
30, Female


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Hi, my name is Madelyn Iris Munsell. I am 19 years old. I am a sophomore at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Go Tigers!

I love being bald.
And I make my own music. So look out for me!
Look for "madelyniris" and "11:59" on youtube!

update 9/3/11:
I now have eyelashes, peach fuzz on my head, and have located two strands of hair that are about an inch long protruding from my scalp. I am a little confused.

thank you. that is all. :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Maddy! I'm so glad you're here! I've had alopecia universalis for about 20 years. I even wrote a book about it called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" You can find out more about it on my page.
    I can understand how hard it is to enter school, but just let your wonderful personality shine through. The good people will be your friends.
    Hugs, LeslieAnn
  • Dawn

    Hi and welcome Madelyn!!
    Just remember your hair does not define who you are inside. Just be yourself and you will find out your true friends.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi madelyn, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • carly

    hey madelyn,
    you seem like a great person,
    im sure you will do good in high school,
    dont worry about your hair. :)

  • Nick

    yeh the creams are a waste of time i think.. i think some of them are meant to irritate your scalp or something to prompt action... all its done for me is give me dry skin on my hands now :/ nevermind.

    And yep i do miss my hair!!! everyday infact... but the thing with our types of alopecia is that there is potential to regrow hair. its NOT permanent so NEVER give up :)) i'm not and believe my hair WILL grow back haha. and who knows.... maybe someone will be clever enough to come up with an effective cure :)
  • Max

    omfg i love them all hahaah i have like 77855555555555555555555555555555555555555667999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 favoirate bands and more xD
  • Peyton

    You're pretty to!
    So you live in Illinois?
    My mom grew up their and my aunt(my moms twin) is living their now!
    I hope the bill does pass!!!!
  • abby lawson

    hey i am 12 and i think you are a pretty girl
  • Ashley

    Omg!!! Thats way cool!! I'm going to SIUC! do you go to school at SIU? You're the closest person I've met that lives to me. =) Its great to find someone.
  • Ashley

    oh sorry...just saw it said you are 14,. haha. my bad
  • stacy

    i've never tried to style a wig, im a chicken.
  • Becky.

    i've been 2 alot of there concerts lol.
    i live in evergreen park!
  • Nycolette

    thank you you are really beautiful too.
  • Shana and Taylor

    What is an oncologist???? It sounds cool but I have no IDEA what it is!!!
  • Shana and Taylor

    Well...hope you get to be an oncologist!!!! I have been good!!! How are you?

  • emilie

    I just read your about me :)
    Im 15 too!! And ive had alopecia since I was 12.
    I am very curious about the 'speach'' your friends have memorised if someone asks what you have. Could you please tell me ? lol
    Im trying to find good ways to answer people when they ask me what I have, and im looking for open suggestions :P
    I hope we will get to talk :)
    Have a nice day!

  • emilie

    Hi Maddy :)

    Omg your story is interessting! I red it like non stop I was into it lol.
    Your classmates know that you are bald?
    Mine dont, only my closest friends know. So thats like 10-11 people (at school) and like my other friends they dont know.
    They all have different ways to support me ;
    One of my friend, Caroline, she just always tell me to ignore them,and she talks me out of it and listens to me whenever I need her too
    Another one, Philippe, he is always defending me, he doesnt care what people think,but when it involves me feeling down he can yell and would even get into a fight, but im always telling him : look it doesnt matter>>
    and my friend Melanie, I dont even have to tell her, I just give her this look , and she knows and juste asks me : Who? and she can just go up to them and say : do you have a problem? >>
    and all of my other friends have other ways of helping me and supporting me and getting me threw a hard day. I really love them, they all mean so much to me and I dont know what I would do if they weren't here.

    At the beginning, I thought it was horrible that I was losing my hair and that it might not grow back was like a nightmare to me. Now, im not even thinking of when it will grow back, im just concentrating myself on right now and hopefully I will have a good day.
    And I personally think that it's okay to have bad days, because it makes the good days great and I really appreciate good days.

    Sorry lol when I start writing its hard to stop :P

    It was really nice to get your message :)
    thanks! and I hope you dont get bored of mine :P

  • Therese

    Hi! They are natural-loocking :) on pic nr 3 on my page you can se my wig from there!
  • emilie

    Yeah friends are awsome. Me and my friends , we are always there for eachother.
    Aww so youve pretty much lived with alopecia your whole life. Im kinda new at having it ( since im 12) but I am completely adapted to it. Of course sometimes I wish I had my hair too, but lately ive been thinking that at the same time, a wig is easier and when you have AU , you dont have to wax! :D
    but yeah I wish I had eyebrows and eyelashes...
    I never let anyone see me without my wigs. Seriously, not even my family. Sometimes , I let my little sister ( she is 13) see me with a hat on, but never my brother or my parents. I dont know, I just dont feel comfortable without my hair on.
    I dont know what kind of wig I have. I have 4 wigs, they are all the same.
    Lol, my little sister's friend, she knows that I have alopecia and everything , and her and my sister are always going in my room taking a wig each and walking around the house ( when theres no guests or anything ;p) and just having fun and pretending they are twins. Its pretty funny lol.

    Yeah I know that song from switchfoot! I love the lyrics.
    Canada is great lol! It has been really warmer these past few days, I cant wait for summer!!! :D
    Hows USA?
  • emilie

    Yeah lol! My little sister's friend is like ALWAYS at my house, she practically lives here. So I really dont mind her playing around with my wigs lol! :P
    But my friends they dont play with them lol
    haha I love your respond : " oh yeah. Mine are exceptionally smooth this year'' HAHAHA , its funny ;)
    Yeah I guess its easier that people dont know, since ive had hair practically my whole life. But I like that people dont know that im bald, maybe later on in my life i'll want people to know, but not right now.

