
36, Female

Milford, DE

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Hi everyone! I had such a wonderful experience meeting many of you at the NAAF Conference in Houston, TX last year!

My name is Kayla and I am Miss Delaware 2010! I have had AA for eleven years now and have tried to turn it into a positive thing by promoting Alopecia as my platform. I will represent the National Alopecia Areata Foundation at the 2011 Miss America Pageant in Las Vegas, Nevada!!!
I speak at schools about self esteem and try to raise awareness about Alopecia in our wonderful state.

I had never worn a wig until this year- OnRite offered to sponsor a wig for me to compete in Miss Delaware. I had so much fun trying on wigs, and finding the perfect one for me! I now model for OnRite and have had nothing but positive experiences with their wigs. I also have Hashimotos Thyroid Disorder which probably played a part in my Alopecia.

I am lucky enough to have amazing and supportive friends and family and a very caring boyfriend.

I'd like to meet new people with Alopecia, especially those in my area! Feel free to contact me :)

I enjoy speaking at conferences, classrooms, events, school assemblies, and support groups about Alopecia, self esteem, drug prevention, overcoming adversity and positive self image. Please contact me if you ever need a visiting speaker!
**Be something unique and undeniable.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Dawn

    Welcome Kayla!!!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Kayla, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Roger


  • Jennifer

    Hey Kayla, it is great to see you on here. it was great meeting you in louisville. and if it is ok with you i would like to talk about you on my radio show. i think your story is amazing.
  • Zoe Dusting

    Hey Kayla~
    It was so nice to meet you at the conference. I wish i could have talked to you more after the session. I didn't see you much after that! I hope you enjoyed yourself. You were really inspiring to me and I thought that you were SOOOOOOO gorgeous!! I think that you are suchhhh a neat person. I really hope that I will get to see you again one day...maybe on tv for MISS AMERICA? Haha that would be AMAZZINGG. I'm so glad that I got to hear your story. you should be so proud of yourself :)
  • Kate Martino

    welcome! glad you joined and glad you came to louisville, it was great to meet you..you are an inspiration to all of us!!! take care!
  • Melissa

    Ditto for me for everything Zoe said! We couldn't stop talking about how beautiful you are! I'm so glad I got to meet you and I hope to see you next year, too!
  • Melanie

    I heard about you last year in the Miss DE competition and wish I had been as powerful and brave as you when I was younger! It took me over 30 years to get that way. :D I'm a fellow Dela"where?"ian... living in Wilmington. It's good to see you here!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kayla,

    I'm sorry I didnt get to meet you at the confrence.
    I hope to get to know you.
    Be Well,
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You are fabulous! Keep up the good work and positive attitude.
    Just wanted to say hello!
  • Jennifer

    thats awesome that the conference falls on your b-day you wont have a shortage of people to celbrate it with. it was great to meet you too. thanks for letting me tell you story. ill let you know when i exactly use it and you could listen live on our website. i got on air by total accident i was interning in the promtions dept when i started.
  • Dotty

    Hi Kayla,
    I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you at the conference as I had to cancel last minute due to my daughter getting in a bad car accident. It's the first one I've missed in 4 years since my first one!!! I was really sad that I didn't get to see everyone but very glad that I was here for my daughter. I just wanted to tell you that I think you are absolutely beautiful and if everyone here could vote, you would win Miss America hands down!!!! Keep up the great work and never give up. You are an inspiration to everyone.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Frank

    Hello Kayla, I was happy to get a chance to meet you at the conference meeting, how are you how was your trip home?
  • Roger

    Hi Kayla.

    What did you think about the Louisville conference. It was my first one too.

  • Peyton

    Hey Kayla!
    I took your advice and got an account here!
    So far I've looked around a little and it's pretty neat!
    Hopefully we can plan a lunch sometime soon like you said?
  • Matthew

    Hi Kayla, its Matthew from the bill signing. I am glad that you told me about this site. I really like it.
  • Roger


    Yes, it was so great to meet people face to face for the first time. People I spoked with from alopecia world for several months. I will be back next summer in Texas =)
  • Peyton

    We start school the last week in august:(
    We used to start after Labor Day but the school board changed it!
    Yeah we should definately get together sometime over the weekend in august!
  • Ashley

    hey!! thanks for the add, I'm glad you found me on here. =)
  • Kristin (Matthew's Mom)

    Hello, Kayla, it was really great to meet you at the signing. You gave us really good information. We are having Matthew tested, so we will see what happens with that.
  • Ashley

    You are so beautiful!! What you're doing is awesome, and I'm glad i got to meet you at conference. Keep up the good work. =) I love this song, btw.
  • Matthew

    Hey on July 22 did I see u at the fair?
  • Hugh Mclellan

    Your smile just made my day. I really hope all is well. You look great.

