Taylor Walworth


Beloit, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
You can call me Taylor :) I'm 17 years old (senior YAY) and loving every minute of it! I've had alopecia areata since I was 6 years old. I tried as hard as I could to hide it from everyone because I didn't want them to think of me as "different". Well, about a year ago, I started to get another outbreak and now it's the worst it's ever been. But, this time, I never try to hide it because of what others will think. But on February 13, 2010, I stood up in front of 200 people and told them that I have alopeca. They stood, clapped, and i swear everyone hugged me. It was the greatest day of my life because for once, my alopecia didnt feel like a disease, it felt like a gift.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Taylor!
    You are an inspiration!
  • Maria Reeve

    Hi taylor! My name is Maria and i came accross your page. I wish i was as strong as you. Im having a hard time coping. I am accually moving to beloit soon. how did you cope so well. has your eyelashes or eyebrows ever grown back...mine just fell out.
  • Charity

    Thank you! And nice to "meet" you Taylor!
    I got it from a local wig shop called Evelyn's Wigs. She specializes in people with alopecia and cancer. I'm amazed at how brave you are! I wish I could do something like that..
  • Charity

    is her site. She's really nice.
    Our personalities just..clashed a little bit so I didn't have the best time, but she's a pleasant lady and everything. And yeah mine is human hair! I also got a synthetic one from her.
  • Charity

    haha that's awesome! I haven't been able to play much lately, cause it's my boyfriends copy, and he's playing it right now too lol. Sims<3 lol
    Something about controlling little lives..haha
  • Charity

  • Essence

    hi , i'm Essence .
    & i love your story (:
  • Essence

    cool ! yeah , there are a lot of advantages to having Alopecia Universalis in my opinion (: there may be even more advantages then disadvantages but that could just be my optimism speaking , lol .

    &thank you !! i love yours too . it looks great on you :D
  • Essence

    thanks (: i try !
  • Charity

    Aw we don't have that store here :(
    but I totally do the same thing with my sims lol. Or I'll see what makes them most mad, and make them do funny things. I think we might have some anger issues :P
  • Erika Vincent

    Aww thank you!♥
    You're so sweet.

    ps - You're gorgeous.
  • Erika Vincent

    Haha! Nope, I use double sided tape.
    It's called "Fashion Tape" and is supposed to be used to keep dresses in place and stuff like that. It works much better for head bows :)

    Anddd I used to use fake eyelashes, but mine casually grew back :S
    Now I use double extend mascara so they look longer.
    But when I did use fake eyelashes I paid like 15$ for them at Shoppers Drug Mart.
  • ashley mcmullen

    hey thanks for taking your time in reading my blog it makles me feel better that im not the only one that feels this way
  • Erika Vincent

    Haha thanks!
    Of course I most certainly go to school like that!
    The day I stopped caring what other people think is the day my life changed for the better.
    People can say what they want, but they've learned not to anymore because they know I honestly, truly, 100% do not care what they think. All that matters is that I'm happy.
    Anywho, that was my little ramble. Hahaha

    ps - Aww cute! Are rooms are pretty similar!