John M.


United States

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About Me:
Hello everyone. I joined this site on Thursday, August 20th 2009. About 5 weeks prior, I noticed three spots on my head after a hair cut. I initially thought I had gotten a REALLY bad haircut and shrugged it off. After about 1.5 weeks, I noticed that the spots really haven't grown in at all. Upon closer examination, I realized they were completely bald.

3 weeks later, I went to my General Practictioner, then to my Dermatologist and they confirmed that I had AA. During the course of those 3 weeks, the original 3 spots got much worse (bigger), and about 4 more spots came up of varying sizes. Some coalesced together to form a bigger spot.

Anyway, needless to say, I was rather freaked out by the whole ordeal. If that wasn't bad enough, while at the doctor's office, I found out I also had high blood pressure. I'm unsure if the stress of my hair falling out contributed to it, or if it was just my general health.

Right now, I'm focusing on my blood pressure and trying to get that down naturally with excercise, diet, and weight loss. So far the numbers have come down, but still not below normal 120/80 ranges yet. I keep telling myself that the BP is the more important issue and the AA shouldn't bother me. Truth be told, it still bothers me.

If ALL that wasn't bad enough, all this happened just weeks before my 35th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY INDEED!!! :-)

Its exceptionally hard for me since my wife is working abroad for a few years. She's wonderful, exceptional, and supportive. However, SKYPE can only go so far. She's entirely strong and my rock though.

Anyway, I was reassured when I found this site and hope I can make some connections with many of you. I could certainly use some advice and support right now, and promise I will give the same in return.

Take care,

Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Heather L

    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  • Jeff W

    Hey Bro!
    Happy Thanksgiving! My parents came to town and we had a massive meal! I am sooo fat now. Talk to you soon!
  • Callie

    Thanks so much for the comment on my blog! I was so happy to find this site, and meet so many other folks who are going through the same thing. I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend, too!
  • Callie

    Yep, nap went well, not long enough though! LOL. Most of the Christmas stuff is up, with some minor details to finish tomorrow. :o)
  • Tom Patterson

    Hey, thanks for the welcome.

    Basically, my case was eyelashes, a couple patches on my legs, and then a helluva lot on my head. I would say I lost over the course of three months and then it just stopped for about two months and then started to randomly grow back. My eyelashes actually grew back almost as soon as they fell out. My hair took a bit. It came back slowly at first, then it picked up. I still have a couple spots that look somewhat thin which is why my hair is kinda longish now to help cover it.

    My Thanksgiving was great. I ate like a mad man without abandon. How was your holiday season? Rather, how goes your holiday season since we're in the midst of the madness so to speak?
  • Jeff W

    Hey John,
    Had a great Thanksgiving. My parents were here for a week. I had a nice round of golf sunday - probably the last 60+ degree day I'll see for awhile. Hope your holiday was nice and I'm looking forward to finding you online sometime!
  • JET

    Hello; I just wanted to stop in and say Hello. Have a wonderful week.

  • Jeff W

    Hey John. Wassup? It's cold and snowy here now... Golf seems a long way off for now... Hope you're doing well. Drop me a line!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    All is pretty good here. How about with you? Whats goin' on?
    It's been pretty cold here lately. The high today was 46F and down to the 20's at night. Brrrr
    It's a night of Chicken Soup, a glass of wine and sitting fireside.
    We have an Alopecia Holiday Bash this Saturday.

  • Jeff W

    Hey John,
    I don't think I could ever run 4 miles. Well we had another snow. Then it rained a couple of inches and washed it all away. It was in the 50's today, but the next few days show highs in the 30's. I got a haircut today. Starting to shorten it up a little so I don't look like so much of a hippie or 70's kung fu fighter.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    How's the soup?
    I just got in from a little shopping trip and I just about froze on the way to the car.
    Leo is still working but I think I'll start heating up the soup and baking some cheese bread!
    Then the fireplace will be lit for the night.

  • Tom Patterson

    New York is just fine. The only snow we've gotten has been that crappy sleet/snow. How're you?
  • Robert

    Hey John, thanks for checking in with me. I'm still doing well. Still nervous as hell each morning when I wash my hair but things are definitely improving. I'm going for a haircut tonight. I think I'll still need to keep a bit of length to cover up some bits that haven't grown back yet (or have still to darken up), but I think that the hairdresser will notice a big improvement from my last appointment 8 weeks or so ago.

    How's life treating you?
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    How goes it?
    We're looking at cloudy skies today but a little bit warmer out.
    I've got an eye appointment today with the Dr. Gotta get me some new glasses.

    Hope your day is going well.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey John.

    All went well at the Eye Doctor.
    I only wear glasses to see. Haha! No but really, I wear them at work, while driving and reading. Otherwise who cares.
    I'm gonna have chicken soup again for dinner tonight.
    I hear ya Tomorrw TGIF!

