Julia McDowell


Ottawa, Ontario


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Bald as an egg for the past 10 years or so. Happy and content wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister and friend to many wonderful people!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Jennifer Krahn

    Thanks for the request. I definitely have tough days. I also know God has blessed me with family and friends...irreplacable. I am getting my first hairpiece on Friday. I picked it out on Wednesday and it is just getting cut and styled. I have found out that my scalp is ultra sensitive so I have trouble with certain hairpieces...ughhhhh. I can see a hairpiece fetish in my future though!!! So many cute choices. Your hair and scarves look fantastic!!! Love them! You're beautiful.
  • Carol

    Hi Julia,

    You're welcome and thank you! I hope to chat with you as well. Take care! :)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Julia! Sounds like you are doing great and have the right attitude!
  • Clayton

    Hello, thanks for coming by, Julia. I've not been here very long, but it was obvious from the first day that this was a welcoming and caring place.

    I think you'll be fine, I'm always here with an open ear, be well,
  • karen

    hi we have relations in bromley how are you ? thank you for your reply karem x
  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Julia,
    Good Luck with earning lots of money with your contract work, and I'll see you in the Fall!!
  • Nicole Mosley

    Thank you for lovely compliment Julia! I don't feel so lovely most days :)
  • Wendy

    Hi Julia
    How wonderful to see that you are from the same area as me! Your hair and scarfs are wonderful. May I ask if you have heard of any tattoo eyebrow techs in our area? I have had AA for 4 years or more and now my eyebrows are almost gone and I can't say that I like the look of them. LOL
  • Wendy

    Good evening Julia. What a great idea buying on ebay. What a smart cookie. I am assuming you then take them to the beauty salon for shaping and fit?
    Today I found two sites in Ottawa that do permanent eyebrows and I am seriously going to do a consultation I believe. I like the idea of looking somewhat the same in the face area after swimming, showering etc. and I have too admit it is bothering me. So a consultation is in order.
    If you want to chat I too would love it as I have not met anyone in Ottawa either with AA and as you know it can be humourous one day and a serious cry the next as it plays its ups and downs. Nice to share ideas with someone who understands.
    have a great day
  • Carol

    Sorry for the delay in my reply, summers are busy for me. Unfortunately I cannot attend this event in Ottawa although I wish I could. Debbi is a doll, I met her in Philly. Her wigs are very good, I met a girl who was wearing one of Debbi's wigs and I never knew she had alopecia - her mom even put in some corn rows (braids). Ask to see the tattoos on her head - she is so cool! Anyways, hope you have fun and take care!
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Julia,
    How are you?
  • Lori M

    Hey! Are you still up for meeting me on Tuesday? I can't remember if I replied back! Would love to meet you. Yes I have seen Debbi Fuller before and her awesome wigs. I have more questions about them so would love to see them again.... Let me know!
  • Lori M

    Hey Julia! Was awesome meeting you on Tuesday! You are fabulous! We should go for a coffee some time. We have to keep in touch....
  • Lori M

    Did you buy that cute funky wig in the end?
  • Lori M

    That wig was gorgeous on you! It was so chic! Why did you have second thoughts about it? I have been in the same situation....buy a wig and then get it home and not like it. Seriously it was gorgeous on you and really suited you.
  • Lori M

    Where you live would be all of maybe 20 minutes from me so I could meet you any time in the evening. I work full time....
  • Shannon

    Hi Lori,
    I'm not sure if you remember me. I think we met when I was leaving Debbie Fuller's room at the Embassy Suites and you were coming in. I'd love to know what you decided and I'd love to hear how you like the wig when it arrives. I'm in a personal struggle right now about the right time to take the plunge and go for it. My husband is supportive of doing it anytime because I think he feels for me when he sees the hair in the bathroom sink. On the other hand, my friends say that I'm covering it pretty well and they seem to think as long as there's any, I should hold on. I hope your wig is great and I'd love to hear about how your experience goes with your stylist.
  • Shannon

    I'd love it if you could keep me posted on the wig. I'm aiming for spring if things keep going at this rate of loss. Debbie took my measurments for an interim piece to use when I decide I'm ready to go ahead and shave and to wear while I wait for mine to be made. She tells me that double sided tape will keep the interim piece in place once I'm shaved. I suppose with me it was also stress, my dad passed away in a plane crash, then my mom of ovarian cancer, I changed my job focus which required lots of courses in a short time and lots of late nights. Even though I don't feel stressed now, I guess once it's triggered there's no going back!
  • Lori M

    Soooo girl have you worn that gorgeous wig yet? You need to post some pics with you wearing it too!
  • Shannon

    All of the above....yes to allergies, exzema and asthma (or the atopic conditions as my dermatolgist called it). I've been treated for these conditions all of my life, but surprisingly they settled considerably before the alopecia set in - go figure!
  • Lori M

    Sorry haven't been on in a dogs age Julia.. Been sooooooooooo busy with company staying with me for just about two weeks....I feel dead! Anyhow sorry to hear about your eyelashes. I am just waiting for that to start happening to me. Right now I am really losing a lot of hair even with the shots. Holy cow. I am coming up to "the moment" . Who knows may get a freedom wig a lot sooner than I thought.

