
42, Female

edinburgh, scotland

United Kingdom

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About Me:
6 years ago since I first lost my hair and its now april 2014. I had a full head after 3yrs and then its been in and out like mad, its just now growing and falling out which is so frustrating and confusing. I have lost a lot this time and was also diagnosed with a disease called endometriosis which I believe is what could have made my hair loss happen or worse. I still don't know how to cope with alopecia and just now wearing a hair piece while waiting on a wig for safety in case I lose more hair. Took a step back from this group as I was feeling positive with my hair but feel like im back to square one. Needing some support around me to help me accept whats going on.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Heather L

    Hey Stranger!

    How are you? How's the new growth coming along?? getting long I hope!

  • Heather L

    Hi Lynne,

    so happy to hear you still have signs of re-growth! I sure you do wish it was coming along faster- but it is coming along. I don't know if you shaved if it would help it to come back evenly- in my experience with my spots- they don't grow in even. I also have little areas of white fuzz and then darker hair...and at some point usually about 5 to 6 months it all catches up and becomes all dark hair..... so I do think all the fine white hair will catch up!

    My hair is mostly the same- I have about 8 spots all in different phases.... some total loss and some with a good amount of fuzz. I just wait and hope for the day to come to actually go an entire day without worrying or thinking about AA at all!!! :)

    Have any weekend plans? This week went fast.....

  • Heather L

    ha ha! gosh is it just me or have you also noticed how recovering from to much alochol takes longer than ever! I must be getting old! Hope it was fun a night!
  • Steve Edwards

    Hi lynne, thanks for the add :)
  • Steve Edwards

    Not too bad. Quiet. You?
  • Kayleigh George

    Hi Lynne, Im good thankyou! Life is being great as I have had treatment and my hair is coming back. Hows you?
  • Kayleigh George

    Heya, aw im so happy for you too! Yes that is a human hair wig and only cost £100! I had vitamin b12 and iron injections, the dermatologist said my body had gone into shut down :s . Bit scary to think of! Did you have any treatment?? my hair went white so i shaved it off, then it came back jet black!!! Its about 2cm now!
    How about yours?
  • joannesummerside

    im good today lynne hows you .
  • Judy Taylor

    Thanks Lynne ,Im just home from nite shift and ready for my bed the poor dogs wont get a walk today, all 4 of them.
    Im not bad some days goo some days bad.
    Hope your ok and foun some nice wigs take care my dear love Judy xx
  • Kayleigh George

    Yes, my hair is longer on top than the sides and back. But Im just going to see how it comes out like now. Do you find it really itchy? Cos mine is like hell..... and looks like i have bad dandruff but i dont! Lol
    Yes I have to have iron injections and vitamin b12. They think I was born with this and it was never diagnosed!
  • Jacqueline

    Thanks for your message Lynne. How are you? I hope you're enjoying the summer. How are you finding the wigs?
  • Judy Taylor

    Hi Lynne im a RN working in operating theartes nite shift yes i get tired and grumpy too!!
    Love my dogss they never look at me any differently which is great. hope your weeks been fun xx
  • Kayleigh George

    Yes trying different foods can help. Also you maybe tired as your hair is growing and your body is focusing on that :)
    I very rarely wear a wig now. Im getting more confident with how I look, still dont like looking in a mirror though!
  • Kayleigh George

    AW yeh its good because it helps you come to terms with it more! Ive always been with out anything on my head when im at home and with close friends. Luckily or should I say unluckily Ive had friends who ave had chemo so there is alot of support and alot of my close friends dont even react its just me. But then there are other people I wouldnt of even thought of being without a scarf!
    Yes I dont wear wigs unless im going to want long hair! I found it hard at work I was too hot and couldnt focus on the job. But my work colleages are amazing!
  • Kirsteen Forrest

    Hiya Lynne! Thanks for contacting me. I stay half way between Edinburgh and Glasgow in a small town called Armadale (nr Livingston). Is it Edinburgh town that you stay? I dont know anyone locally who is suffering from AA like me either, so know what you mean- nice to have people to talk to that completely understand. If you need to talk or ask questions, feel free. Hope you're ok? K x
  • Kirsteen Forrest

    Hiya Lynne! Yeh i'm fine. Glad ur ok too. I have had Alopecia for over 4 years now. It started as Alopecia areata and within 4wks of noticing that I had alopecia totalis then universalis. 6 Months after that I noticed fine white hair coming in on my head, then my eyelashes and brows started coming back slowly. I kept getting more and more white hair over 2 years and then my normal hair started to return and was nearly all back by start of 2008. I fell pregnant May 2008 and my hair went competely back to normal but unfortunately 4mths after baby Matthew was born I noticed it falling out again and then a large bals spot, has kept gettin worse so shaved the rest of it off last Friday. I do know how you feel, the first time round I was devastated and could hardly get through a day without thinking about hair and just breaking down crying. This time round, yeh I would prefer to have hair and was a bit p'd off but am handling it so much better. I couldn't wear a wig, found it to uncomfortable and with a little boy was worried about it getting pulled off, so I lived in scarves first time round. This time i'm going au naturale (except when freezin) and I feel more free (scared at times but still free). It will take time Lynne, its the mental affect that alopecia has on us as woman that's hardest to deal with but you will get there (you right this site does help). Try and keep upbeat and the hairgrowth sounds very promising - dont give up hope!!!!! I'm here if you need to talk. Oh and yeh I know Ratho, used to pass through it when I worked in Edinburgh. Take care and chin up. k x
  • Ceecee

