Heidi Worman



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Permanent Makeup Consultant Guru, Fully advanced in all fields, with vast experience of Alopecia and chemotherapy patients, the only UK Full T specialists, on the BUPA expert LTA. Charity organiser and fund-raiser.

Free advice for people I may never meet, if you have any questions about anything I am always happy to give you any help I can......... I love helping people and making sure they get things right first time.

I will always talk to anyone on the phone, just leave me a voice mail or a text and I will call you back.

UK T: 07707 122000

My local hospital campaign http://www.heidiworman.co.uk/Permanent-Makeup-News.html
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
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Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Heidi. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Heidi, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Hugh

    Hi Heidi,

    Welcom to Alopecia World!

  • Linda

    Welcome Heidi!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Heidi,
    Thanks for coming on board! I just wanted to say hello and welcome!
  • Heidi Worman

    What a lot of nice people....very warm. Thank you

    Heidi x
  • Heidi Worman

    People always ask about brows, but there is also some really clever techniques that can be done to give the illusion of lashes, for people who have lost there eye lashes, fine "tiny" marks can be placed to give a really nice look.

    Heidi x
  • Starr

    Hi Heidi,

    Do you have some information on permanent eyeliner ?

    I would love to have this done to give my eyes some definition, I don't have many eyelashes, just a few on my one eye.

    Would love to hear from you.

    Starr xx
  • Starr

    How much does this cost. How long does it take and how long does it last. I apply eyeliner several times a day and would love to have this done. Where are you based in the UK ?

    Starr xx
  • Starr

    Hi Heidi

    I am planning to come along on 7th November, I have one companion joining me so far. We have a local group meeting planned next week and will mention it there to see if anybody else would like to join us.

    Could'nt seem to follow your link to e.mail (probably me).

    Look forward to meeting you on 7th November.

    Starr xx
  • Starr

    Hi There

    My e.mail address is sally.goodall@yahoo.com. A map would be great. Looking forward to it.


    Starr xx
  • Gill

    Hi Heidi
    The first set of brows (and I use that term lightly) were done by a normal tattooist, who had a good name in the industry. I went to his salon and he showed me pictures of what he had done in the way of semi-permanent make-up. They looked good and were brush strokes as I asked. I asked how long he had been doing semi-permanent make up and he said 5yrs. I felt comfortable with the guy and made an appointment to return the following week. I was unhappy with them as soon as he had finished, I asked why he had done a solid brow and they were uneven. He said that they were swollen and it took 3-4 weeks to settle. He charged me £200. After 3 weeks I could see they were not right, he refused to speak to me. I tried to take him to court, but the council said he did not need a license and therefore did not have public liability.
    I put up with them for 18months. I was in a chat room when somebody mentioned that they had just had lip and eye-liner, I contacted the clinic and asked if she could recommend any body in UK. She gave me the Tracie Giles name, and she ended up doing the removal for me, she used this paste like stuff and she tattooed it below the original ink, it lifted the original ink out and she gave me the new ones. It took about 18mths-2 yrs, but was worth it.
  • Gill

    I think I will be attending the event on Friday 6th, but will confirm next week. I have never met other alopecians, and am looking forwad to some tips on wigs and makeup.
  • Heidi Worman

    thats brill, there is quite a few going from here and a lot have put there name down because of the BBC.... so it will be very good.

  • claire

    heidi i met your friend cathy brown today what a great women....
  • Emily

    Hi Heidi,
    I'm planning to get my eyebrows tattooed here in the US in a couple of weeks, but I have very sensitive skin and am worried about the potential for an allergic reaction. I'm allergic to the sun, nickel, certain adhesives, and I occasionally get patches of eczema. Is an allergic reaction to the pigment something that I need to worry about? Is it worth my while to get a "test" dot tattooed somewhere first to see if I have a reaction? I'd appreciate any insight you can provide! Thanks!