  • Matthew

    I didn't know that was u I guess i was retarted to think it as someone else. I went to the fiar with my god father because we don't see each other much, but we went to to see daughtry
  • Ashley

    The conference was great, but this is great to have to keep in touch, i agree. I will definitely let you know if I am ever up your way. If you ever (for some odd reason, haha) in the Southern Illinois region, let me know!! =)

    Hello Kayle, I am from delaware too. What can you tell me about your thyroid disease? I have problems with my thyroid as well.
  • Shannon

    I just wanted to telll you it was amazing meeting you!!!! I have to say you were a HUGE inspiration!!!! And I really havent stopped talking about you since I got home!!!! Would you be able to take a trip to Nashville for a weekend in Sept???
  • Shannon

    well come on!!! I would love to have you ... we would have a great time!!!
  • Maria, Mia's Mom

    HI Kayla Its great to have someone like you for my daughter to look up to as a role model..I believe you were in the naaf newsletter also.My you always be happy and successful in all u do..we need someone like you.
    Maria and Mia
  • Lacey

    Youuur just beautiful!
    And hey i'm Laceey.
    How are you?
  • Kaitlyn

    You're so gorgeous! Isn't this site so amazing and helpful!
  • Matthew

    yes me and my dad were coming back from the doctors office
  • Peyton

    Ok! School is going good! We should really get together soon. I miss you!
  • Deyanira Lozano

    hi Kayla my name is Deyanira Lozano I have Alopecia too. I had it for a long time, but I didn't know I just find out about a 1yer ago. I was hare for me @ frist, not no more I'm happy to find this web and to know that I'm not the only one that has Alopecia.
  • Maureen

    Hi Kayla, Welcome to this sight! It's a great place to meet people with the same thoughts. I have au since this pasted year, but my son who will be 20 in a couple months has had aa since 3 yrs old. We are from Long Island NY.
  • Daria

    You really are beautiful...I can see why you placed top ten. Good luck with your future!
  • Peyton

    Hey Kayla! How are you?
    Um, I was kind of wondering if you could give me your email or email me at hiphopbuttercup@aim.com
    I just recently got involved in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and I'm trying to get everyone's emails so I can email them and ask for donations!
  • Brittany Emerson

    Hello I live in md. Its great what your doing!
  • Stacie Duda

    hey kayla! the state competition season has come around again. i was wondering if you participated in any pageants this year.. ??

    mY THYROID IS OUT OF WHACK NOW THAT i AM 8 MONTHS PREGNANT. I have been seeing a thyroid specialist. Dr. Meckelnberg what type of doctor is he? Do you have a dermatologist that you go to as well? I have been looking for one to see about any new treatments.
  • Kristin (Matthew's Mom)

    Hello Kayla, I am not sure if you will remember me. I met you with my son Matthew and the signing with the former Gov. Minner. I just wanted to let you know that Matthew started High School this year at Polytech and is loving it. He had gotten sick earlier this year for the first time, and we actually noticed some hair growth back. So we are hoping that maybe this might be a good sign. Who knows. I just want to THANK YOU for all the positive words that you gave him that day. He actually has started to come out of his shell more, and is more confident, and I really believe that this is because of you and your words with him. SO THANK YOU. I can only hope that he will become more outgoing, and become a great young adult, and nothing will stop him.
  • Allexis Maree Spencer

    Hi I am new on this website.My name is Allexis. I think you are so pretty! I am looking for friends. Will you become my friend?
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hi Kayla! How are you? I was reading your profile. I too have hypothyroidism...not sure if it is from hashimotos. I really have alot of trouble with it....aching all time, losing hair...etc.
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Kayla,
    How are you?
  • Jo Jo

    You are Beautifull in many ways, God Bless you girl, keep inspiring!

  • Matthew

    hey sorry I haven't sent you a message i've been so busy with sports and school, high school has been going great no bad grades. How have you been doing?
  • Matthew

    I'm doing good, schools is almost over, I just got one marknig period left, I didn't know you where going to college, thats cool.