brian kirchman

48, Male

houston, tx BCS, TX

United States

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About Me:
i live in collage station, AU or AT(still not sure) started in feb 07 with a small spot on my head then more spots and more all over by july i had no body hair at was well it sucked anyways....huge blow to my self esteem.....i couldint imagine being a woman i would have been devestated. me being a guy its not so bad being bald. i think i have a nice shaped do miss my eyebrows and lashes tho....

ok well lets a huge dork wich is a lot of fun...i love to make people laugh and if it has to be at my own expence so be it. i like cartoons and chocolat milk. life is to short to be so serious all the time...a whoopie cushion is allways a good idea...walk backwards throu the halls, jump in on a groups conversation you dont know, hug instead of shakeing hands, high 5 more offten, run like you did when you were a kid, wear goofy clothes now and then, and just have fun. youll look back and smile i promise.

im very open and out going at times. when im in my elliment(and i cant spell and my grammer sucks and i hate it when people play english teacher) i need to warm up a bit when im not on my terf i guess you could say. i love the out doors add water and im a happy boy.
im a self proclaimed red neck i love guns and shooting not hunting i like comp style pistol shooting.
love love love to go mudding prob my number one hobby right now.
now being a red neck is not to say i dont enjoy more sophistacted(i know i hacked that one to death)
things. i do enjoy lookiing nice and going out. love the theater, museums the arts. i love to allways be learning.
i hate to be wrong but fess up when i am.
i like to compete at any thing doesint matter. any thing from bowling to i bet i can fit more cheese in my mouth than you...just kidding but you know what i mean.
dont mind loseing i like to win but enjoy the challange and sportsmen ship more.
i can be a dork and missunderstood some times
can tend to be shy some times
can be arogant some times go figure?
i guess if i like some one or there really pretty i can be shy or seem to be cuz i dont want to open mouth insert foot. im sure you know what i mean. i think its a guy disease and iv seen many a good date go bad cuz of
yahoo messenger=briankirchman
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Jennifer

    Hey where are you flying out of for the conference? My lay over is in houston and i get to louisville about 11 am on thursday/
  • Roger

    Hi Brian.

    Have you booked your flight yet?

  • Amy Jo

    hey!!! you sound kool!! haha rednex are great!!! we have alot of em in kansas!!!!@!@!!$^%$%&$$~!~~! lol and yea ur profile piccie is super fitting to the whole rednek thing!!! ahhhaaha
  • Jennifer

    well if you have a random bald chick on your flight it will probally be me.
  • Tiffany

    So how's this week been treating you? XOXO!
  • Tiffany

    I'm good. I'm going to a show tonight so I am super excited! I also have a new wig that I am dying to show off. Hopefully all will go well tonight! Hope you keep all your fingers & toes. XOXO!
  • Jennifer

    Contenintal i think my cousin booked it with the flyer miles
  • Tiffany

    I will definately get some new pics up soon. Hope you're not working too hard this week! XOXO!
  • Maidie

    Hi -- I live "inside the loop". I don't really know anybody in my area with alopecia, but it is nice to have this website.
  • Jennifer

    which song? i lovemy play list most of them have ameaning from past NAAF conferences
  • Tiffany

    Right now I'm teaching Kindergarten. I'm hoping to have a new job by the end of this school year though. I definately am not making enough money. Also I don't think I want to work with kids anymore. I'm just in need of some change in life right now I think. You know what I mean?
  • Rachel

    Haha, nice pic of you with the smokin gun! Nice to "meet" you, and PS, nice page layout!
  • Tiffany

    I have no idea what I want to do. I have to get a resume together really soon though. I think I just want a job where I sit in a cubicle all day. At least it's quiet there. No screaming kids. I would love to work for 2 weeks then have 2 weeks off. That sounds really nice. If you got a new job what would you want to do? XOXO!
  • Tiffany

    I just wanted to say I hope you had an excellent weekend. Talk to ya soon. XOXO!
  • Melissa

    I don't know if you know this yet...BUT next year's conference (summer 2009) is in...HOUSTON TEXAS!!
  • Roger

    Hey Brian!

    Are you coming next month?

  • Billie

    Hey Brian, looks like you do some intensive work there. I have a brother that lives near Saraland and is in construction. Only been to Houston once myself with a Shell conference. May just have to make the next year's Alopecia conference down that way. Hope things are good for you this week!
  • Roger

    Hi Bryan.

    Did you see the photos from Louisville?

