Alexandra Youmazzo


Valencia, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I was diagonosed with Alopecia areata at age 6 I am now 8.

My profile picture was taken by Jennifer Wilson and won her Los Angeles Best Childrens Photographer of the Year and Best of Show at.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Alexandra Youmazzo

    Check out Order their school kit and dvd. watch it with her. There is also a book called the girl with no hair that helped Alex alot. Good luck.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Alexandra, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Alexandra Youmazzo

    Thank you for the welcome
  • Tina

    YAY!!! I'm so happy that you guys are on here! =) Welcome! This is the best place ever and has helped me so much! And I know with all the knowledge and courage that you and Alex will be a great help and support for everyone here. I'm so excited.
  • Cindy

    Hi Alexandra..Welcome to this great group of Alopecians..I have a 6 yr old daughter with Alopecia..You are a beautiful young lady...Cindy
  • Tina

    Hey there! I was reading your reply to one of the discussions and I didn't even realize Alex was starting to loose her lashes and eyebrows. =( How is she handling that? AND I didn't know that her and I were diagnosed around the same time. I was diagnosed in May of 07. Anyway...just let her know that if she ever needs anyone to talk to or she's feeling sad or whatever, and wants to talk to someone who understands what she's going through..I am here!! Any time, no matter what!
  • Annette Duran

    I would love to use her. Let me just get all my info together and to talk to my production team. Can you please send me your email. Alex is such a cutie pie!
  • Tina

    Happy Thanksgiving!! =)
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Alexandra,
    How are you?
    Tracy and Amanda
  • Samantha

    Hi Alex
    School is going awesome. Today was the 15th day of school. And I am doing a new subject. It is called Technology. We get to use computers. How is school for you? I am making a scrapbook and I put you and I in the scrap book from Alopeicapalooza. write soon, Samantha
  • Samantha

    hI Alex . I've been in school for 29 days.How many days have you been in school?