John M.


United States

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About Me:
Hello everyone. I joined this site on Thursday, August 20th 2009. About 5 weeks prior, I noticed three spots on my head after a hair cut. I initially thought I had gotten a REALLY bad haircut and shrugged it off. After about 1.5 weeks, I noticed that the spots really haven't grown in at all. Upon closer examination, I realized they were completely bald.

3 weeks later, I went to my General Practictioner, then to my Dermatologist and they confirmed that I had AA. During the course of those 3 weeks, the original 3 spots got much worse (bigger), and about 4 more spots came up of varying sizes. Some coalesced together to form a bigger spot.

Anyway, needless to say, I was rather freaked out by the whole ordeal. If that wasn't bad enough, while at the doctor's office, I found out I also had high blood pressure. I'm unsure if the stress of my hair falling out contributed to it, or if it was just my general health.

Right now, I'm focusing on my blood pressure and trying to get that down naturally with excercise, diet, and weight loss. So far the numbers have come down, but still not below normal 120/80 ranges yet. I keep telling myself that the BP is the more important issue and the AA shouldn't bother me. Truth be told, it still bothers me.

If ALL that wasn't bad enough, all this happened just weeks before my 35th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDEED!!! :-)

Its exceptionally hard for me since my wife is working abroad for a few years. She's wonderful, exceptional, and supportive. However, SKYPE can only go so far. She's entirely strong and my rock though.

Anyway, I was reassured when I found this site and hope I can make some connections with many of you. I could certainly use some advice and support right now, and promise I will give the same in return.

Take care,

Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    Whats up? Is the rain gone?
    Glad you had a decent day too.
    So far my day is Easy Money.....Then I am off for 4 days Yipee!!!

  • Ernesto

    Hey, thanks for the welcome. Im sure you can relate, reading your story, it seems we're on similar time lines. I was diagnosed in July. This whole thing has been horrific to me. Some people have told me that it will go away. But I'm always looking at this from the negative side and am scared I'll loose all of my hair....what do you do in the meantime to stay positive?
  • Ernesto

    Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm sorry to hear there are other issues that need your focus. I hope you get through them with positive outcomes!
  • Ernesto

    Glad to hear your doing well, John. I just got back from seeing my Naturopathic Doctor. I started seeing her for other reasons, including a basic path towards a better lifestyle. She has high positive hopes for my AA also. So for the time being, she gave me hope. Other than that, I try my best to not think about it.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Sorry about this morning. I lost all internet connection.
    I went to the gym and had a good workout.
    Going to see a movie today. I think it's called Julie Julia. All about Julia Child I guess.
    Hope you are having a good day.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    His name is Rick Mills.
    I'll catch ya a little later.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    How's your day going?
    I'm off to the gym for a Step Class.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Had a good workout and a good day as well.
    Went down the Pennisula to San Mateo for some sunshine and warmer weather.
    We are starting to feel the chill in the air.
    Whats going on tonight?
    Dinner a litttle late (vegtable lasagna, brocholi and garlic bread with olive oil and balsalmic)
    Got the wine chilling now.

    Woo Hoo.
    Hope your evening is going well.

  • Robert

    Hi John

    I've been doing a lot better recently so I'm hoping that continues. I'm going to see the dermatologist on Monday so I'll no doubt do another blog after that.

    How's life treating you?
  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    The Lasagna was killer!!!
    I love cajun food too. Jambalya, gumbo, muffeletta sandwich anyone....Oh I think I told you I saw julie and Julia. Omg the food!!! Am I a foodie?

    I am off tomorrow and am doing the gym in the morning then we have our NAAF support group meeting tomorrow night.
    What's the plan on you end.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Ugh...I'm so sorry to hear you have 2 new patches. Grrrrr
    I'm here Buddy.

