Sarah McIntosh

39, Female



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I have had alopecia since I was 2 years old I am now 23 and have practically no hair.It don't bother me none.I like hiking,blading and dancing.I'm very friendly and have the personality of someone who drinks way to much coffee even though I hate the stuff.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Sarah McIntosh

    I'm 23 yrs old,I moved from Montreal,Qc. to Edmonton,Ab.I have AU and I would like to meet others with Alopecia as well.
  • MO gal

    Hello Sarah! Welcome! Cute little one your holding there ;)
  • Roger


  • kastababy

    Hi Sarah, and welcome!!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    I wanted to welcome to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    I know what you mean. I remember the first time I met a bunch of alopecian. Almost overwhelming but a sense of belonging and a sense that everything was going to be ok. Enjoy the site, get to know others and get everything you can out of this. I am sure your input will help others too.
  • Heather

  • Caroline

    Thank you so much for replying to my question in the forum! I really appreciate the nice help that you gave me =]
    love and hugs,
  • Steve

    my eyebrows and lashes i do miss, my hair is starting to grow on my head and face in patches in the summer i had zero sign of growth, i wonder if it is as hard to get used to having hair again as it was losing it all?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Sara, have you always lived in Edmonton?
  • Carol

    Thank you for the warm welcome. It's nice to be with others like me!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    OK, have I met you before. You really look familiar.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    I thought so! I was thinking that too, around 14-15. Verdun or Pointe St. Charles area right?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Aaaahhhh! I rarely forget a face and from the time you joined I thought that was you, but Edmonton threw me off a bit. That is why I asked if you always lived in Edmonton. Plus the name sounded familiar. You came with your dad, I think.

    Anyways, it is great that our path meet again. It looks like you are doing well.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Sarah. Since there are a number of you interested in chatting, perhaps it would be a good idea for all of you to put your heads together, work out chat times among yourselves, and let the rest of us know those times. ;-)
  • Baldboi

    A few years now, but i must say hon your one HOT baldy :) i love this site so many cuties hehe
  • Ashley

    Hey Sarah. I like your picture, you're really pretty. I like your eyes. =) I'm like you, I've had alopecia pretty much all my life. But as you can see from my picture, my alopecia is a little different than most. haha.
  • Baldboi

    Being a guy i guess it hit me less hard then a women but now i am embrace it!
  • Ashley

    Thanks. I'm in high school, yes, I'll be graduating soon, yay!
    I agree with you, i definitely think its a maturity thing in high school. more than anything they were probably jealous of your confidence in yourself, that they didn't have since they had to make fun of someone else to feel better. Then later they realize they were an ass & how cool you were. =) I don't hate high school, but I'm pretty much ready to graduate. =)
    I love my mohawk. It gives me some confidence, i like that its unique. & i just feel like such a stud when i spike it. =)
  • victoria

    yay i figured out how to accept the friend request :P
  • gerald

    You are stunning as a bald lady. You are one beautiful bald lady.
  • Christine


    I'm in Edmonton too!
  • Tammy Carlin (Mom of Leah)

    We think she is a beauty too. Actually, people come up to us all the time and comment how beautiful she is.

    She is a ham too!
  • Brandy Forsch

    I am great how are you? I have had AU since middle school, I am married and have 2 kids!! I hope we can chat soon
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Sarah, nice to see you again. I read your blog and wanted to respond but I had company at my house today. I see that this summer has been a rough one for you. But what I know of you, you will bouce back. Keep in touch Sarah. Love, cheryl
  • Heather Lorelle Mattisson

    Hi Sarah: Thanks much concerning the photos. You have a beautiful family and I really enjoyed your blogs.
  • Jenn

    thanks! i love reading everyone's experiences and how they deal with thing. you have a beautiful family!
  • Victoria Laughren

    Sarah, I love the song you added. I love IZ, his voice is so beautiful! I think you are the only one I have on my friends list from Edmonton. How do you add music to your profile?
  • Victoria Laughren

    Hey! Happy thanksgiving! I have never been to calgary before, I hope to see it someday, I'm sure I will! no real big plans, all my family is back home. I'm from Vancouver Island. I will probably work Monday and help the volunteers with handing out food to the homeless. i work at one of the inner city agencies that offer services for the homeless. They are expecting atleast 1500 ppl. Have an awesome weekend!
  • Victoria Laughren

    by the way, your boy is beautiful! Is that the dress you have chosen for your wedding?
  • carly

    hi sarah, i just added you as a friend... how are you?.... hope your having a great day, hope to hear from you soon!

  • Jennifer

    hiya, I doing good I finally have a day off tomorrow yea me. How are you doing?
  • carly

    im doing good, thanks for the comment, it makes me happy to hear comments like that :)