    Hi Lynne, thank you for your welcome, much appreciated! I am ok and glad to be a member, how are you?
  • MiNAH

    Did you get the picz?
  • MiNAH

    I'm so glad!
    I am fine..did you read my blogs and see my new video?
    I had some hair there and I shaved it off for my Prosthesis.
    Glad I did..cause I'm never going to wear it like that again.
    I also have new glasses"SPECS"
    All the best
    Anna Mina
  • Tracy Fensome

    Hi Lynne

    Thank you for your posted email. Yes permanent makeup would definitely help with the defining of your eyes particularly if you have lost the eyelashes.You should seek an experienced permanent makeup technician that specialises in alopecia. This is a skill not for the new technician.

    With your complexion I would suggest a very natural eyeliner in a subtle colour to enhance your eye colour and define those eyes.

    You will find the prices vary but be careful cheaper does not mean you will get the best service and quality pigments. You will belooking around £425 for this procedure and should last approximately 2 years.

    Have you also considered having the eyebrows done?

    Hope all this helps. Where are you based?
  • Kayleigh George

    Hi Lynne, how are you? Hows the hair growth going??
    Hows life at the moment?
  • Sharan

    Hey Lynn, hope you are well.
    Im off to Glasgow on 3rd Oct for a meet up with other alopecians.
    I get the Edin - Glassgow train, you are more than welcome to come if it interests you. Take care
  • Kayleigh George

    Im happy your hair i still regrowing. Your eyelashes will come back as mine did and even stronger! Yes i do that as well when i see someone with really nice hair.. usually tied up!
    My hair is falling out again :( But the specialist said that the type ive got takes ages for the body to settle down and can fall out 6 times :(
    So im backto wearing wigs... got to buy some more as some are falling apart :(
    A week off, you doing anything nice?
  • Sharan

    Hi Lynne
    I know how nerve wracking it can be but would be good for you. About 10 expected. Usually head 1pmish back tea time (5-6). There are a core 4 regulars and more and more join each time. We sit have a drink and chat loads. if you can't make it, we will definately have to meet up soon.
  • Sharan

    Hey Lynne.
    Dont worry about not making it tomorrow. I am sure when you are good and ready you will take the step. I was extremely nervous on my first meet so i totally understand. Hope to catch up soon
  • janet davis

    Hi Lynne, thanks for leaving the wee note. I have shaved my hair now.. Left some hair... have started steriod treament on my scalp, have had some growth on a few of the patches...
  • Robert

    Sorry to see the latest update Lynne. This alopecia is a right pain in the arse isn't it?!?! We will beat it though!!!!
  • Robert

    I'm still searching for that magic cure! One thing for sure is that the NHS in Scotland don't have a bloody clue, do they?

    I'm going to a specialist "hair clinic" at the Southern General in Glasgow in a few weeks time...fingers crossed that this next doctor actually gives a sh*t and understands this condition cos I'm beginning to lose hope in the medical profession.
  • MiNAH

    Hi Lynne!
    It's been some time & your page is fantastic.
    I have read some of the comments & it's so refreshing that everyone can come together sharing emotions, experiences, triumphs, & adversities.
    All the very best & although I have had this for 39 years...time does not heal the wounds of hair loss.
    You become resiliant, strong, adapting to all circustances & adversities life has in store;)
  • Robert

    Hi Lynne

    Thanks for leaving the nice comments on my blog. I'm just trying to focus on the positive before I drive myself mental! I'm going to the derm at the hospital in Glasgow in a couple of weeks time so I'm hoping that this one gives a toss - haha! I'll keep you posted.

    How are you doing? Hope you had a good weekend.
    Take care
  • Robyn Kirk

    I like ur dog..........its cute!
    Keep smiling too!
  • Carol

    Hi Lynne,
    Okay, first of all I have to come and visit you LOL I love Scotland! I started my support group through NAAF which you can do as well through a small donation and an application ( but it's not hard to start one completely on your own either then you can always link with other groups in the area/country. I'm pretty sure the UK has a group or two.
    Even without forming an official group you can still plan get togethers at someone's home, restaurant or community center, etc. I put an ad out in the local paper and informed as many local alopecians as I could online and after one year I have about 40 members (only a handful or two make it out to any given meeting though). If you're friendly with anyone in the media you can perhaps also persuade them to give you a hand and get the word out. That's all I can think of at the moment but if you have any other questions I'd be happy to try and answer them. Take care :)
  • Heather L


    I hope you have a great day!!!