  • Heather L

    Hi John,

    I read your post about feeling down.... sorry to hear you are having a tough go of it at the moment. I sure hope it is short lived. I'm sure it sounds redundant to tell you AA is one "hilly" roller coaster ride! I've had AA for a very long time now-- fun! But it has been the last 5 years where I have consistent on going spots- both regrowing hair and new one starting- so I really do understand that heart stopping moment in the mirror when you see a new spot beginning. It hurts! And the haunting "what if's"......

    I use a steroid foam which I believe really helps keep the size of the spots in check- and speeds up re-growth. I know it does not work for everyone- but it has for me and I curious if you have tried anything like that? I do feel lucky to have long hair- I'm becoming a pro at hiding spots- and it is probably about time I buy stock in hair spray! :)

    When I get down I tend to dive into books- In One very inspirational book by Michael J. Fox regarding is life with parkinson's disease he writes: " “the unexpected crisis forced a fundamental life decision: adopt a siege mentality or embark on a journey. Whatever it was —courage? Acceptance? Wisdom? ---that finally allowed me to go down the second road (after spending a few disastrous years on the first) was unquestionably a gift. --and absent this neurophysiologic catastrophe, I would never have opened it, or been so profoundly enriched. That’s why I consider myself a lucky man”

    I remind myself of that and it always makes me feel a little better- regain perspective. We may have not choices or control with AA but we sure do regarding how to live with it- (and some days I need more reminding than others! I still have moments of tears & fears & insecurities -think that is totally "normal")

    Hope today is a better day,
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hi John! How are you today? It was great talking to you last night too. Really enjoyed it! Guess what??? I actually have hair on my legs The first time in months. Cant believe I am getting excited over hair on my legs...OMG! That is too darn funny. Now if I could just transplant that to my head :). Gotta run for now but I will be back on soon...hope to see you. Young and the restless time (soap)
  • Donna DeHoog

    LMAO!! Have a great dinner :) Talk to you soon :)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Goober...Haha
    Whats up? How was sushi? Did you check into the XFusion?

    Our meeting went really good last night with 2 new members. And....over the summer 2 other members grew all their hair back!!! It was so exciting!!!

    I'm off tomorrow but work saturday.

    Hope all is good with you.

  • Robert

    Hi John

    Hope you're doing a bit better and that you have a great weekend.

    I'm having a "down" spell but I'll be back up soon - hopefully!

  • Donna DeHoog

    Hi John! How was dinner? How are you feeling? Shaved the hair last night on my legs...nothing this morning :(. Kinda hate that I had that glimmer of hope. Woke up this morning and ran start for the shower in hopes I would have hair on my legs. I know i am being kinda silly. Just thought for a brief second if it was growing on my would be on my head too...oh well! I found this girl on this site...her name is Brittney....she has been wearing a wig for a while. Couldnt believe it by looking at her photos. It looks SO much like what my hair use to. Looking at her pictures this morning it making me feel much better. Anyway, enough gloom for now huh? LOL. Tell me more about you...where are you from? Married? Kids? I am from Memphis Tn...I live about 30 minutes north of memphis in Arlington TN. Really kinda hate it here. Ready for a big change but my parents are way are they going anywhere else :( so for now we are kinda stuck. My boys are over at their least three days a week....little stinkers. They love their Nanny and Poppy. Anyway gotta run...have to work tonight so have to get all my stuff done now. Take care and I hope to talk to you soon. Thanks for listening...I should probably say reading right? hahahahaha Talk to you soon!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hi John! How has your weekend been? One more night of work for me then off for 4 days...YAY! Hope you are having a good weekend. :)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Yep went to the park and soaked up some sun for about an hour. It felt really good. They were having a festival of some sort to so live music and dancing was going on too.

