


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Alopecia Areata since May 2007: Squaric acid, Kenalog injections
Gluten-free since March 2009
Hypothyroid (Hashimoto) since 2002
I work with a Dermatologist and a holistic MD
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Georgie. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Linda

    Hey, I think that squaric acid stuff is what the doctor used on me over 40 years ago only my Mom didn't know enough to say not to use it. It burned a scab over my patch in the back of my head and hair never came again. By the way welcome to A-world, do you live on a farm, I work for USDA and I love farming!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Georgie, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Carmella

    Hello fellow PDXer! Welcome to the site, I'm sure you're going to enjoy it. Update me on how the acid goes, I'm sure it hurts like hell!
  • Jennifer

    Hey Georgie, just thought i wouls say hello my name is jen but my friends call me Georgie. nice to see another famile georgie.
  • Jennifer

    Thats crazy since my email address since high school has been JeniGeorge. There were like 3 Jennifers in my group of friends and one of my teachers started calling me by my last name and it stuck to this day. But to make me sound like a girl everyone started calling me georgie. there are people that dont even know my real name But i love it something unique.
  • Linda

    I love farms and the great outdoors, I don't like to eat outside though, lol. I like animals, but I don't like when they poo, lol. I want to someday purchase a farm and adopt a bunch of children, I had 5 of my own, but there are so many children in America who don't have homes. Anyway...Have a blessed day!
  • Roger


  • JeffreySF

    Hi Georgie,
    Welcome to Alopecia World.
    What is squaric acid treatment?
    Sounds awful.
    I'll look it up too.

  • Cindy

    Hi Georgie, your blog caught my eye and I wanted to pop by and say hi. You have some things in common with my 6 yr old daughter. She was first diagnosed with AA in May 07 and started squaric acid in Januray. Her hair started growing back in June and still continues to fill in. Yes, she gets the itch and she puts up with. She has also had to put up with some other body responses her and there, but she wants to continue. We don't use anything else and the doctor only allows her to but Aquarphor on for itchness. She does scratch alot when she is not wearing her wig. I was wondering what your experience with the treatment has been? We are not starting to see brows come in and hope for lashes soon. Cindy
  • Cindy

    Georgie, I have a lot of faith in my daughter doctor since she goes to a top chlildren's hospital in the country. I consider my daughter to be a very brave 6 yr old for putting up with such a treatment. You never really answered my question about your experience with the treatment. HOw much hair have you grown back? /After how long have you seen your results, etc. Like I said the brows are just starting to make some white appearances on one eye. My daughter seems fine with the cream I use and for her she says it make her feel better. That is all the matters to me.
  • Jenn

    hey georgie, you asked how did i stop the zoloft and i just stopped taking it, one morning i wok up and decided not to take it anymore. i DONT recommend that. I had to go and refill the rx because i got angry. well i am angry because of the hair loss, but i have lost a little bit of control over the anger. nothing dramatic, just snapping at people and feeling angry. i talked to the doc and she said to get back on it, and after a couple of months start taking one every other day for a while and then a half every other day and then one every couple of days for a while. she said that would help with the mood swings and it is a better way. good luck with that!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Georgie,
    How fabulous that you found my book in the library! I'm so happy about that, because it means that a lot more people can read it!
    So you are in PDX? Do you go to Janet Roberts? Where in Portland are you?
    Great to hear from you! When you've finished the book, let me know what you think!
    Big hugs, LeslieAnn
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I'm so glad you like the book! And that you found it helpful, and had a good laff or two! Hooray!
    Yes, Dr Janet Roberts is the one who is most up on the latest stuff on alopecia. She's the one who wrote the intro for my book. Sadly, there's not a lot more to do than what you are doing right now, but they are working on it!
    That's too bad there's not a support group in Portland right now. I have thought about starting one, but I am not sure if I have enough time for it right now and if I make a commitment, I want to keep it.
    Talk to ya later!
  • Val

    I found you through your discussion and wanted to say "Hi!"
    I hope that you had a wonderful New Year!
    Keep smilin'!
    Val (c:
  • pamela s mcnurlen

    Hi Georgie, I have a condition that doesn't let me take supplements, my body rejects iron, so I have learned to eat iron rich foods. I spent 2 days(6 hours each day) getting 1000.units of iron transfused by i.v. the doctors had never given that much before and was amazed that I could get out of bed let alone work and drive. It has held over 2 years now. The cause was hemmoraging during my periods, I had started menopause and thought it was normal, had a full hysterectomy, and am doing great now. moved to california, by the ocean, started abusiness and my hair after 20 years is coming in like crazy, and I had universalis.
  • Casee

    Well thank you is pretty and I do love the color...I wish my hair was that color.....I just don't feel like me in it......
  • pamela s mcnurlen

    Hi Georgie, Try eating brocoli and peas, and try cooking in a cast iron skillet, if you like liver and onions, it is one of the best ways to raise your iron levels. I would ask your doctor about iron transfusions, my sister is going thru transfusions right now, but they are doing a unit every two weeks and it takes about half hour each time. She is already feeling better.
  • Robert

    Hi Georgie

    Thanks for leaving the comment on my blog.

    I'm feeling a lot more upbeat since I posted it. Trying to focus on the positive.

    I hope that you're having a good week.

    Take care
  • John M.

    Thanks for the blog comment Georgie! How are you doing these days? Hope all is well.
  • Lisa

    Hi Georgie, thanks for your coment posted on my wall about the doctor at Bridgeport Prov.- can you please send me the name of the Naturopath you see in Lake O? Very interested in that for my daughter! thanks
  • Irene

    Hello! How are you? Can I talk to you about something?
  • Irene

    Can I talk to you about treatments?
  • mandy p

    I went from a small patch in April to bald in July and it stayed that way till sept when I started a low carb diet then all of a sudden it started to grow back. It's still kinda funny in the back (I have a ring shaped spot) but the rest is growing like weeds. Then I started seeing that some people with alopecia have had luck with the gluten thing! And that would make sence. I just hope it continues to work. For us both
  • Lionel

    Thank you for reading my blog, and yes my dad is very supportive of me indeed, i'm so lucky with such a good father!