

Winnipeg, MB


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I'm Charity, I'm 19, and live in Winnipeg, Manitoba. I like to have fun, and I love my kitties and my boyfriend :)
talk to me!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • MiNAH

    If i could shed any light...none of us are ever, over it all together.
    As there are certain issues that may arise only regret if i can put it that way is...after all these years..i have the same problem with as 39 years ago!
    Those days follow into years and I wish I would have stopped that self loathing right from the beginning.
    I guess that's what life's all about..our own learning and journey.
    Our own Adversities and Suffering to gain Wisdom.Yet after looking back...I should have accepted myself and never let anyone put their opinions, perceptions and judgements onto me.I listened and took all of the negative onto myself as a burden, weighing me down.
    Feeling inadequate and lesser of a human being.
    Feeling less deserving as others. I wasn't totally strong enough to understand..that in the end.."who are they to pass judgement on my life"
    Who are they..if not walking in my shoes...can they even fathom my daily issues without Hair..and the struggles of self esteem.
    I am happy today about the way I have overcome that Negative Energy.
    Believe me, it can still come out of no where..yet if you are will shrug it off!
    Take off that wig....stand strong...stand proud and smile at the person who is walking towards you.
    If Close friends or family have anything negative to say...get real real quiet inside and ingore them!
    Do "NOT" try to explain yourself.
    They are not you...they haven't got a clue!
    The hardest task and Lesson in the World....if you haven't done it yet.
    Is to take off the Head Covering and be comfortable.
    However, it will become Liberating if you love yourself.
    Your Human Right is to be Free!
    I just received a new Vacume Freedomwig Prosthesis and when I wore it to my dads house..I was so excited to show how it was made.
    So, as I was about to take it off and show my step mother.
    Guess what she said?
    I wasn't suprised cause years earlier it was her who said, when I put on a synthetic wig.
    "NOW YOU'LL LOOK LIKE A REAL WOMAN" see the Searing Negative Energy, never stops flowing out of Ignorance.
    Yet...I am Liberated..and ME!
  • MiNAH

    yes..I have tried everything..and never had any progress...nothing worked.
    Wow..if I had of known..I would accepted that long long agao..yet I guess we are all looking for hope and a solution.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Charity,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • JeffreySF

    Hope you are well and enjoying this wonderful place called Alopecia World.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Charity,

    i found Alopecia World in March 2008 just 8 months into my alopecia. It's pretty easy to navigate around and there is so much to read and so many great people to meet.

    Welcome again.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Charity!
    How are you today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Right now I am working on abstract. I haven't done abstract since college!
    You can look at my other work on
  • Liz

    hey. i was reading your info and i as well lost my brows and i got them tattooed on. its a lot easier now because i dont have to draw them in everyday and they always look the same now lol. just a tip! take care
  • Chantal

    Hey! Wow your page is so beautiful!
  • Essence

    you're welcome =D

    that's a beautiful wig!! do you mind telling me where it's from?
    lol. i really love it. =)
  • Essence

    oh okay, thanks =)
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Charity thank you for your kind words. Amanda is going through a rough patch right now. But I know in time she will be stonger because of this thanks to the support of family and all our friends on here. We hope to talk to you soon.

    Tracy and Amanda
  • Erika Vincent

    Thank you so much!
    And just for the record: You are soo beautiful!
  • Kay

    awe well thank you :)
    it was for my school's homecoming dance.

    you're really pretty by the way.
    hm, i don't think we've talked before, i'm kaytee. :D
    how are you?
  • Kay

    i'm good. :)
    just sick of school...
    whatcha been doing lately?
  • Glenn

    Hey thanks for the add :) Your pics look beautiful :) Always try to find the positiveness in negativity and never give up :D Bioanthropology sounds interesting but at the same time boring :P How is it really? :P
  • Kay

    um, nothing really.
    getting ready for halloween this weekend :D lol
  • Glenn

    Hihhii okkiii :) And yeppppp you should shave it off, you'd still be cute so don't worry too much ^.^!
  • Kay

    thanks :)
    um. well. my best friend is staying the night and we're taking my little brother trick or treating. and we're gonna meet up with 2 of my other friends after a while.
    and then i'm going to a midnight bowling birthday thing. :D
    are you doing anything for halloween?
  • Lauren Simpson

    Thankyou! i love your hair...its so pretty. Is it sythetic or human?
  • Sian Ellis

    Hiya how are you? thanks for the comment you left and i am turning 18 this may, so can finally drink legally but i wont be able to enjoy it lol ve just found out i have AA it was a small patch at first but now i have 2 and the forst 1 it about 10cm long and 4cm wide right onthe top of my head wich is getting very hard to cover, do most cases of AA turn into AU? have a nice day xx
  • Taylor Walworth

    hey girl i'm Taylor. your pictures are sooo pretty :) where did you get your wig from? it's gorgeous.
  • Taylor Walworth

    It's nice to meet you too :) and maybe she has an online site to order cuz it looks really good. it's human hair right? mine is but it's been breaking off from split ends so im gonna have to get another one soon.
    And thank you. it was scary but i told myself at the beginning that i was going to get up and tell everyone so they would finally not have to wonder and i knew that i would regret it if i ended up chickening out. so i just went for it :)
  • Taylor Walworth

    thanks so much :) i looked them up and they look really good. not many pics online tho. i bet theres a lot more in her actual shop. so i just saw your comment obout ur PS3. im TOTALLY hooked on uncharted 2 also! i've beaten the game like twice haha. I could sit and play sims for hours :P
  • Taylor Walworth

    i know! hah it's weird. sometimes i like to trap the people in a little box so they get really mad :P huh, wonder what that says about my personality. lol
  • Taylor Walworth

    P.S. you know, im not really sure where i got it.. i think i got it at Vanity. lol
  • lynne

    hey charity,
    how r u doin, i see that u were feelin sad yesterday, hope ur feelin better 2day and that we can catch up sometime, take care xx
  • Essence

    thank you :D <3

    how are you ??
    xxoxoo (:
  • Taylor Walworth

    oh yes, i think you might be right. lol i just love it
  • Essence

    great ! (:
  • Carissa

    That is an awesome wig you're wearing! If I really didn't know any better, I wouldn't be able to tell at all! Do you mind me asking where you got it? It looks really good on you. I think the cut, particularly, flatters your face shape. And it's a pretty color too! ^^