  • Kelly

    Thanks for your comments on my blog. I truly enjoyed reading your blogs and had was so amazed at the fact that each of them could have been written by me. This site is such a great opportunity to share with others and realize we are not alone in what we are going through.
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey you! How is this week going for you? I am off 4 days every week and work 3 12 hour shift on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Love the 4 days off but not so much working every weekend...oh well...such is life right? Anyway, did you go get that Nioxin shampoo? OMG...that such is expensive but it makes my hair look alot thicker than what it is. I actually leave the conditioner in it and do not rinse it. Makes it feel really soft like it use to :) If you come on in the next few minutes...add me in the chat. Hope to talk to you soon.
  • Heather L

    Hello John!

    so how are you feeling- a better week I hope!? I just read your post about taking showers....oh I feel ya!! Liquid plumber is getting a workout in my shower!!!

    Have a great evening!
  • Heather L

    Hey- How are you?

    Curious to hear how the Derm. appointment goes! Hopefully he/she will see some little signs of re-growth?! :)

    It's been a busy morning here. One of our company vans was in a car accident - fortunately the four men in the van all seem to be ok. So I have been sorting through all the accident reports and insurance info this a.m.

    fingers crossed you get some good news at the doc's office!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Stopping in to say hello.
    Hope you get some good news from the Doctor.

  • Heather L

    AWESOME NEWS!!! So happy! Hey- I think it is huge that the hairs are coming in dark! Mine have always started white fuzz and then turned to a darker color. But once the color is visible the growth really gets faster. So It stand to reason that your growth might really take off!! Yoo hoo!!

    Thanks for sharing the good news! :)
  • JeffreySF

    Pretty good news buddy boy!!!

  • Robert

    Sorry that I missed you on the chat earlier. I'm just not getting the knack of this at all!

    Your blog lifted my spirits today. I'm having a better week so far, focusing on the positive (regrowth in older spots) rather that the negative.

    Catch up with you soon...hopefully!!!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Whats going on? Are you celebrating?
    Had a good day here as well.
    It's white salmon for dinner tonight.

  • Kelly

    Hi John. Yes, I have been in Bakersfield for the past 23 years and I love it. I came here very reluctantly from Los Angeles. My husband was living here while we were dating and wanted me to give it a try for at least a year after we got married. Now I wouldn't leave it. We are only 1-2 hours from Los Angeles, the central coast, the Sequioas, etc. in either direction. It really gets a bad rap in the press, but it is a great city and great people!
  • Robert

    yes but you've got regrowth, regrowth and more regrowth. Stay focussed on the positive!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John! My hubby and I went out to eat at a sushi restaurant wasnt as horrible as I expected. I had the california roll and whitefish (raw)....wasnt really fond of the roll...shockingly the white fish wasnt bad as long as I put lots of wasbhi on it.....drank like 10 glasses of water with it though....hahahah! Had some seaweed salad too....OH MY....thought I was going to lose my cookies.....I think it is a texture thing. Anyway enough about was your day? I hope you are still staying positive....looked for you tonight but didnt see you in the chat :(. 4 MORE DAYS! WOOHOO FOR YOU!!!!! Talk to you soon :) Gotta get the kiddos cleaned up and to bed. Nitey nite!
  • Jeff W

    Hey "Brother" - I'm still around. I've been busy at work - that's what happens when yu return from 2 weeks off... Glad to hear you're growing some hair! Catch up with you later!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John.

    All is good and the white salmon was great.
    How are you doing? I'm so happy you are making some headway with the alopecia.
    I worked today and back again in the AM for another 12 hours.

    Hope your doing good.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Yep working away here. Off tomorrow but back again sunday. Grrrrr
    Anyway, Whats up with you for the weekend?

  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John! I wanted to thank you for the cheer up this morning. I am heading to work now and praying for a good calm night. Hope you have a great night. Dont forget the fish oil and red wine :) ...hehehe Have one for me too!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey john,

    Sorry we've been missing each other the past couple days.
    I bet you cant wait till the wife gets home. Hey whats her name???
    I'm free for a chat.

  • Heather L

    Hello John,

    How are you? Any plans this weekend?

