
31, Female

Albuquerque NM

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I have AA my entire life and up until i was 15 I dealt with the task of trying to cover up my many bald spots with what little hair I had. Finally I shaved my head. So now its 7 years later and I'm more comfortable with myself. I'm in a loving relationship with a person that loves me with or with out hair and has supported me through all my ups and downs with hair loss.
Things about me that have nothing to do with hair. I'm an animal lover, I enjoy spending my day hanging out wiht my dog. I love playing soccer, hiking, camping, pretty much anything outdoorsy. Right now I'm in college and thats proving the biggest challenge so far.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Luaren, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Dawn

    Hi and welcome Lauren!!!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Lauren,
    I'd love to know about your alopecia story. I've had it for about 30 years. I just stopped by to say hello and welcome!
  • lauren

    If any one wants to talk or email heres mine
  • Frankie

    Hi Lauren. This is a neat website. I am glad you are a part of it. :)
  • Pamira Jakobsson

    Hi,Thanks for your words. have you lost spots of hair or have you lost your hair totally? I think that everyone on this community are so surprising brave and strong. Is this just a front that they are using to cope with this?
  • Melissa Harris

    Hi Lauren,
    I live in Albuquerque too!! What doctor do you see here?? I went to Dallas to see a specialist because no one here knew anything about alopecia. You can e-mail me too, my e-mail is I am 37 years old and never experienced this ever until now. I would love to talk to you!!
  • Melissa Harris

    Hey Lauren,
    Is Dr. Strange here in New Mexico? How are you doing? Did you start school?
  • Melissa Harris

    Hey Lauren! I'm ok, thanks for asking. Just trying to figure out what is my next move, I guess I'm gonna start wearing hats more but I'm hoping that this will start to slow down and go into remission. This AA is crazy! Anyways, why didn't your wig work out? Did you get it here in Albuquerque? I couldn't find a good place here in New Mexico for wigs at all. I'm curious where you got yours? As your wig not a good one or you just didn't like wearing it?
  • Melissa Harris

    what kind of wig was it? Was it a lace front one or just a plain regular one? I'm sorry to hear that they are not comfortable, I was told that there are some that are better than others but they are really expensive too.
  • Ben Wade

    nothin much.... how 'bout u?
  • Connor Chapman

    SWEET! im a right mid. but sometimes i play right forward
  • Heather Marie Brown

  • Megan

    am good thanks how are you?
    howz your hair?
    you been wearing the wig or?
    love megan x
  • Heather Marie Brown

    I'm doing fine..just tired. I work alot so I don't get to spend much time with my family, but when I do we have movie nights and veg out watching movies that I have brought home from work.
  • Megan

    Fair enough about not wearing the wig.I got a hairpiece to try and cover up the back but its really unconfortable aswell so I don't really wear it either.
    It's coming back in a little.
    What else you been up to?
    Love Megan x
  • JeffreySF

    Hi laureen,

    I cant wait for the t shirts

  • Megan

    Yeah they really should,considering how long you have to wear them for if you're waiting on regrowth,and even longer if its permanent.
    Emm,nothing much.Spend basically all my time doing homework at the moment.I just got two kittens - they're absoloutely gorgeous.And I went to London to see a show in the Westend.It's my birthday next week so thats why my mum took me to London.
    Love Megan x
  • Lorena

    HI Lauren! ..just remmeber high school sucks for everybody, whether you are fat (like me) the nerd , have acne NO ONE IS EXEMPT ...the really nice thing is it ENDS! AND YOU NEVER HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN!..kisses and hugs..
  • Megan

    yeah they're called simba and saffie. i don't really like the names but my mum and dad picked them lol. what are your cats called?
    love megan x
  • Mukti

    Hey Lauren,
    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
  • Erika Vincent

    Helllo :)
  • Chris Daly

    Hi Lauren Chris from Los Alamos here. yea New Mexico 505