

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Update: My alopecia areata is completely gone now. Yey.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Yen!
    How are you today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Yes, I know how hard alopecia can be; I have had it for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" You can find out more on my page -- and it's available on this site under "Bookshelf." Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
  • Roger


  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I know exactly how you feel. We all have gone through the same thing.
    Eventually, you will get to the point where you will feel happy and self-confident again. For me, getting a really good wig made a big difference. I know there are many people who enjoy going without hair, but that's just not me...
    Big hugs!
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Yen

    Welcome to Alopecia World
    Great photos

  • Sharon

    Hi Yen nice to meet you We live in northland, our daughter Nicole is AU and has alopecia since she was 12. look forward to getting to no u.
    Regards Sharon
  • Natalie

    Hi Yen! Thanks for the friend add! How are you doing? I love the picture of the white flower in your photo album- so pretty! Hope all is well and talk to you soon.
  • Karen

    wow - amazing photos Yen. Hope you are enjoying this awesome site.
  • Sharon

    Hi Yen............thanks we think she is positively lovely but we are a bit biased lol........Making the decision to shave your hair off would have to be sooo hard..........We didn't push Nicole to shave her hair off as she wanted to hold onto the little bit that she did have left...........when she did shave it, the decision was really like we have to do this not should we she had not much left.........once we had tho I feel it was quite liberating and she handled it very is almost like your incharge not the alopecia............Good luck with your decision............Take care
  • Karen

    Hiya Yen - Thanks for your comments on my blog. I'm still paraniod but now only have about four patches. As I write this I 'think' I can feel that 'burning' feeling but then it might just be 'in' my head, not on it. Oh well, I'll just have to wait and see. Stay positive :)
  • Kath

    The wigs at Hair creations are fine - I only had synthetic ones from there. the problem is that they don't last long and if they are long they get matted very quickly. If you want something that looks natural and lasts you need to get a real hair piece. I have a freedom wig which is custom made and will last years. Also it is a vacuum fit so doesn't come off even in the sea! I would suggest just going to look at some wigs to start with before you buy anything. Are you completely bald or just part? I you want to chat you could give me a call if you would like, I dont mind chatting to you as I know how you feel. Kath
  • Shana and Taylor

    UR ONLY 23 YEARS OLD!!! wow...i thought u were about 13 or even younger about my age..11. well i cant beleive u have never had a boy friend and i wanna go skydiving now. is it scary?!

  • Shana and Taylor

    By the way, i also love ur pictures!!!

  • Salmezan

    Thanks! So you are from the Phillipines eh? How are things over there?
  • Kath

    Hi there - sorry havent been on for ages. Have you managed to get a wig yet? Did you go to Hair creations or are you going for a vaccumm (may be better if you are very active) Let me know and more than happy to catch up if you want to chat. Kath