  • Robert

    Happy birthday Lynne!!!
  • Heather L


    that's great you had a nice birthday! Birthday's are for spoiling! Which Wii game did you get?? Hope you dinner was one of your favorites! :)

  • Joy

    Hi Lynne..just wanted to stop by and tell you i was thinking of you. i was thinking of ways to start a support group and i wonder if you talked to the local hair loss clinics or the wig shops in your area if you could generate some interest that way. there may be a group through a hair loss clinic. anyway just wanted you to know i was thinking of you!! hope you're feeling better. i know its an emotional roller coaster!!
  • Rachael Louise Salmond

  • Paddy Clarke

    My hair srarted to grow back on about 6 weeks ago I really thought It was coming back I shaved it off and that was it ,it didn`t come back Boo oo oo never mind It`s been off 4 years now so I`ve got used to it.Paddy Clarke
  • vari

    Hi Lynne, Thanks for making contact. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply!!! I haven't checked site for ages, so I don't know what you are up to. Are you trying to get a group together in Edinburgh?
  • Joy

    You are welcome for the message. i wish you well with the wig shop thing. i actually go in today for a new one and the people are very nice there. i hope you can get in a support group as its so nice to actually sit down with someone in person and talk!! i should ask about one here. you are in my thoughts and prayers as we go through the same journey!! take care and wroite anytime!!
  • vari

    If you want to meet up for a chat some time let me know. I can come through to Edinburgh if you want. I haven't found anywhere locally that really offers any support ie. caring attention with wigs, or make-up. I actually toyed with starting something up myself, but I can tell you all about it if/when we meet. I will be happy to help you with any support group if I can. I have heard about the Glasgow group. You should have gone... maye next time. A coffee and cake will help! Let me know when!
  • vari

    I'l catch up with you tomorrow and we can organize when suits. The Gyle would be handy for me as I am coming from Stirling. If you want we could maybe go to the next meeting in Glasgow together. It is quite a daunting thought, although from what I have read in the blog already - you are a tough cookie and you would have been fine. You have been very brave already so don't you worry. it'll all be ok. Hope to meet you soon.
  • Helen Wallwork

    Hi Lynne, thanks for your welcome message. I find this site inspiring - bless the internet for bringing so may like minded people together.

  • Sue Helaine

    Wishing you the best Lynne. I feel your anguish! It's so hard, but I must admit, but since signing up for AW a few weeks ago, I find the support very calming/healing. I hope it is for you too!
  • Kirsteen Forrest

    Hiya Lynne! How's you? Well I hope. Kirsteen x
  • Kirsteen Forrest

    Hiya! I'm doin well, (always) tired as wee Matthew teething non stop but fine. Sorry to hear you've had a bad spell and hope you're feelin a bit better. I've not been online for a while but have just read about you gettin some white regrowth. Is this still the case? I hope so. That's how my hair started coming back in before. If I can help or you wanna ask me anythin about that Lynne please feel free. Love K x
  • Kirsteen Forrest

    Lynne that sounds exactly like what happened to me. My hair came in like that around 3 years ago. The white hair kept coming in until it covered most of my head (like you said the back and around the ears came in last). It took a while but got thicker and then started coming in dark again - so fingers crossed for you (real good sign tho)!!!!!!!! I think if my hormones hadn't changed due to pregnancy i'd still have a full head of hair, my doc cant say for definate but thinks it too. I haven't lost all my hair this time but had to shave it. I have white hair coming in too now and a little dark hair left from before.
  • Kirsteen Forrest

    Soz Lynne, I have no idea! Sharan might know tho as she goes. Are you her friend or do you want me ask her? If you find out, could you please let me know? I think that's great that you'd be interested in forming an Edinburgh Group - I'd defo be interested. K x
  • Kirsteen Forrest

    My hair fell out the first time in Feb 2005 and it fell out very quickly (over a few weeks), it started as AA went to AT within a month or so and then to AU (no hair anywhere) within another month or so. I started gettin the white fluffy hair around 6-7 mths after that but it took around 2yrs from when it first fell out til I started gettin the dark patches. My hair started to fall out this time about 4mths after having Matthew (end of June 2009) but it hasn't all went this time, still AA so hopefully it wont go as bad as last time. I hated havin no eyebrows or eyeashes last time, that somehow felt worse than losin the hair on my head - I was devestated. I seem to lose more hair down my left side of my head, face and body - it's so weird!!! Have lost most of my lashes on left eye but kept most of the brow, my right eye and brow is fine. My nails are terrible too, all pitted. flaking, lifting of nail bed etc. Are your nails ok? Thats great you're in contact with someone in the same boat. I havent yet met anyone with Alopecia accept on this site
  • Kirsteen Forrest

    Ta Lynne, but i'm fine this time. Think it must be because nothin that happens now can shock me - been there done that kinda story. God, no wonder you got a shock all that happening to you within a fortnight! Your dermatologist wouldnt say that your hair will grow back if he/she wasnt quite sure - everyones frightened of gettin suide now. Anyways will keep in touch but'l have to go to bed now before Matthew decides to get up ha ha. Take care Lynne and chin up!!!!! K x x x