

United States

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About Me:
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Renee, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder

    Thanks Cheryl. I have been living with this disease since I was five. I have only ever met one other person in my life who has this disease. My recent marriage and extremely suuportive husband has shown me that I do not need to be ashamed, but after so many years of hiding this from everyone but my family that is very difficult. I have always felt that the community looks at me as a freak. I have never been out in opublic without my hair.
  • Roger

    Welcome Renee.

  • Billie

    Hi Renee! Wanted to extend a warm welcome to ya!
  • Denise

    Hi, to be honest it barely hurt at all. In fact I fell asleep during the process. I don't know if I have a high pain tolerence or if it was just luck. I love my tattoo. I had that one done because everyone was alway's looking at my head anyway, so I figured I would give them something to look at.
    I only have two right now but plan on getting more. I love them.I have had Alopecia since I was a few months old and have never met anyone with it yet. Someday that would be nice. I've been divorced for 5 years now and am finding it almost impossible to find someone, I think the hair thing scrares them away. You are very lucky to have found someone. When I met my husband I had alot more hair than I have now and I can so relate to the freak thing.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Renee,
    What gorgeous red hair! I've had au for 30 years.
    Just wanted to say hello!
  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Renee,
    Is that you?? Renee Estep?? Long time no see!! You look great!
  • Megan

    hey renee, i saw your reply about summer wigs. Thank you. But also i wanted to expand on Cyberhair. I researched it all and found Amys Presence. I have been to the salon before and it is great. She has a website and has salons all over the US. Google Amys Presence and you will find comforting information. HAve a good day.
  • Denise

    hi, I am not totatly bald , yet anyway.I have my eyebrows and lashes...knock on wood. My arms and legs are kinda light and patchy. no one ever notices. On my head I have about 90% loss,maybe a little more . Thank God its all on top I wear it long and in a pony tail. Once in awhile I have a spot in the front which I hate but it comes and goes. If I had the money I would like to shave it and get a vacuum wig. But being a single mother of two they are a little out of my price range.
  • Denise

    Renee, I was thinking the vacuum wig because it fits secure and cannot be pulled off. Well of course that what here anyway. I work at at special needs school, I work with 7th-8th grade severe behavioral problems, some with mental illness as well. my job can get pretty rough and physical and I was trying to find a wig that could not be pulled off or come off during a crisis. They love to go for the hair. Do you think that type of wig would hold up or is there something else out there.
  • Denise

    ok, so are the lace wig and the first wig you were talking about they same thing. if not what is a lace wig and what is the base on the other. Hope you understand this :)
  • sgomez

    Hello new friend!! So have you been bald since you were 5? I was diagnosed at 10 months, but didn't lose it all until I was 5. I've been totally bald ever since. The hair on your wig looks so natural!! What kind of wig is it? What is the length? I have just ordered a vacuum wig and I wanted it the longest possible length, which is 14". I will have to wait an extra 6 months fo that length. Oh, well. I want what I want. I love long hair. All of my wigs have been long lengths. The one I am wearing now is 18" from the nape. It will be a big adjustment for me to even have 14" long hair!
  • sgomez

    Wow (hot momma alert!)lol!
    What is monofilament? Do you think you can take a pic of the inside of your wig? I've only ever had the regular lace wigs, and I don't like them much. They're too itchy. I did have a vacuum about 13 years ago, but the hair was really poor quality. Is your 20" wig a human hair wig?
  • Tony

    Hi Renee, thanks for the add. What a great site! I've made a bunch of friends here...welcome!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Renee,
    What a wonderful comment on my book! I am so, so happy you love it and couldn't put it down! Thank you so much. Great big hug to you!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Renee,
    I have you on my email mailing list but I think I have the wrong address...what is your email address?
  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Renee,
    I hope we can reconnect soon in DE!! I'd love to catch up with you again and you'd LOVE the new all-silicone cap.
    Call me or email. Thanks for adding me as a friend. How long have you been married? Who is he??
  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Renee,
    I've been married now for almost 21 years to my great husband. My hair fell out less than one year after we married. From the beginning he was cool with it. I wear my prosthesis for most of the time when I go out, but around the house I don't. He could care less!! I've gotten to the point now that I will take it off whenever the spirit moves me, especially when I want to show off my tattoos!! I've been to Mexico and not worn it when swimming too!! I figured why have to style my hair when I could just leave it in the room until it was time for dinner!! EASY!! My husband is very good at doing stuff. He can do electrical, carpentry, etc. He used to be a machinist so he thinks like an engineer. Luckily, he also has a great sense of humor!!
  • Peyton

    i'll ask my om if she got your message:)
    (and my names spelled pEyton not pAyton)
  • Peyton

    It's ok
  • Kayla

    Hi Renee
    I have Hachimotos Thyroid Disorder... I would have never known if I didn't pass out one day from rapid heartrate and heart palpitations.. It didn't show up on regular bloodwork I had to seek out a specialist, Dr. Meckelnberg (in Christiana- let me know if you need his #, he is wonderful!). He did a thyroid uptake and scan; a sonogram on your thyroid, and discovered I had a problem. I now take Syntheroid and have it under control, but still have regular bloodwork done... It is basically another autoimmune disorder, like Hypo Thyroid...
    Hypo Thyroid runs in my family..
    Hope this information helps. Feel free to contact me if you would like my doctor's number. He works miracles! I knew a woman from Milford, where I'm from, who has A.A., went to him for treatment and her hair grew back!
    I hope you are well. I would love to hear back from you!
  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Renee,
    There's a page here at alopecia world. Just look for Children's Alopecia Project. Or you can go to their website at
    If you can't find it, write me back.
  • Dotty

    Hi Renee,
    Thanx for the add. Hope you are doing well. Hope to chat and get to know you better.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Dotty

    Hi Renee,
    Love the tattoo. My head has a total of 22 tattoos. I got them over a period of about 3 years. The total sitting time was a little over 40 hours. My tattoo artist was absolutely amazing. I did the tattoos by piece work, picking out what I wanted and when I was done with the ones I picked, I just went in and he filled in the spaces with colorful flowers, vines, and a great butterfly. I absolutely adore my head and I haven't worn anything except baseball caps and scarves for warmth. My head definitely tells a story as most of the tats have great meanings behind them. If I can find my pics, I will post some of my head while under construction :-)
    Love and Hugs,