

Bronx, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I have had alopecia since I was 15. Although I have learned to deal with it. I think it is getting harder by the year. I do have a beautiful son and a wonderful boyfriend who understands the struggle I am going through
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Sabrina,
    Hello and welcome! How are you doing today?
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Sabrina. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Nicole

    Hey Sabrina,

    After reading your comment and are so right, we both have something in common. I know what you mean when you say things are getting harder by the year. You have found the right place to be. This website is very uplifting and has changed my thoughts about having alopecia. I am learning to embrace it and look at the positives everyday to keep me going. Your son is a cutie! Talk to u soon...Happy New Year!!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Sabrina, you can get my book on Amazon, or an other online bookstores, or Marketplace, or my author web site at
    Let me know how you like it, and a great big hug to you!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Sabrina, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder
  • Linda

    He's soooooooooooo cute! Welcome to AlopeciaWorld Sabrina!
  • Nicole

    Hey Lady

    Everything is good here.... we are just too excited about Obama being in the DC area!! I hope you and your cute baby are doing great!
  • Royalty

    Hi Sabrina, your son is sooooo cute!!!! Thanks for the compliment, yes I am wearing a lace wig in all of my pics. It was a relief for me because of the inflammation I had from various styling options.
  • Jeannine

  • Vicsta

    Hi Sabrina - thanks for the friend add and the hello! Your son is such a cutie pie. His eyelashes in the last pic are AMAZING LOL.

  • john

    hi Sabrina how are you?
  • Royalty

    Hey hun, stopping by to say hi. I hope you have a great week!
  • john

    i'm doing ok so hows everything going? i would like to chat with you if its ok with you?
  • Royalty

    I can't wait to see your pics and I hope you like it!! I think you will love it...I do lol!! Have you looked into lace eyebrows and individual lashes?
  • Vicsta

    Oh yes so true! Also do you notice how little boys often have those beautiful eyelashes?! I saw it the other day on a little boy and thought... hmmmm... that's just not fair!! LOL. x
  • john

    hi sabrina how are you today i hope everything is ok.
  • john

    you work too my day was ok thanks for asking. and yes i was thinking of you.... when are you normally on???
  • Vicsta


    Did you find any lashes for your lower lid? I found one set, but they do not look realistic at all as the hairs are in little groups rather than one long line.

    V x
  • Royalty

    Ok, well I havent wore the eyebrows but I do sell them. For the eyelashes the best ones are "individuals" they look more natural. I do mine myself because some of the places that do them here make it soooo thick it looks very fake or show girl lol. Try the individuals I think you will like them. But they are hard to apply yourself though.
  • john

    hi Sabrina i'm usually on b4 work but i am definitely on after work.... i am a boiler operator. do you only have one son?
  • john

    do you want anymore kids or 1 is good for now? you are young and beautiful. well i have 2 daughters ages 11 and 9.
  • Vicsta

    I don't use any eyelashes as am lucky enough to have kept mine... it's my eyebrows that are problematic - I lose part of the eyebrow... the outer part, then it comes back, then it goes.. it can't decide to stay! However, my friend has neither eyelashes nor eyebrows and she was talking to me about how she cannot find eyelashes for the lower lid so I was looking around to see if I can find any for her. I shall ask her about how she manages to keep the eyelashes on her upper lid, I can imagine it is really hard. I will let you know if I find out any helpful techniques. x
  • Vicsta

    Oh thanks hun... all information helps! Hope you're having a good weekend. x
  • Vicsta

    Thank you. I will pass the links on to my friend. x
  • Roman Da Ruler

    I didnt realize u were so close give me a call sometime I live in the BX/Yonkers
    Would love to meet and share our struggles
  • Roman Da Ruler

    347 873 6419
  • Sam Sam

    Hey i am in Morrisana. My sisters name is sabrina.