    We had alot of snow this winter, not as much as last year, but we still had some. We have a cottage up north, and we go skiing 2 weekends per month. I snowboard and ski, so thats pretty much why I like winter!
    But I really cant wait for summer, the sun, pool, the beach!:)
    Wow you buy all sorts of wigs! mine are about 1 200$ each, they are real hair and everything, so its pretty expensive, but I think it looks real does it? I really like my wigs!

    OMG I LOVE music so much too!!! One of my friends , he's a musician and he writtes these amazing songs and I love when he sends them to me. I get so excited when he says : I wrote a new song! :D
    Im always listening to my ipod and I just love all sorts of music, I dont have a favorite song, I like pretty much everything.
    I used to play violin, flute and piano, but not anymore. And lately my friend ( the musician) he "tried" to teach me guitar, but that didn't go that well. :P

    Please write back! :D

  • Moni

    Dear Maddy,
    I want to say thank you for "stopping" by my page. I really appreciate all you shared. As a parent, you want the very best for your children. I am grateful that she can sing, dance, yell, run, have friends, etc. As you know Alopecia (especially universalis) attracts a lot of attention. When people take that double look and don't bother smiling or when they are just plain rude and won't look away even after they know I'm staring at them, that takes alot of my strength to hold back. Its God holding me. I have what you might consider a strong personality and believe when I say I hold back. I do it for my girl. She doesn't notice that they're staring cause she has no hair. She doesn't wear anything to cover up. I'm not going to lie to you at all, I am way more confortable now, WAY MORE. We go every where and I just as God to help me deal with the looks. At first its SO hard and scary. Time certainly has eased it. I have a question for you, do you put sunblock on your head? If so, does sweat every roll down into your eyes and burn? ReRe rubs her eyes alot. I haven't put a sunblock on her but Peggy Knight (do you know her?) called me the other day and she mentioned that I should put some on her. Again, thank you so much for sharing your personal experiences. This web site is neat because I get to know the lives of other Alopecians. When this first happened I felt like a needle in the ocean. Write back. Peace out-Moni from L.A.
  • Moni

    Thanks, Maddy. So you love playing softball? Do you like the Dodgers? Who is your favorite baseball team?
  • emilie

    Hey! aww you were sick :( I hope your feeling better :)
    My little brother was sick for like 2 weeks, it was horrible. But I didn't catch it! :D
    Omg you taught yourself piano! :O Ive tried but its too hard, so I got a teacher lol
    I would REALLY love to learn guitar, but my friend's guitars are too big for me, theres a bunch of stuff that I have trouble doing on it and he says its cause my fingers are too small or something :(

    Ive taken hip hop dance lessons and did ballet when I was little but I stoped when i was like 7 or something.

    I used to take swimming lessons, Softball, Soccer and Surf. But now I horseback ride, ski, snowboard and walk LOL. Yeah im not really a sportive person, but I really enjoy skiing :D
    My main hobbies are relaxing, hanging out with friends, sleepovers, just chilling. Lol, I know very exciting ;p JKS
    I dont know, i guess im pretty lazy these days..
    Do you play any sports or have hobbies?

  • emilie

    ohh :S I hope you dont get mono!
    Yeah, us its more colds that have been going around at school.
    I love singing too! But im not even close to be good at it ;p
    Im going to cegep ( in a year and a half)
    and thats college in Canada. I Would LOVE to become an actrice, but I dont think it would work out,.. so I think im going to go in Human sciences, to either become a psychiatrice ( in psychology) or a lawyer ( law)
    so Im really not sure yet :P
    You got a new school!?! your soooooo lucky!
    Ours is so old too. I have no idea how old it is, but idk, its kinda discusting, but you get used to it :P I hardly notice how it looks old now!
    I hope you like your new school! :D
  • Maya

    i could see you have a real positive attitude about it!!! i mite be getting a wig soon...does it itch???? nad does it make you sweaty???

    please accept my friend request!!!!
  • Jill

    Hey. I'm in Missouri too. Let me know if you want to chat sometime.
  • Jill

    I'm in St. Louis. How about you?
  • Jill

    I'm in the city. I like you pics. I'm not brave enough to go without my wig. Maybe someday. How's high school treating you?
  • emilie

    Hey Maddy! :)
    omgg I know we havent talked in so long!
    Im sorry i didnt answer sooner, i didnt come online in a while, and i just got your message!:)
    Im on summer vacation right now and its great! :D
    Ive been spending alot of this with my friends, so everything is fun.
    How are you doing??
  • JeffreySF

    Happy Birthday!!!

  • katkat

    do we live close?:)
  • katkat

    do we live close?:)
  • katkat

    where in illinois?
  • Aspen

    Ihow are you I love all your wigs those are wigs right I love acting to I was currently in a play And my character was lucy from charlie brown It was a musical I had so much fun.
    comment back soon.
  • Aspen

    I was at my church did you watch the pics of me We did the play to raise money for our youth and building fund we had a dinner theater one night and then just donation based on the other 2 but I had really fun I love doing drama I am hoping to take it in highschool next year do you like highschool is it fun I am kinda nervouse about going to high school but I think I will be okay.
    comment back I would like to get to know you to
  • Aspen

    Thank you for excepting my friendship when did you get your license? just wondering.............. Okay well bye
    comment me back soon
  • Aspen

    cool do u like driving what kind of car do you have? happy thanks giving so howare you?
    comment back soon