    OK- I was eavesdropping....I had an acupuncture appointment on Friday while I was in the waiting room I heard a patient talking to another practitioner about her high blood pressure-- thought of you so I perked up to hear her suggestions. you may already know this is what she said.. To eat more garlic ( it relaxes blood vessels), up vit. C intake, eat nuts everyday (think it is the magnesium= Almonds), take omega 3's- fish or flax oil. and take 5oo mg of calcium with magnesium daily. :)! Any of that sound familiar to you? May want to run by your doc. first before you would start anything new...just wanted to pass along what I over heard.

    Have a great night.
  • Kelly

    Hi John. Happy Monday. How was your weekend? I had a great weekend! Three-day trip in the RV in the mountains with friends. Always a good time. Came home on Sunday to 106 temps in Bako. Ugh! Interstingly supposed to be 75 on Wednesday. What a difference. I'm ready for the winter!! Have a dermatology appt tomorrow morning for more shots. Trying to decide if I should continue. I'm seeing some progress, but other spots are popping up. Sometimes I feel that I'm just chasing them around my head.

    Have a great day!
  • Heather L

    Hello John!

    How was your weekend? All is well here- went to the Raven's football game on Sunday- they kicked butt! :) it was great. Do you like sports? Who is your team? ( after yesterday's game if you say the Browns...sorry!! HA)

    Well last night as I was putting on my steroid foam-- I think I see a new spot starting.... ugh! How's things with your hair?
  • Heather L

    Good Morning John,

    So you are also finding new little spots? ugh! Well I will cross my fingers (and anything else that will cross) that they stay small for both of us!! I do often get some that stay small- so it is possible. Sending positive thoughts your way.

    Enjoy the day!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John...sorry I missed you too! :( I am so happy for you that your wife is back tomorrow night :):):):):):). I have been busy for the last couple of days....with the boys...getting halloween costumes and fun stuff like that. How are you? I know you must be super excited about tomorrow!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Sorry we missed each other.
    Carol should be home soon right?

    Dinner last night was awesome. Chicken, mushrooms and mozzarella cheese baked till a golden bubbly.

    Have a super day.

  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John....keep missing you :(. Yeah!!! Your wife will be home today! :) So happy for you! Better be getting that house cleaned all up....heheheh...JK! Hope to talk to you soon!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey looks like I missed you again! I just wanted to tell you on hope you have a blissful reunion with Carol! I know it has been a long awaited reunion for sure! You guys enjoy each other!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John.....looks like we just missed each other :(. Day 15! Go enjoy your time with Carol! She is beautiful! You guys make a lovely couple!!!!!!! :)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    I'm glad to hear all is good with you.
    I worked today...12 hours. Not bad just a little tired you know....
    How long is Carol home?
    Sending you lots of well wishes!!!

  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    Just in from dinner out at a little french restaurant. Omg it was so good. Yep was off the diet for the night but I will be good tomorrow.
    Work saturday but off sunday so thats cool.

    Hope you are having a nice time with Carol this weekend.

  • Donna DeHoog

    Hi John! Sorry I disappeared early this little monkey decided to climb up on the table and knock half the dishes off the table. What a mess! Scared him more than it did me! I swear 3 years and their climbing1 Anywho...i am just sitting here at work. Been playing on this site now I guess for 2 hours. It has been the "q" word here tonight....sorry I do not ever say or type that word especially when i am at work....hehehehe. I have only one patient so if we are going to admit it is going to be my turn in the barrel! UGH! Just praying it stays "q". I hope you are having a good night. Enjoy your weekend!
  • Heather L

    Hello John!!

    Thanks for checking in! All is about the same here... still slathering foam all over my newest spot! Literally! (interesting you get pink at first too- how about itching? I will feel itching normally right before a spot appears.)

    Awesome news you wife is home!!! Is she home for good or will she have to go back to abroad? I'm sure it's tough being apart. happy she is home! Enjoy :)

    Anything fun planned this weekend?

  • Robert

    Hey buddy

    Hope you're doing well. Dropped you an e-mail with a couple of updates.

    Catch up with you soon