


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am 54 years old and got alopecia areata when I was 18 and then alopecia totalis when I was 27. I am now losing my eyelashes on my right side and have lost my eyebrows on that same side also. I really thought the hair loss thing kind of came to a stand still, till this started happening a month or so ago. Looks like I have just about arrived at alopecia universalis...

This has been a very frusting and long trip for me but I have accepted this trial that I have to bear in life. It is just something I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy. My family is a great support system as well as my friends who know that I have AT. After all these years though, I still haven't gotten enough courage up to just tell people and let them accept me for who I am. When someone comments on my hair, I get so self-conscious and I feel so very uncomfortable, that usually I quickly change the subject and move on to talking about something else. I am hoping joining this group will give me the courage to stand up for myself and not care what other people think or say. After all, this is not something I asked for or can control. As I said before, this is a trial I have been asked to bear in life and I try my best to do what I can to live life to its fullest each and everyday :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Linda

    Hi Geri, welcome to Alopeciaworld! Acceptance is good for the soul. I'm in PA also, email me sometime so we can chat about our A-stories.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Geri,
    I've had alopecia for about the same length of time you have. But I have universalis. Regarding your eyelash loss, you might talk to your doc about Lumigan. It's new, and has been shown to make your eyelashes either stay in or regrow.
    Anyway -- just wanted to say WELCOME!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Geri. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Geri, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Geri

    Just wanted to say so many thanks to everyone that welcomed me so nicely. I am so glad I found this place. Wish I found it sooner. You guys seem so wonderful... thanks again :)
  • Roger


  • Elizabeth

    Helloooooo Fello PA person!!!!
    Bald is BEAUTIFUL..and you WILL get the courage, and the confidence to just BE. God has chosen us to bear this challenge in life. We are stong, beautiful, and PROUD. Where in PA are you????
  • Carmella

    Just stopping by to say hello and I'm glad you're here!
  • Bob Hershberger

    Geri..I hope you do take me up on my offer..It would be a first for me also,so..Might just be fun..It is nice to not have to feel funny or awkard tied to a social situation..Anyway..Please stay in touch..I bet we could help each other somehow?? Anyway..Thanks Geri..Bob " )
  • Elizabeth

    Hi Geri.....
    I have heard of Crowned Royal getting something togeher..but nothing more than that...Have you heard??? Where in PA Are you??? Thanks for the message! Hope your having a good weekend!
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hey Geri..Maybe when you get courious,then we could chat..I probably should of never threw that out on front street without chatting for a bit..Something just said to do it,so,out of character,I did...I didnt mean to make you feel pressured. I am courious as could be,so if you like,let me know..Just a call on the phone..Who know's..Might be fun?? Bob : ))
  • Geri

    Hey Bob,

    Curious about what??? lol.....You didn't make me feel pressured. I love getting your messages and would love to talk with you soon or chat. I have a 13 hour day tomorrow so I better get ready for bed. I know it will be another exhausting day....Have a great day tomorrow :)
  • Jenn

  • Christine

    Welcome! I can sure relate to your about me section. I certainly feel alot of what you feel.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Geri, I'm so glad you are getting my book. Did you order it yet? I think you will like it. I would love to find out what you think, okay?
    If you want to see me talk about it on a television appearance I did Monday, go to:
  • Bob Hershberger

    Ohhh Geri..Just thinking of you ,so I thought why not ""pop"" in and say hello,and see how that storm is,thats creepin up the eastern seaboard..I hope your ok..Stay safe...Bob
  • Bob Hershberger

    Hi Geri..Just poppin in to say hello..I hope your daughter is felling a little better..It takes time to say the least..Im sure she'll make it..So how you been?..Good I hope..Anything new in Philly?? Bob
  • Bob Hershberger

    Having a divorce is neever easy,especially when kids are involved..It seems that when people cant have something,they want it even more,especially when it comes to marriage..Thats hard on everybody..Bob
  • BTB (John)

    Hi dont have it but have watched mt partner face it and tell people and I am always inspired by her courage it has to be difficult but it does not seem to be imposable John
  • Galvin

    How do the Phillies look this year? Ever go to any baseball games?
    Hope your doing well.
  • Ronda Darling

    Came across your profile and thought I would say hello! Hey...Alison Krauss is my favorite. When you say nothing at all is the song that my husband and I danced to at our wedding! Have a great holiday.