maintenance or getting to a salon that is miles away. I know that there are places in London I could perhaps go to that offer different units like bonded pieces that can be attached, but for me it's too much initial cost and the upkeep/maintenance costs plus travel are prohibitive. I want to be able to maintain myself without having to rely too much on others!

    I am not sure about how much hair you have lost, but have you thought about a topper? There are quite a few places in the US that do them and you can attach it to/over your own hair using clips.

    The picture on the boat is Switzerland - beautiful, beautiful country and my favourite place to visit when I leave the UK for vacation. You should definitely visit the UK sometime, but come in May-August as it looks nicer with green trees and bushes. At the moment, we are experiencing a very cold spell, but no snow. I quite like snow so am a bit sad about that! I am sitting in front of a roaring fire as I type this.

    Vicky xx
  • Vicsta

    I haven't received my lace wig yet. I received one, but it was wrong. It did feel hot actually when I tried it on as it was too dense, which is one reason I sent it back!! I think it is also because I have my bio hair underneath. I am waiting for customs to let me know my charges so I can get the replacement and test drive it. I don't know if it will be my solution as I don't know how much of the tape and glue thing I can be bothered with. Part of me feels like that is a hassle, but you never know. I think if I could get the adhesive tape to work for me then it would be good as I have heard it is a lot less messy than glue in terms of application and clean up.

    When I wore synthetic wigs with my shaved head they never felt hot! Certainly no more hot than when I had a full head of a hair and the sun was beating down. I have to admit that remembering the comfort factor of my shaved head and the way it worked much better with wigs, does make me err in that direction.

    I know what you mean about your choice of hairstyle. I had styles I preferred which I can no longer wear. I think it sucks! I used to love long hair, which is probably another reason I want this lace wig.

    Being stationed in Italy sounds nice... the train system in Europe is quite good (not in England!) so travelling around by train is often preferable to a car I find. I love lakes, mountains, forests and fresh air!!

    I do understand how you feel about life with the hairloss and your heart problems. I have chronic health conditions too and I sometimes feel very tired of dealing/coping with them. It makes me feel a bit anti-social and everything seems like an effort. I try my best to keep moving forward... take each day as it comes. I find my mum is quite helpful as she tends to give me a kick in my rear when I get too down or don't want to do anything.

  • Nini

    Hi Dawn, thanks for welcoming me, PP is in south Florida :)
  • Galena

    Hi Dawn!
    It's nice to meet you. I've read your comments about wigs and such. I'm apprehensive about lace due to an allergy to adhesives/epoxy. So, my dream is to one day afford a nice suction wig and tattoo eyebrows. I believe those two things will allow me to feel more presentable to the world. Now I feel like I’m more aware of my appearance than ever- it really stinks. I never considered myself as vain, but I feel absorbed with looking “presentable”.
  • Vicsta

    Hi Dawn

    It's nice to hear that the others are using tape to adhere their lace. I definitely will try that first. I have an arsenal of products at the ready! I just need to get some fray block to stop the lace fraying when I cut it... I went to get it from the craft & linen shop yesterday, but they were closed for the extended holidays... so I shall have to get that another time.

    Thank you for the lovely comments. I think you would look really nice bald or with a shaved head, but it is personal preference. You have very defined features, which is good for carrying that look off - I think the eyes/lips really make it and the shape of the head. Misty looks nice bald, especially with her makeup done and nice earrings. I don't mind the shaved/bald look most of the time, it's just there are times when I feel that it is better to have hair - I know that probably sounds a bit weird, but formal occasions such as people's weddings and birthday dinners and so on. I don't always want to be looked at for being the girl in the scarf or the girl who is losing/has lost her hair. I am sure you will understand what I mean.

    Do you shed a lot? I tend to shed fairly heavily and I find that is quite wearing on the spirit after a while... it seems like no matter how upbeat I am about my hairloss, there are days when just staring at the loss in the shower seems a bit too much for me. I am very lucky that my BF is very supportive and a good listening ear, as well as my mum so I tend to lean on them a bit in those times.