    Have you got the fit cap yet for you freedom wig? Found any hairdressers yet too to cut it?
  • MiNAH

    how good meeting you..I have seen you!
    Love your look...could be susie ormans sister!
    Please...be welcome to look over my blogs, picz, videos, kids & grandkids.
  • MiNAH

    So touching...so welcomed...thank you so much Julia!
    I love the quote....and understand that I am facing that right now.
    If only we would learn that earlier on in life...we would all be okay.
  • Aida Ravaie-O'Sullivan

    Hi Julia, thank you for adding me..
    I am loosing my eyelashes now...but at the same time I could see my brows coming back...so, happy in one thing but wonder with the other....a bit confusing, but, I don't really want to think that much....as long as I'm accepting what happen with me...I am trying to be relax....well, Im trying now....
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Julia
    Thanks for the friend invite. I love your photos - you look too young to be a grandmother i think.
    How are things going for you at the moment?
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hi Julia
    Thanks for the friends invite. I agree with Susan you look too young to be Grandmother, lucky kids & grand-babies.
    Your pictures are great, I enjoyed looking at them.
    Are you getting ready for the big Turkey Day?
    We are staying home & having friends over who's sweethearts are out of town.
    Take care
  • pedro


    Your bald head is very beatiful.

  • Karina

    Julia..I love you hair in the first photos..it really suits you.. may I ask U which brand?
  • pedro

    Julia write in my limited ingles

    Your look very well bald head, congratulations. Thank you
  • Mary

    That's great, Julia! I'd like to know which dealer in Turkey you bought from (was it via eBay?) and what you think of the scarves. I haven't bought any new ones since my original seller (a Turkish lady living in the US) apparently moved. She hasn't responded to my emails. I had ordered several others from sellers on eBay, but never liked them as much.

    All the best,
  • Mary

    Thanks, Julia....let me know how you like the ones from Turkishhandmade. I took a look, and the only one I saw was 37-38 inches. Good luck!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Julia,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    Hope you are having a super day!

  • Denise

    Julia your pictures are amazing. Thank you
  • Kathleen Hertzig

    Hi There,

    You just made me so happy. I am smiling looking at your photos and the things your write. How can I get the spirit you have?
  • Denise

    Julia, i too wen t& tried on some real shor thuman hair wigs, my mom 7 I had fun, But I still waer my long ones, that is the same hair style since I was about 7 or 8, other than i had no bangs at diff times. Anywya are you thinking of Conference???????//get back to me.Denise have a fun day.
  • Denise

    PS Sorry for the typos below, my fingers were faster than my corrections lol
  • Kathleen Hertzig

    Thank you for the message. I appreciate your enthusiasm.
  • Denise

    Hello, Happy early Valentine's day. I have 2 synthetic, but not outside of house anymore, I fried one cooking, HEAT............learned my lesson well there, lol.....now the one in the pic is called Luxurious it is real human hair, it sells for 600$ but I got 2 of them for $3oo each, as being, Jydy & Company knwo I am a repeat customer, 4 so far, but they all look the same, like me, like I always have, people that don't know really ahve no idea I wear a wig. I can wear them up or gently pulled back, and msot of all , they bend with me around the neck when you bend your neck, no stiffness, ......You can blow dry & curl or straighten them, I don't because that way they will last a lot longer. when I work out I can''t wear anything, I sweat with them on. Have a great week and talk to you soon,, too bad about conference, I ams till not sure?
  • Clayton

    Wow, what a pleasant surprise! Hi Julia, it's great hearing from you again, I resisted going back through my pages for a "review" but I certainly will after writing this. LOL How are things up north, neighbor?

    I won't keep you, but I wanted to be sure to say thanks for reaching out, it's the little things like this that make life bearable, I appreciate you.

    Be well.
  • Julia McDowell

    Well, I had the feeling that you weren't doing too well.....hope all is well. I'm crazy busy with my trauma counselling business - I don't do the counselling, but I co-own the company, and am actively involved in marketing Critical Incident Stress Management training across Canada. It's going really well. Hubby and I are in the process of moving house, so that's a whole other story! We are moving about 45 minutes out of town to a cute little bungalow in the country. My elderly dog, Lucy, hasn't been doing too well lately, but she seems a bit better today. she will be 14 on June 1st, so I guess I have to expect that she will start to slow down soon. It's still hard, though. Take care of yourself and hopoe to talk soon. Julia
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey Julia, From whom did you get your freedom piece from? I an just waiting for mine to come in and am beginning to get excited and a tad impatient. Your hair looks fantastic as do you!! May I ask how it felt in the Jamaican heat? Have a good one.
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey Julia, sorry to cyber-stalk you again, but your face was on my page and I just need to reiterate how stunning you are along with your hair. Amazing that it is a piece...absolutely love it.
    Have a good one
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Julia
    Just wanted to let you know that you look great!!! Love your freedom hair.
  • Clayton

    Sure, I think it looks great, but more to the point is how YOU feel about and I can tell that you feel good and that's what really makes it great in my eyes.

    Stay strong.
  • porcelinh

    I love your new profile pic Julia! Your style is cute and sassy! Just gorgeous!
  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Julia,
    I LOVE your pic! Your Freedom Hair looks absolutely amazing!! What do you do to style it?? I love to be able to share good ideas with other 'newbies' about tricks you can use to get the look you are trying for. Who cut it for you finally? I like to be able to tell clients about great stylists when they are looking for one in your area.
  • Debbi Fuller

    Hi Julia,
    Whatever you're doing, it works for you!!! I like the idea of working with the hair the way it wants to work. Scrunching and going is the best!! She did a great job of cutting it too!
  • MiNAH

    My my my, I haven't been here all that much and bless you. Just noticed that beachy pic without a wig Julia, looks radiant. Still getting things sorted out. I will try to write you soon.
    Take care xxx