Celeste Edwards


Fishers, Indiana

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Indiana girl dealing with this CRAZY hairloss!! Growing stronger every day :) I'm here to meet new friends, be inspired and inspire others.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Drew

    Hey Celeste, welcome to Alopecia World. I hope you find the answers to some of your questions here and also the support you are looking for. It really is a great site with some great people.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Celeste. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Celeste, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Mary Sarra

    Hi Celeste, I can definately relate to how you are feeling. I have been dealing with AA for about 10+ years now. I still don't have the confidence to share with alot of people. I have tried the steroid shots and though they gave me new growth, I was still getting new spots just as quick. I have been wearing a wig now for what seems like forever. I went with a new freedom wig because it is so much like natural hair. I still have never enjoyed things in life that I used to. Real hard to feel normal when you have no hair. I have never been very vain, but it is harder as a women with no hair. I miss the things in life like swimming with my daughter, roller coasters and anything else I used to do. I still can't bring up the subject with my other half that I have been with almost a year. Not sure anymore if he knows or not. I think he was once told about it, but I also feel he forgot since we weren't together then. I can tell you, not sure if you know, there is a women in your area who holds support groups at the Fishers Library. her daughter has AU. Her email is sandyrust@netscape.net. I live in Kokomo and haven't been able to make one. Seems so far away when gas is so expensive. All I can say is keep your chin up. It could be worse. I am not much help since I can say I haven't felt normal in a very long time, but wanted you to know you are not alone.

    Take care, Mary
  • Linda

    Welcome Celeste!
  • Mandy

    Hi Celeste! Thanks for the sweet comment on my hair. ;o) I am from Chicagoland and I got my wigs out there. (Just moved to Fort Wayne about a month ago for school.) I went to a store in Willowbrook called Naturally Yours. I'm sure there's somewhere closer for you though that would be good. I haven't really looked into wig stores out here yet...I've been so busy at school I just haven't had time! But this short wig I have is a synthetic Jon Reneau. The longer wig I have in my pics is a synthetic Raquel Welch. Both are monofilament tops.

    I'm sorry to hear that your hair came back only to have it leave you again. :o( That is not easy, I imagine. Hang in there, girl! It's not so bad. ;o)

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Celeste,
    How are you today? I know how hard it can be. I have had alopecia for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" It might make you feel better. Check it out on my page -- and WELCOME!
  • Jenn

    thank you celeste! i too am sick of making lemonade. i think that this is the best site ever and will be talking to everyone constantly so that i don't go postal around here. i am in alvarado, tx which is actually just south of ft. worth so if you know of anyone here that knows about this stuff, that would be great.
  • Jenn

    you and i think alike!!! a big ol glass of wine sounds fantastic!
  • Amber Lounder

    Hi Celeste you've come to the right place Finding this site sved my sanity AA for me is brand new I had a full head of hair 2 months ago It's hard, but it gets easier There will be great days, good days and pissy days Chin up Big hugs :)
  • Jenn

    hey celeste, just checking on you to see how you are. im having a good day so i am thankful for that. went to the doc yesterday and that was depressing, but im better today. the mood swings are a little crazy!
  • Jenn

    well, i hung on to my hair as long as i could. i wore it up in a ponytail until that couldn't hide the bald spots and that is when i let it go. also had the problem of the hair all over the house and i was so tired of that and it was clogging up my vaccuum cleaner and that was a problem. i am having a good day today. it goes up and down as you know. i would commit myself if i could go to one of the cushy mental hospitals that you see in the old movies where they are painting flowers and are on some great meds - but i am so broke i would be in a straight jacket and drooling locked in a room so i figured out i just have to deal with it. i have decided against the wigs though because i just can't figure them out so it will just me the way i am. we went to lunch today and i could feel people staring and that bothers me. i am trying to not let it.

    anyway my email is jenn.rogers@hotmail.com.

    hope you are doing ok. we have a lot of plans for the weekend i have discovered that the busier i am the better i feel.

    have a great time with you sisters, that is always good for me so i hope you enjoy.
  • Lori M

    Wow... I can sympathize with you for sure. I have Alopecia Areata and have slowly been losing my hair since April. It is horrible and it is bloody hard to accept at times. I find myself buying wigs and then absolutely hating them so I still haven't gone into them. I know the vacuum wigs are the best but you know I just can't cut my hair off yet or shave my head. I have to do something before Jan 5 because that is when I return to work. I have been off on parental leave since Feb. I am soooo stressed about having some kind of plan in action before I return....Ugh.