    Have a great night.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    What a day...I worked with the kids today. They can be so funny. One little one kept trying to kick me and I told her I would have to call Santa if she didnt behave. She told me "I'm allready on the naughty list" I about died laughing...
    Having a TV night too. Tomorrow is our Alopecia Holiday Bash with the Tequila Allstars!


    Enjoy your weekend.

  • Robert

    Love the new pic, buddy.
  • JeffreySF

    Merry Christmas to you!!!
  • phiphi374

    Hi John
    Thank you for your comment.
    Well i'm doing fine, but i think it would be better if i had hairs. You see i am divorced for 1 year and a half and i have to seduce a woman and alopecia doesn't help !!
    I hope you are doing well
    See you
  • JeffreySF

    Merry Christmas John!
    Guess who's goin' to Hawaii?

    Woo Hoo!

  • Heather L


    I hope you and your wife have a wonderful holiday!!! And hope that 2010 is full of love, good health and happiness for you! And lots of hair growth! :)

    Thanks for your friendship and support!!

  • Robert

    Hi John

    I'm a bit early, but just to wish you a Happy New Year. Here's to a better 2010... it will be the FHOH year. ;0)

  • JeffreySF

    Happy new Year John!!!

  • Jeff W

    Hope you're having a great holiday in China! We'll have to catch up when you return. Happy New Year!!!!
  • Callie

    Hi John, thanks for the comment on my blog! I'll raise a glass for you as well, and we'll fight this battle for sure! :o)
  • Heather L


    Welcome home. I know that is filled with mixed emotions! How was your visit? Christmas? We missed you here! :)

    Thanks for the comment about my new pic. I got a camera for Christmas and have been trigger happy! Poor Bentley -he is so tired of me taking his picture- good thing he cannot talk! ha!

    It's freezing cold here!! And windy-- NOT good for spots!!! ugh. Speaking of which- since we last talked I have a new spot....right in the nape of my neck. So the only good thing I can say -is that it is in a good place for hiding. shew..A stake right through the heart. How is your hair? Still good news I hope!!

    Here's to a hairy 2010!! Bring it on...
  • Jeff W

    Hey Bro!
    Happy New Year! The pre Christmas blizzard snow all got washed away in the big Christmas rain storm. Then we got an inch or two on New Years Eve which would have all melted by now except it's like in the 20's and insanely windy. It's very cold here right now! Back to work tomorrow :(. Talk to you soon!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    Whats up?
    We just got back from Hawaii. It was a short trip but really nice!

  • Robert

    Hi John

    Happy New Year to you too. Hope you had a lovely break.

    I had a great festive season...looking forward to a better 2010.

    Hairwise still pretty much the same with a good amount of regrowth with a couple of bits to fill in completely so really happy about that. I'm still totally paranoid about my hair. There's a bit giving me a bit of concern as I can't quite work out if a new patch is starting or if it's an older patch that's still to fill in. It does look a bit on the pink side so I'm fearing the worst, to be honest. Hopefully it's just an isolated incident as the thought of multiple patches fills me with a huge fear. I cannot go through that again!

    How are things with you?
  • Jeff W

    Hey John,
    Welcome back! Snow and ice in Houston? What's that all about? Global warming....Hah!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,
    What's goin' on?
    All is good here have a 4 day weekend starting tomorrow.
    I went off my diet for the holidays and managed to jump right back to where I started! Grrrr! I'm starting over from the begining...Good news is that my choleterol level did go below 200 so I am happy about that.

    Kickboxing class at 9am!

  • Heather L

    Hello John!!

    How was your weekend? do anything fun? It was a GREAT day to be a Raven's fan! :) Did you watch any of the play off games this weekend? Dallas was tough too!

    All the news on your hair sounds wonderful! I am praying this AA will soon be a distant memory for you!

    Yes my vacation has been over. ALTHOUGH I have a three day week this week! I am leaving late wed. to drive to Pawleys Island SC. (20-30 minutes south of Myrtle Beach). I am going to help my mother with a rental property. One needs some work and the other I need to re-new the renter's contract. Did I tell you I have a real estate broker's license ( although no longer my full time job!!) anyway that being the case -- guess who always handles any and all of my family member's real estate needs!!!

    This new spot in the nape of my neck is really making me nervous. all I can do is lather steroid foam on and try hard to stay positive! ( some days are much better than others- sure you can relate!)

    Hope all is well!!
    Good night!
  • Sarah McA

    Hey John...sorry about the late response....I havent been on here in a few days...things are going good. I got my first wig the other day and that has definitely made life a lot easier, plus I think I have finally got through to my doctor...I have to go see him tomorrow so hopefully he can give me more insight as to why this is are things with you?
  • Jeff W

    Haven't touched base for a bit - I hope all is going well for you. Drop me a line!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    All is good here despite the pissing rain.
    New job huh? I dont remember that. I hope you are liking it!
    We had our NAAF meeting tonight. It was really good to see some old friends and make some new ones too.