    Do you work at all? I am not working at the moment. I have worked on and off, but due to my other health issue I find it very hard to keep working continuously full time. I have been amusing myself learning to paint watercolours! I also have a little Yorkshire terrier dog who keeps me company.

  • Galena

    The only way that I can achieve getting the suction wig and tattoo is to win the lottery. Medical tattoo = $850, Suction wig = $3000+ so for now, I draw on my eyebrows and search for affordable, comfortable wigs that I can wear for 8 hours or more. So much for the fun challenges of alopecia...

    Anyway, I hope that you have a Happy and Safe New Year!
  • jen

    hey dawn sorry yes it has been awhile kinda crazy around here. not married yet april 18th is when i get married but everything is great. how about with you? i got my dress and everything so im getting very excited
  • jen

    maybe one day we can meet
  • Vicsta

    Hi Dawn

    I bet that Min Pin keeps you busy. Pics of he or she would be appreciated - I love dogs!!

    So the good news for me today is that I recieved my wig. It is exactly what I wanted so (after the previous mishap) I am very happy. I did not get the fray block so I am going to town tomorrow with my shopping list. I need to get sodium laurel sulphate free shampoo and conditioner, fray block, a small spray bottle that I can put a mix of conditoner and water into... hmm what else!!? I will put some pics once I have actually applied it succesfully. I must confess I put it on my head (just kinda resting on my head) and sat with it on like that for a bit... just to get a feel for it and it is long hair (16 inches, but seems longer) which is SO novel for me. I kept feeling it and swishing it. I felt a bit silly, but hey if it makes me happy right?!

    That is nice that you have your church activities to help with and it must feel good to do some volunteering. I found with myself it helps to have things to focus on and a bit of a routine. I didn't know you had a son. How old is he?

    I just finished some medical tests. I will find out if I have thyroid problems. As part of the tests, I had to take my basal body temperature for 3 mornings before I got up. It was very low: 96.8 farenheit, so that does not bode well as apparently if it is under 97.8 it can indicate thyroid issues.

    Your hairloss sounds somewhat like mine. Mine is mainly on the top (vertex, crown) and the sides. I sometimes am surprised I still have hair considering the amount of shedding I do.

    Anyway, I guess I should sleep. I hope you have a good weekend and Happy New Year.

  • Brittany Bullard

    Thank you Thank you. I can't wait to get on here. I have been so busy. Just got the Christmas tree put up yesterday! 2 of my babies are really sick.
  • Couture Glam

    Hello, thank you much. I'm about 10 minutes away from the airport. Have a great day, Donna.
  • Roger D.

    Hi Dawn,
    That Waynesville is a pretty big place, Huh? Just kiddin. Actually, I grew up in Tifton and loved it. I live in Jacksonville now or the outskirts. I just wanted to say hi to a fellow Georgian. Hope you had a nice day. Roger D.
  • Cathy Nedd

    Hi Dawn - Lace wigs are applied around the perimeter of the hairline so there is no wear and tear on the hair at all. You can check out the website if you like at www.thehairnetwork.com. Here is a fairly crude slideshow of how the wig is applied. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEl66Rj7Ynk
  • Dara L.Strickland

    Hi Dawn,
    Yes I have relativesin GA.
  • Diana

    Hey Dawn Brooksville is 2 hours south of Gainsville its just north of Tampa - I actually live in Weeki Wachee/Spring Hill but the mailing sip always comes up at Brooksville... looks like you've been thru some tough stuff your wig looks great! How are you feeling? Take Care, Diana
  • claire

    Dawn happy new year to you too hope your ok....
  • Austin

    Thanks for the welcome, Dawn.
  • Donna Evans

    Thanks! I don't use anything to bond my wig down. Well, I have some body glue that works great if I know it's really windy or I think I may be doing something that could cause my wig to flip. That has never happened to me though... and my wig has never come off because of wind even when I didn't use glue and I should have. I'm kind of a natural girl. I don't put any wig caps under my wig or anything like that. It's just too bulky. I just make sure I get a wig that is small enough for my head. That is pretty hard becaus my head is soooo small. I posted to your blog about negative feedback.
  • Rosa Guim-Bosniak

    Hi Dawn! Thank you for your note.