M. Luk


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I was just diagnosed with Alopecia areta in July of 2009 and lost all my hair by August 2009. Western doctors have not been much help and made me feel helpless and hopeless. I turned to Chinese medicine and accupunture. My hair is starting to grow back in patches just like it feel off in patches. However, I'm still so new to Alopecia that it's hard to say if it is really working. I am happily married with two wonderful children. I'm starting to see hope now, with the help of chinese medicine. I would like to eventually get to a point where I would be comfortable in public being bald even though it doesn't bother me to wear a wig. I feel very lucky that of all things I had to have, it would only be cosmetic. At least I didn't lose and arm or my sight, hearing, etc. At this point, the upside is that I never have to worry about a bad hair day with my new wig :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • John M.

    Welcome to Alopecia World!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hi! I was just reading your profile. I am so happy for you that acupuncture is working for you. I have had hypothyroidism for almost 2 years....started losing my hair in december and it really hadnt stopped until about a couple of days ago...hope I dont jinx myself. I have been receiving acupuncture therapy for 2 weeks now and almost taking herbs recommended by him. I have been off my thyroid medication for 5 days now! :):):):):) Western medication and MD's have done nothing for me except put me on synthroid which made me feel HORRIBLE! Keep it up...I hope it continues to work for you!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome!
    How are you doing today?
  • JeffreySF

    Came across your page today.
    How's eveything with you?

  • JeffreySF

    Give yourself as much time as you need.
    Are you attending any support groups?

    All is good here thanks.

  • Margeaux

    Hi M, Was just reading about your decision to use chinese medicine. I would love to chat with you. I have been seeing a TCM woman in San Fran for about a month now. Would love to hear about your experience. I live in Oakland California with my husband.
  • Margeaux

    I think I am finally reaching that stage of not wanting to focus on my hair loss. I think initially I was in denial because accepting a disease that I have no control over felt really overwhelming. Ironically once I did accept the fact that this disease will run its course despite my decisions I felt calm. I agree it is still a process...one that I need to be patient with.
  • John M.

    Hi there! I see you've gotten fairly active on the site...great!!! I saw a recent post of yours that said your hair loss has gotten worse. I'm sorry about that, but do hope you're managing/coping well. All the best.
  • Lynn

    I love your outlook, you're so positive. That's great! And I agree about not having bad hair days. :)
  • Margeaux

    I am so so so sorry. Are you okay? I would be up for meeting for tea if you want. I keep hearing that losing the eyebrows and eyelashes is the hardest part. I'm not sure if I will reach that point, but I am trying to not overwhelm myself with future conjectures. Like you said, take it day by day. Having said that, I recently came across a members page that had a lot of good beauty tips as well as a website. The address is alopeciabeautytips.com. It made me feel like there are solutions to the challenges alopecia presents to us all. I also heard that you can swim with vacuum wigs. : } Keep me posted and stay in touch.
  • Karina

    M.Luk..what wig do you wear..its amazíng...how do you attach it?
  • Karina

    Thanks a million!! It´s your hair
  • MiNAH

    i have tried everything, including chinese herbs.Yet only got a little back in all the wrong places.Thin on top, pigmented, sparse, & a coarse fluffy frumpy mess.
    I had long hair when it fell out & then I had alopecia totalis.
    Now I have alopecia areata, however shave & go totally B-A-L-D!