Sandi Walmsley




Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Married, mother of 2. Have had all forms of alopecia from areata to universalis and I am now in "remission"? I have about 95% of my hair back.
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Sandi, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Take the time to reach out to other and give your input on the forums. Take what you need from this site, you will find it will do you well.

  • Daria

    Hi Sandi. First of all, welcome. Secondly, just out of curiosity...did you do anything in particular for the hair to come back, or did it just come back on it's own? I lost all mine 10 years ago and it came back with prednisone. I lost it all again last year but I'm no longer taking the meds and don't want to. I'm just curious if it might still come back although it's universalis right now....
  • Cindy

    Hi Sandi, Congrats on your remission...I too am curious if you did not anything to help it come back and how long have you been dealing with your Aleopica? I have a 6 year old with AA and at the moment she is now AT.6 months ago she still had hair and lashes and brows..AA is getting me down, but not HER....Cindy
  • Sandi Walmsley

    Hi everyone, I had spotty patches for a while (starting in 1996), which turned in to a type the dr called "ophiasis" which was a 1-inch band missing all around the hairline (entire head). I had this for a while (maybe about a year), along with no eyelashes or eyebrows. Then a while later I gave birth to my 1st child (a daughter) and about 6-8 months after that tramatic experience is when I lost all of my body hair (100% loss). Then about a year later I got pregnant with my 2nd child (son) and it started to regrow when I was about 3-4 months pregnant. It started to re-grow on my head (only) in the nice form of a mohawk (no kidding)...the mohawk gradully grew downwards to cover my entire head. Luckily enough it grew into a hairstyle. Gradually over a period of about 3-4 years I regained about 80-90% of my hair (entire body) back. There are still some sections on my legs that I don't have back. Hormones? Not sure? I've never done any treatments in any form. I wore wigs, which I've since figured out were probably more for the benefit of others than myself. I found that people were uncomfortable if I wasn't wearing one...
  • Daria it on I got one for myself too..."everyone loves a bald girl!"

    I think hormones DO play a huge factor in this...I know people who don't have alopecia who have hair gain/hair loss before and after pregnancy. I swear, the things we go through!!!!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Sandi,
    Are you still keeping your hair? How's it going?
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hey Sandi!
    I live in Victoria too! Do you know Fay Melling? Do you ever go to support groups here? Looking forward to hearing from you!