Keeley Tomlinson



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
um...i like everything! i like tea and i collect teacups. I like smoking, I like my family and my beautiful boyfriend of 2've had alopecia areata since I was 3 years old and I don't mind gave me and excuse to go shopping :) um...i like music and film and I speak a little japanese and hope to study it next year when I go to university, I'm still at college now doing A levels in English Language, English Literature and Media Studies. I'm hoping to find friends here because I don't know anyone who has Alopecia or even heard of it!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Tiffany P

    Welcome to AW :o) and thats cute that it gives you a reason to shop lol love it have a great week.
  • Tiffany P

    Hi how are you , florida is very pretty right now, some sun with a light breeze. right now i have been studying because finals are coming up and its not my best subject (math) anyway i am also are having my high days and low, you know the ones where one minute you feel you can rock the bald look and then the next you want to crawl under a rock lol i havent shaved my head yet but coming close i have alot of scalp showing so i just wear scarves all the time. you and your boyfriend look so cute and i love your look :o) anyway hope to talk agian soon and write anytime.
  • Tiffany P

    i dont think any of us are sure we can rock the bald look but in some ways we are not being given the choice. and i just want to start learning how to work with it now because i know the day will come soon for me to shave it off. and frankly i dont want to be miserable for the rest of my life because i lack hair on my head. anyway hope all is well and hope it warms up soon, you seem to have a fun personality so i am sure you can do different wigs and scarves and look fab :o)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Keeley!
    How are you today?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Keeley, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • ashley mcmullen

    thank you for your nice commemt it helps message me sometime
  • ashley mcmullen

    thank you for the comment you left me it helped me message me sometime
  • Tiffany P

    Hey sweetie sorry it took awhile to get back to you i have finals coming up and so been studying and cant wait for summer vacation yay. i have to convince my mother also everytime i mention it she gives me the one eyebrow raised look lol its has gotten hot here in florida and i am trying to constantly cool off but all is well. i am excited about shaving off my hair even though i know it wont grow back for the type i have, i want to be fashion forward and have a couple of wigs and different scarves that way i'm not tied to one look. thanks for the message in my box, i made the statement because i find alot of people say they want to be normal but i dont think anyone knows what normal is. i say if poeple want to see me as different then i'll be different because fitting in isnt all that great either. anyway as always living day by day and making sure i take pleasure in what i do have instead of what i dont. talk to you soon.
  • Tiffany P

    oh try a strawberry blond that whole bleached look is soooooo yesterday lol
  • Jocelyn

    did you go blonde?
  • lynne

    hey keeley, how r u doin,

    hope ur well and we can catch up sometime, take care, xx
  • Lizzie

    hey :) no problem. wow! a fellow bath-tea-drinker :) I thought it was just me. I live in Hucknall, in Nottingham. I'm doing great thanks, how are things going for you? x
  • Lizzie

    Hey :) glad your doing well, Thank you Im glad you like my artwork :) Yer I had a tough time with my mum before I shaved my head. She came round in the end, but I know what you mean by "the look". I'm sure she will understand eventually, she'll just be worried about you.
    Take Care! Liz x
  • Jocelyn

    Hey Keeley! I'm good .. how are you?
  • Tiffany P

    i love your drawings and hope to also one day speak japanese. I love netflix because all i get is anime, do you have any favorites?
  • Tiffany P

    there is so many its hard to list them but the ones that come to mind is Ghost in the shell,samurai champloo,cowboy bebop and blood plus. like i said have so many that i trully liked that it would take me a couple hours to write down lol. i also buy the soundtracks and play them in my car they are really good.
  • Clara S.

    Hi Keeley! How are you? Thanks for the friend add. :) By the way like Tiffany, I love anime too :)
  • Clara S.

    Thanks, i love my wigs too :) The are just so much fun! I love busting out a short wig and then a long wig and confusing the heck out of people. I swear the security guard at my condo must think my bf has like 2 or 3 girlfriends hahaha. (Or at least it's much funnier to me if they thought so. )

    Well, I'm still watching Naruto Shippuden and Bleach even though (especially for Bleach) there can be so much filler!! Can be frustrating. I loved Nana, the first Fullmetal Alchemist, Trinity Blood, Samurai Shamploo, Peach Girl, plus more I'm sure...I just can't think of all of them now. what about you?

    Singapore is a lovely place, such a nice change from Canada! I spent the last 10 years in Vancouver, Canada so it's little bit odd being back in Singapore because I almost feel like a tourist in my home country. If you ever make a trip out this way, let me know!! :) Hugs