
40, Female

Santa Clarita, CA

United States

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Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
My name is Tina and I was diagnosed with Alopecia in May of 2007. I have gone through various treatments including creams, shampoos, natural pills, steriods, and injections. Here I am a little over a year after being diagnosed, and I have finally decided to stop all treatment. Although my hair has grown back a couple times, it's fallen out each time, and it seems like each time it happens, it's just as hard to deal with as the first. I am trying to keep my hope and faith alive through this entire life changing experience, and finding a place like this helps so much. It's very comforting to know that I'm not alone in this and that everyone here feels the sadness, pain, and strength that I do. My hair was everything to me and this has been the most difficult and emotional experience of my life. However, I have learned a lot about myself, life, and the blessings I have because of my family, friends, and boyfriend who love me and have been by my side through it all.

So, even though I sound like I'm this totally depressed person, I'm not, and I don't let Alopecia run my life. Plus, I have a great wig! lol! I love going out, hanging out with my friends & boyfriend, spending time with my family, going to the gym, and just having a good time. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Liberal Studies, and am currently getting my teaching credential.

I look forward to meeting people who can share their stories, provide inspiration, be a shoulder to lean on, give advice, and just be a friend. =)
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • Terri

    Hey Tina:
    I was just reading your story and looking at your pictures. You look great! Your wigs are awesome. That is great that you did not loose your eyelashes and eyebrows. My daughter who is 12 has AU. She has good days and bad days. Where do you get your wigs? I also put in a friend request. Have a great day.
  • Terri

    Hey Trina:
    Good to hear from you. That's good that you have not lost your eyebrows and eyelashes. Sometimes I think that is the hardest for my 12 year old. She uses eyeliner, but of course would not think about false eyelashes. I know when she is about 16 she can get her eyebrows tatooed on so of course we will do that. We have wonderful support through our family and friends. This is going to be tough with this age because alot of her friends are in to boys. I don't think she is because she has lost her confidence in her self. That breaks my heart. She was a very confident person before AU. So I am trying to do things to help restore that!
  • Natalie

    Hi Tina- Thanks for the add! I saw in your pictures that you ran a marathon- that is awesome! I just ran my second half-marathon this past weekend with my dad, and we had a really fun time. How many have you run? I would love to run a full marathon someday, but my knees are messed up from years of basketball in high school, so I think I might be sticking with the half marathon. I just shaved my head and my favorite part of it has been that it is so easy to run now without having to worry about a ponytail, or my hair getting sweaty, or having to wash my hair in the shower afterwards. I love being bald haha! Talk to you soon.