  • Elizabeth

    I am new to this site but wanted to say HEY. You ARE too sexy for any hair Darlin. I remember I was about 19 when I first had this quarter sized smooth spot on the back of my head. 6 months later I was bald from top to bottom. And devestated.
    Ahhhhhhhhh to be young again! LOL.
    The only thing I really miss are my beautiful long thick eyelashes. Other than that? Im cool. I have never had regrowth. Had a couple white filiment hairs sprout from time to time...
    I loved reading your "page" Thanks for the smile!

  • Jennifer

    Howdy brian, How have you been?
  • Kimberly Williams

    Hello Brian, My name is Kimberly and its nice to meet you. I was reading where you were in a Slump and a little stressed out yesterday. Wellllll.... in an attemp to cheer you up I have 3 reasons for you to smile. 1)Yesterday was one of the cooler days of the summer here in Texas thats a blessing if you work outside:) 2) You look great with or without hair!(I saw the pictures) 3) Floatin the river and drinkin BEER ;)
  • Kimberly Williams

    OOOOOOPS ATTEMPT lol too many BEERS on this end.
  • Jennifer

    Well thats no fun. I know how it goes i was a victim of budget cuts last week. Thank goodness for already having another job. And moving is always a blasty. Well hope things get better life is an adventure.
  • Kimberly Williams

    Whats up Brian... Its been a while for me also. Ive been working alot lately. Whats new with you?
  • Roger

    Brian. Will I see you in Houston next year? ;)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Brian,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    Hope you are doing okay.

  • Victoria Laughren

    Hey Brian!
    Are you a rigger? Just noticed your photos and I thought "hey, those look familiar". I live in AB huge oil province. How are you?
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Brian,

    Stopping in to wish you some Holiday Cheer!!!

  • Roger

  • Maygensmom

    I love your page! The mudd'en pics are great!!! Looks like a lot of fun. Although, I am glad I'm not the one spending the time or money cleaning the truck up. ;-) You seem like a great guy....don't hold back on who you are. The right one will fall in love with ya....especially if you take her mudd'en ;-) lol
  • Jennifer

    hey there just thought i would say hello. How have you been doing?
  • Roger

    Hey Brian =)

    Yes, I have plans for Houston this summer =)=)=) I enjoyed Louisville so much so I have to come again =)

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Brian,
    Whats up?
    Saw you were on so stopped by.
    I'll be in Houston in June.

  • Maygensmom

    I have no doubt that you will find that girl, especially living in Texas.
  • Jennifer

    No worries I got it all covered. I can totally get you in. LOL So you are coming Yea!!!!! You'll have a blasty blast. Plus hey you can hang with all the hot chicks.
  • Jennifer

    Ouch How did you do that? Well at least you get some time off work. Hot bald chicks are always worth it. Plus hey my friends and I are usually the trouble makers so youll be in good hands lol.
  • Jennifer

    Well i guess if you had fun doing it is all good. Thats how i broke my ankle in High school on a three wheeler flipped and landed on me. You gotta love the trouble makers we are the most fun. LOL Hey last year we got free drinks dancing on the bar.
  • JeffreySF

    Lucky it's just a bum shoulder you got outta that.
    Coulda been alot worse eh?

  • JeffreySF

    Now that woulda sucked big time
  • Roger

    Will I see you in TX?
  • JeffreySF

    How's the Shoulder Brian?

  • kastababy

    Hurry up and get well Brian; we all miss you!!! Hope you get well soon!!!

    Sorry I haven't posted anything on your page in quite a while; charge it to my head and not my heart! Aside from your shoulder, how's life treating you???
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Brian,

    How are things with you?
    How's the shoulder?
    Doing pretty good here. Hope you are too.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Brian,
    Good to hear the shoulder is better and you are back to work.
    Great news you can make the Conf!!! This will be your first one right?

    Cant wait to share a laugh and a drink or two.

  • Roger

    Hi Brian.

    I will be at the hotel around 4pm wednesday next week.

  • Roger

    Hi Brian.

    Im back home. It was nice meeting you. Hope youre doing fine over there.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Brian,

    It was great meeting you in Houston!!!

  • Roger

    Hi Brian.

    You have a roomie if you need one next year =) . I know. It sucks. One whole year now =(

    I hope you had a great time with us ;)

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Brian,

    I'm glad you had a blast so did Leo and me.
    Have you tried the eyebrow stamps again? I have another option you could try. No matter what you are Fabulous just the way you are!!!
    I'm so glad you made the Conf and had such a great experience.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Brian,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    How's everything going?
    No complaints here.
