

San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I'm a 31 year old female trying to learn more about wigs and dealing with hairloss...looking for support.
Do you have alopecia?
Female pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Nancy! thanks for inviting me to be your friend. If I can do anything for you, don't hesitate to ask!
  • Debbi Fuller

    Perfect!! You'll love it!!
  • kimberly dean

    Hi Nancy,
    I read on here that you have a freedom wig. I am interested in getting one of these also. How much did your wig cost?
  • Kate

    Hi Nancy!
    i spotted your picture on the front page of alopecia world and though, wow, her hair looks great...she can't have alopecia! Wow, you have a freedom wig...I am collecting my first ever freedom wig this Friday and I am sooo excited! hope to look as good as you very soon! At the mo I wear Rene of Paris wigs, which are really nice and have really eased me in to it all since i lost my hair 18 months ago, but i am really lookign forward to my freedom wig. Look forward to being able to wear my hair back more easily and also wear my glasses a bit more too as currently they don't fit with my wig on.
    Anyway, was just a quick hello! Hope you are well,
  • Rose

    Hi nancy,
    noticed you have just recieved your freedom wig and are shaving your head, was your head shaved before you got your freedom wig? What wig did you wear before you recieved your freedom?
  • Rose

    thanks ever so much for the information. at the momment I have some hair and obviously no wig at the momment, I want to get a wig and then shave my hair when it arrives but apparently when you make measurments or a template of your head and then shave your hair they dont match so the wig will be to big-I dont know how to get round this? have you been in the same boat? I cant shave it with no wig. I wanted to invest in a thinskin or freedom in the future but cant afford to shave my head at the momment with no wig.
    Thanks for any help.
  • Bluebird

    Hi Nancy,

    Thanks for the information. I've herd nothing but good things about the Freedom Wigs. Could I ask - did you find your synthetic wigs were itchier after you shaved your hair for the freedom wig? I'm wondering if I should be prepared for 4 months of terrible itchiness....
  • Jessica

    Hi Nancy I have a freedom wig too. is this a pic of yours? I did have a question i;ll send you a msg