

Athens, GA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am Parent of a beautiful daughter 2 years and 6 month old who is suffering from Alopecia areata progressing very rapidly.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Andy,
    Welcome to Alopecia World. I also am the mother of a 6 yr old with alopecia. You will get alot of support here.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Andy,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Andy,
    Youre daughter is so cute.
    Talk with other parents here and they will give you lots of information and support.

  • Heather L

    Good Morning Andy,

    Welcome to Alopecia World. I'm sure will find lots of helpful information here. Your daughter is precious!!

    Hope you have a great weekend,
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Andy,
    When my daughter was diagnosed she was 4 and our doctor said it would be too painful for her at that age to get cortizone shots. He recommended a topical solution called Clobetasol Propionate to apply to her scalp. Within a few weeks hair started to grow back in. He also stated that if it seems to be working we should discontinue use for awhile. I stopped using it for about a year when she started a regrowth of hair. Even without using the solution for a year hair seems to grow back but then another patch will appear. It just seems like a waiting game. If and when her hair loss becomes more severe I wil go back to her dermatologist to see what he recommends for her age then. What did your doctor say about cortizone for your daughter and her age?

  • JeffreySF

    You're welcome.

    have a great day
  • Linda

    Hello Andy, she is beautiful! Welcome to alopeciaworld, you will find an abundance of support and knowledge here.
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Andy,
    Please let me know the outcome of your daughters hair growth with the homeopathic treatment you are about to do. I am trying to research what will help with regrowth but of course every child reacts differently. I will keep your daughter in our prayers.

  • Nikita

    Thank you for that I will read it now, it will be interesting to compare because I am on a treatment called Spiralactoe which pretty much guarentees it from falling out in future (but won't grow back hair that is lost) but for some reason it is not in the States ( hopefully it is under a different name and not because it makes people grow an extra limb) I only with they had a treatment (that was very effective) for AA. One day it will happen xox Nikita
    chat soon
  • Cindy

    Hi Andy, your daughter is beautiful..How are you doing? Cindy
  • Christy Hullinger


    I was in India last September and October. Delhi and Agra one weekend, but the majority of my time was spent in Pune. I loved the weather since the monsoons had just ended and everything was green. I much prefer the heat to the cold so after being in India the cold winter in Ohio was miserable. :)
  • Melani Molina


    Your daughter is gorgeous! I am so sorry to hear that she is losing so much hair so rapidly. Genevieve has probably only lost about 20% of her hair and a portion of her eyebrow in a five month period. For that we are very thankful. She has recently developed some spontaneous regrowth, but still has some very active patches in the back of her head. It is so strange. She is handling it well (better than me). I know the agony you are going through. I hope that the treatment you have chosen will work for your daughter. We are not currently using anything on Genevieve. We tried clobex lotion for about a week and a half several months ago. I just didn't feel comfortable exposing her to the steroids. I think everyone has to make the decisions that they feel are right for their family. I think as time goes by I am better able to accept what is happening. Of course Genevieve still has most of her hair, so that could change should things progress. The really heartbreaking thing is that we suspect her sister may be developing it as well.
  • Lynn AKA Mom of 2 w/AA

    Dear Andy: Sorry to learn your daughter also has A.A. But, I am glad that you found Alopecia World. You will find a ton of support here! Try to remember that there are kids out there that have gotten A.A. once, then never again. Most people recover from A.A. within one year. I know it is hard not to worry, but you must remain positive. Your daughter has the face of doll! What a beauty!! My daughter developed A.A. for the first time at age 8. Now both kids have it = daughter 11 & son 10 years old. Over the past year, they have lost hair in certain spots, but almost all of the old spots are experiencing regrowth. With treatment, their A.A. has been naturally concealed the entire school year. With A.A. everyone is affected different ~ you never know how it will progress, etc.. What a rollercoaster. Hang on tight & be there for your little angel.
  • Simone La Sure-Clark

    Well my dermo first had me on women's rogan but then I started getting the shots and ever since then my hair has been graduallly growing bakk.I happy for the little hair that I do have.
  • Kimberly

    Hi Andy!

    Your little one is precious! AA is a difficult thing to go through. I truly feel when you have a toddler/preschool age child, it's more difficult on the adults in the child's life than the child itself. My daughter wasn't affected near as much when she started w/ AA @ age 4. We weren't so hopeful for her future since she lost ALL her hair (eyebrows, eyelashes, head, etc..) She started regrowth (after a 6wk Prelone treatment, diet change, vitamin boost) She really began regrowth prior to the Prelone, but feel it definitely progressed the pace of growth while on the treatment. Now, she's had postive results & her entire head is covered w/ hair. Still not long enough to hold barrettes, but hoping it will be there by the Fall. Her dr.'s keep us in check by telling us this is something she will live w/ the rest of her life and can have a relapse at any time. We are crossing our fingers that we prepare our daughter for her future w/o worrying her to stress her out making it a reality. Stress can cause a relapse along w/ many other factors. Each person is different, that's the crazy thing about this disorder!
    I hope you get some wonderful support & keep faith! Welcome & remain postive. I know it's hard, but know your daughter feeds off of her environment. :)
  • Jeanne

    What a precious, precious lil girl!!!!! How hard it must be for you as a parent. when I think of how hard it is for me to deal with my AU it doesnt compare to having to watch your child go thru it. This website is a great tool for gaining support, learning about treatment options and really just meeting people who understand. I wish the best for you and your daughter. keep your head up. have anice weekend
  • mary

