Sandi Walmsley




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About Me:
Married, mother of 2. Have had all forms of alopecia from areata to universalis and I am now in "remission"? I have about 95% of my hair back.
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Craig S

    ..just wondering how long you had AU before your remission mode? Sounds very interesting! THanks and regards,

  • Sandi Walmsley

    It's been such a long time since I've posted on this site...

    Some of you have asked if I still have my hair: I continue to have all my hair - in fact, I just had it cut really short and dyed a darker colour for the first time in my life...why not. I created "mohawk monday' and 'fohawk friday' at the office for a bit of fun.

    I've been in "remission" (?) for about 7 years now. Really the only thing that I can think of that is different in my life is hormones...when I was younger I was on the b/c pill and then I was pregnant two times after getting married. Those are the times when I had hair problems (*crosses fingers*). In health, hair and happiness - Sandi
  • Niina

    Hey Sandi!
    Thanks for answer my friend request!
    Today I had a very bad hair fell out again:(...came home and was surfing at Alopecia world!I found you and was so impressed by you´re story!I have to tell you that you look so beautiful in both ways...bald and with hair! I hope you hair will stay now for longer!I keep crossing my fingers;)
    Thanks for you story, I felt much better after reading!!!
    Greetings from Germany!Nina