    How's the alopecia going?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    Good news about the hair and the job! Congratulations!
    All is good here. My hair is slowly filling in. It seems like the white hair is slowly turning darker. I cant believe it's going on 3 years now.
    We had an interesting meeting last night. There was a woman there who is 27 and has had alopecia since she was 13. She had never been to a meeting before and nearly broke down. Good news was after some of us old timers told our stories she was able to tell hers and actually laugh. It's a great feeling to be able to help others who are struggling.

    I did a step class today and it's kickboxing tomorrow. Woo Hoo!

  • Tom Patterson

    Hey! My hair is slowly filling in to the point where right now in the back it only looks like I have a wicked weird part, but even that is hidden with the natural lay of my hair. 2010 has been good, but a bit hectic. I have a big audition coming up tomorrow so wish be broken legs.

    How have you been?

  • Robert

    Hey John. Thanks for leaving me a comment and apologies for the time that it has taken to reply. I've had a busy week so I've just had a few quick visits to the site.

    Glad to hear that you're doing well and that the spots are filling in. Great news.

    Thanks for the comments on my regrowth blog. I did it to try to make myself feel a bit more positive and I was pleasantly surprised to see the improvement in only a matter of months. I think that I need to try and forget about AA.

    There is a new patch but it's still really small. The itchiness has gone but it is still a little on the pink side. Hopefully it won't develop into anything too bad. Shedding is really minimal right now so fingers crossed that keeps up.

    Hope you've had a great weekend. I've had a lovely chill-out day today after a busy week. I definitely need to step up the exercise programme as I can still feel the extra Christmas weight still on me... don't think I'm up to your jogging standard yet though so I'll stick with the wii-fit for now!

    Catch up with you soon
    Take care
  • Sarah McA

    Hey JOhn....I'm loving my wig and the fact it is the exact colout to my natural hair is brilliant....the best thing is that noone even knows I'm wearing a wig...I have since heard about 3 girls I know who live locally that also have alopecia and wear wigs. I gues this condition is a lot more common than I thought. So how are things with you? I hope all is well :)
  • Robert

    Hey John

    Congrats on the milestone run! 10 miles is very impressive indeed.

    Good luck for that half-marathon in April.

    Catch up with you soon
  • Ernesto

    Hey John...touching base, I'm still here, new head of hair. Still have spots but you can't see them. So not so good and yet great news at the same time. Hope your doing well.

    Happy new years buddy!
  • Rick Seymour

    Looks like you got a boat load of hair there John. Don't think you look like "The King" though, there is no curl in your lip. 8^) trudge on
  • JeffreySF

    Hi John,

    How are you?
    All is good here. I think I am at AA these days with a shaved head till all the patches are gone.
    My legs and arm hair are getting close to baseline pre-alopecia

  • JeffreySF

    HI John,
    Whats up with you?
    How's the hair?

  • Jeff W

    Hey John! I log in here pretty frequently, but haven't been hanging out for long. A lot of the friends I have made here over the past year also seem to be slowing down a little (I think that's a good sign in general). My hair is doing great and I hope your hair continues to be strong as well! I keep meaning to drop you an email - maybe this week I'll actually get around to doing it! Take care, Bro!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey John,

    All is good here.
    Went and saw the Last Station today. Not a bad film.
    Glad your hair is hangin in there. Mine is doin okay too.
    Geared up for NAAF. I hope I still have alopecia in June!!! Lol

  • Heather L

    GREAT to hear from you!!!

    The spot on the nape of my neck is "waxing and waning" a little bit. There is hair growth in the center but the edges look a little bigger.... the more concerning new development in a new little spot that started a week or so ago that is RIGHT on top of my head!!! Keeping it drowned in steroid foam and knock on wood it will stay pretty small-- fingers crossed!

    Yes work is still slow... perhaps it should be stressing me more but really I have enjoyed the shorter days lately.... the days are getting longer and weather warmer so it's not so bad to get home early!! :)

    What's up with you?? Hope the AA is still in remission!!!

    Have a great night,
  • Robert

    Hey John

    Thanks for checking in with me. I'm doing good thanks.
    How's the training going?
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey John! It has been forever since we have talked! How are you? I hope all is well! Take care!
  • Tom Patterson

    Hey, John! That's basically exactly what I mean. All my spots are "filled in," but I think I still have some general thinness. I'm using Nioxin as per hairdresser advice. My sister thinks it's because after the trauma related to hair my hair is gonna seem thinner, though apparently I'm the only one noticing it.