    Hi Andy! Your daughter looks like a little angel! I am so sorry to hear she has A.A. I also had it when I was in grade school (small spot) but had total regrowth up until about 2 and a half years ago, I'm now 35. Hopefully she will have regrowth as well. I could not imagine having to go through a more severe case through my school years. Its bad enough as an adult. Stay positive though!
  • Sybil

    HI Andy...Thank you!
    How is your daughter doing today???
  • Sybil

    OH! My husband saw that guy on youtube. We had another DA yesterday for a second opinion. The only thing this guy said that I feel comfortable with is that he wants bloodwork to check her thyroid. He wasn't too pleased about my *It's not curable why should we keep spending money...let's see where it goes* attitude. He wants to try a stronger cream, send us to the head of dermatology at NYU who DOES NOT take insurance..and we'd have to see her *several times* He said the guy we went to originally is one of the best we'll stick with what we're doing. The fall out has stopped and we have regrowth..but I want her to be comfortable with who she is rather than cover it up..if her hair grows back that's good..but if we can't get it to grow back I won't drag her around to doctors to see what we can do.
    Let me know how that other stuff husband is curious about it

  • Cindy

    Hi Andy, did you decide to try the herbal treatment the Dr. Gomen (is that right) that is on here is suggesting?
  • Kimberly

    Hey Andy,
    My apologies for the delayed reponse. I'm not on here too much these days but I try to keep up w/ messages. As for specific treatments, I can tell you what they did for my daughter, but just want to preface that w/ the fact that the outcome can be different for everyone, not to mention that your child is younger than mine so would advise you to speak w/ her derm/dr before giving her additional supplements. You may be sorry for asking once you read all the stuff we tried. None of it is solid evidence that it allowed her body to regrow hair, but I thought it was worth trying.
    I went to the health food store & put her on a B-12 dissolvable tablet 1x wk for a few wks, then up'd it to 2x wk; 1tsp of Kids DHA/Omega oil, 1/4 Aloe Juice mixed in Bolthouse B Vitamin smoothie's every morning. She also takes her normal Flinstone complete vitamin, Vit-d tablet (she doesn't like milk) & a hair/nail vitamin. It took a few tries to figure out how to swallow pills, but she's a champ @ it now. We also changed her diet to more salmon, plain yogurt mixed w/ fruit & Splenda, lean cheeses, whole rye bread (her fav. snack now is whole rye crackers w/ laughing cow cheese spread on them). She's always eaten lots of fruit, but just made sure she was eating more blueberries, blackberries, etc.. We changed to more organic/whole foods & organic milk. I feel that AA is caused by something toxic to the body, we just don't know what is causing the toxicity. I also started mixing our own alkaline water by PHion. I researched it & was cautious about ordering online. BBB said they have a good rating but when I saw my local health food store carry it, I picked it up & made the whole family drink it. In a nutshell, our body naturally creates PH balance but sometimes it pulls from other areas to obtain the balance causing other parts of our body to suffer. Since our body is made mostly of water, if we replenish it w/ water that is already PH balanced, then our system will be more harmonic.
    As for dr. prescribed stuff, she was on Mens rogaine 2x day & Clobetsol 2x day. She also did a 6 wk tapered down course of Prelone (oral steroid). I stopped all treatment about 3 wks ago & still doing ok. We're supposed to alternate rogaine 1x day w/ Clobetsol 1x day on the alternate day.
    Now, I'm not sure what, of all of this, helped/didn't help. I think we, as parents, will try anything for our kids. It's just a matter of how much & how far. I was very reluctant against Prelone initally. Went home & did research & was even more in distress w/ the things I read. Luckily, we have a close friend, in another state, who's a derm & we have a few friends in the medical field so I consulted w/ them and asked their honest opinion on what they would do if they were in my shoes. I think my #1 thing was that I've asked lots of ?'s & researched tons. Sorry for the book, but you asked! :) Best wishes....
  • Daniela Murga

    thank's hope your day is going good... Dani
  • myem

    Hi Andy,
    How is the little one? Is she having any success with the herbal treatment? My daughter keeps asking me to check back with you. We will stick with the current regime for another two months then will decide what to do next.
    Take care,
  • Christine Messner

    Hi there, oh my gosh..your little girl so soo cute. I just want to pinch those little cheeks!!. My son is going to be 3 in dec. I have been doing Dr. Gonen treatment on him. we are on month 3 as of sunday and I can't tell you how happy we are with the results. He has about 75% of his hair back now. If it will stay? who knows but so far so good!!! That's the only treatment we have tried! big hugs to your little angel
  • Saida Z. (Ariana's mom)

    thank you for your comment. Your little girl is beutiful she has a face of an angel . my daughter had lost about 85% of her hair and we started using olux-e foam and it seems to work she had new hair growing but not it started to fall off again i feel that is time to try something new im thinking of trying Dr. gonen's tratment we'll see how that goes. I wish your family and your daughter the best
  • Seadra

    I just have to say your daughter is just beautiful! What a precious gem:) She reminds me of me and my sister at that age. Enjoy every moment!
  • Lara (Becca's Mom)

    Andy, I too have a daughter who is 3 with Alopecia. Your daughter is very cute.
  • Saida Z. (Ariana's mom)

    HI Andy how are you? how is your little one? i been reading on Mr. gonnens treatment and i notice you are using or used it on your daughter. i am using it too and its been almost two months i don't really see much change except for a few blond hairs that i can count and some goosebumps on my daughters scalpbut then i don't know if this is due to the treatment. Her hairs still falls out very fast. i was wondering how is it working for you? I was thinking about getting another 3 months but im not so sure about it anymore, if you would please let me know i would really appreciated thank you
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Andy,
    How are you and your daughter doing?