    I just wanted to drop a line and say yup I am here struggling along with you. We can do this!
  • Lori M

    Celeste you are hilarious and that my dear will get you through this for sure! Your sense of humor reminds me of me! As I was reading everything I thought I have got a twin.... I love the drama!

    Sorry but had to laugh about the comment of shaving the sh$t off of your head.....You made me laugh. I have a bit more hair left but now the style has completely grown out and looks like crap and it will eventually come to the point where I shave it too. That scares the crap out of me but again I will deal with it.....

    I think meeting other people who are going through the same thing really helps so much. You are spouting out stuff that I am thinking. I think as we are going through these tough times it really helps to see people making it through it and celebrating their success at coming out of the pit....

    I am soooo glad your wig is working out for you. What kind is it or have I asked that before? Sorry my brain is foggy with this stupid bronchitis... So much fun being sick and chasing around after my anklebiter (daughter). Thanks for your comment and yes we agree she is beautiful....

    Just between you and me I can't wait for these toddler years to disappear.... I am so tired of having my finger taken and put on a picture and asked what "thad" is. It is a freaking cat just like the last time you asked me five minutes ago and regardless of the color or pattern of the cat it is STILL a freaking cat!!!!!!!!!! There ya go that is me venting! LOL...........Don't get me started on Barney or the Back Yardigans too! Grrrrrrrrrrr.... Tell me you have two beautiful children who you said were 4 and 8. How did you survive the years where the child can only point, grunt and scream?!
  • Linda

    You go girl! I hear you shaved your head, welcome to the "free world" of Baldness!
  • Lori M

    LOL Celeste! Prince! What song...raspberry Berret or When Doves Cry? It is finished! Yup I would need a couple glasses of wine in me for sure to do the DEED......
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Celeste,

    Thanks for the friend request.
    I like your page it's cute.

    Looking forward to getting to know you.

  • Cherylnz

    Hi Celeste,
    Just read your blogs and thought I would come here and say Hi.
    I hope your week has gone well.
  • Tony

    Hi Celeste, thanks for the add. Enjoyed your last blog...beer and Xanax, whooo hooo! Wish I would have thought of that the night I shaved off what was left!
  • JeffreySF

    Hello Celeste,

    You should be feeling a warm ocean beach vibe by now.
    It's another gorgeous day here. Gonna get out and enjoy it.

  • Lori M

    I looovvvveee Pink's new song. I can't figure out though what her hubby is doing in the video if she is divorced from the guy....Guess they must be on really good terms....
  • Mandy

    Congrats on the recent shave and the new hair! I can't wait to see a pic. You go girl.

  • Lori M

    I am serious.... Buzzard all the way! I inherited my mother's hooded eyes.... Darn her!
  • Jessica

    Hey Celeste, Good for you on the shave I just shaved mine today it feels great.
    Can I ask who your wig is by and what the name is? My family lives in Noblesville and I'd love to check out new wig shops to see what they have.

  • Jessica

    Hey what thyroid problems do you have?/ I have Hashimoto's disease which casue the hypothyroid. I just started Armour thyroid and love it. take a look at the website i found www.stopthethyroidmadness.com
    lots of great info.

  • Jessica

    Yes i feel great this is the second time I've shaved it off. the last 2 years have been filled with ups and downs but of it all I can say I'm learning to deal with the Alopecia and see the sunshine through the darkness.
    I've trualy walked in your shoes and made it through this time last year was the darkest time of my life my children and husband went through alot.
    lean on your fellow Alopecians for help but don't forget that your family loves ya not matter what!! Hey here is another great site if you've ever wanted to know about vacuum wigs they are beautiful www.newlifehair.com
    the owner is out here in Il by me and is soo nice and she too is AU
  • Jessica

    oh no my husbands family is in Noblesville but we are there often it's only 3 hrs away. I would love to get together with you hey did you know Bald Girls Do Lunch is coming to Illinois in Nov the 15th you should come out this way I heard it's great
  • Amber

    thanks for finding me!!
    i decided awhile ago that being angry because i had alopecia wont make my hair grow back. lolz. so everyday gets a little better and i do have those days where i feel like i've taken ten steps backwards.

    look forward to venting with you soon! haha!
  • Karen

    Awesome writing here Celeste - so very easy to relate to, it's like you've put many of my own feelings into words. I'm hooked and look forward to your next instalment.