

east orange, new jersey

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
i do not have alopecia, but i have had several friends(some on this site) who have. after browsing through a few profiles, i was inspired to write. many ladies on this site express their fear of rejection or question their sensual appeal. please believe that many find you VERY SEXXY in your natural state. confidence in presenting oneself AS oneself is super attractive. acceptance of oneself IS strength... remember, evreyone won't get it...but the right people will. and in many ways that gives you an advantage to see who really cares about you... here is a man who sees you as attractive as anyone else on the outside... but it is the inside that is the key to lasting friendship peace & respect
Do you have alopecia?
I do not have alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Linda

    Welcome to AlopeciaWorld, Terrence!
  • Roger


  • Tricia

    Welcome, Terrence!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Terrence,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Terrence. Welcome to Alopecia World! This is a great place for great people, so be sure to make your positive presence known. :-) - rj, Co-founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us and we look forward to your input. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Terrence, How are you? I have not heard from you in a while. I didn't realize that where on the site until my fiance asked if I knew you, since you mentioned that you knew one of the creators of the site. How did you find out about Alopecia World?
  • Dee

    Thanx for being such a gentleman!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    What a small world!
  • Sharla

    We need more gentlemen like u,,, I hope they'll find this too so we can extend our appreciation... great going...thanx for ur input, it gives me more confindence....
  • Sharla

    Ur so right....and i'll always remember what u say.....thank u...
  • Avis

    Thanks for the welcome and the positive words Terrence. It's amazing how many adults are into the whole social networking thing! This is new to me. I used to wonder how my kids could stay on facebook for hours at a time. Now I know...it's fascinating. I look forward to many stimulating conversations.
  • Galena

    Hello Terrence,
    Hope you have enjoyed checking AW out from time to time. I was happy to see the picture of the woman on your page. I believe I recognize her as the mysterious nameless model of the Ohio Players album cover art. She blazed the way indeed. Thank you for your support of us.
  • Joye Pressley

    Thank you for the words of encouragement Terrence. Every little bit helps and gives me the courage to keep going out their "uncovered". Have a Blessed Day!!!
  • De'Andrea Freeman

    Thanks Terrence for the compliment and friendship....If only you could clone yourself, this world would be such a more loving place for us (Bald women). Thanks so very much again for your warm words. Peace and continual blessings!
  • De'Andrea Freeman

    Thanks for the motivation Terrence! It gives me hope!
  • Karen W

    I really never have been rejected about my condition when I do choose to show my scalp. I dont wear lace wigs at home ,but, I like the so called unnatural look so a man who does not mind has to accept that part of me as well. Even before Alopecia I wore braids and weaves to get a change and a new look. I havealways been confident.