Debbi Fuller

75, Female

Langdon, New Hampshire

United States

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About Me:
I've been AU since 1989. At the time, I was a flight attendant with Pan Am. Since 1991 I've been helping women get back their self-esteem by designing and importing beautiful vacuum-fitted hair prostheses. I love to ski, ride our Harley, cook and spend time with friends. My husband has a daughter and we have 2 cats! We live in New Hampshire in the country.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
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  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Debbi,

    You can load pictures on the "head adornment" page now. 

  • Kim

    Just read your dating advice! helpful, so insightful and wise. I am recently single and very stressed about starting a new relationship and a new guy discovering my wig situation. I completely agree that if hes worth it hell understand and accept it blah blah but that doesnt change that its an incredibly crap and awkward situation for both us and the guy. But thanks again Debbie. Ill def be using your advice.
  • NettyNurse

    Hi Debbi!
    Glad we are friends on AW now too! Yes Jorge is so extremely brave to share what he is going through and I've always hoped that sharing may experiences would help others. Most of my life I've never had anyone to share my Alopecia experiences with that would really understand me, AW is a great outlet to let it all out and know that there are people that REALLY know what you're talking about. :)

    Yessss...I did marry the guy. 4 years now this Nov. <3