Christy Cyphers


Grove City, OH

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I was diagnosed with Androgenic Alopecia and Telogen Effluvium after a scalp biopsy. I am by trade a losing my hair was very hard for me. I have been wearing full wigs for the past 6 yrs. I started losing my hair my senior year in High school not knowing why. I am still searching for answers and have been told that for me it is a genetic gene that I have. I am one of 13 all adopted so I have no family history on myself. I am now launching my own wig line called "I AM" by Christina. The I AM is your source and confidence, through my struggle I am helping others re-discover their once found self esteem.
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • Karina

    Christy...I have one natural hair machine-made and I´m afraid that it can fall off... Did you tell people about this? How do you exercise?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Christy!
    How exciting that you are launching your own wig line! Do you have a web site?
  • Karina

    Can the hair grow under a wig?
  • Nicole

    Hi Christy! I am very happy to hear that you are launching your own wig line. That has to be so exciting and fun. We both live in the Washington D.C. Metro area, so I would love to know when you do launch your wig line.
  • JET

    Hello; I just wanted to stop in and say Hello. Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Eric L Ross Sr

    Thanks for adding me as a friend.
  • Sam Sam

    Your very pretty and i admire you. you go bald and where wigs, i am still learing how to do that.
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Christy what is "My black is beautiful"?
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hi Christy
    First of all welcome to AW,
    I love your pictures they are just too cha cha for words, I recognize some faces, I too like Cheryl am wondering what is " My Black is beautiful"? Is it a fund raiser? I love learning new things.
    Take Care & Welcome
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hi Christy
    In answer to your question on National Bald Out site, once Thea or Bald Girls Do Lunch is awarded the Trademark of National Bald Out, basically yes, permission to use the slogan, put it on tee shirts, banners, ect. you have it right. In some cases depending on the owner of the trademark one must pay a fee to use it.
    I hope hope this is of some help. I think its great you asked this because I suspect many others wanted to ask it as well.
    I have always been told & feel strongly there is no silly or dumb question, the only silly or dumb questions are those that are not asked.
    So keep asking, I do as you can see from my previous narrative. Thats how we learn, in learning comes knowledge & with knowledge comes understanding.
    Take Care my Alopecian Sister.
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hi Christy, thank you so much for explaining "My Black Is Beautiful" and a huge Congrats to you, how exciting, I am so thrilled for & proud of you my Alopecian Sister, being asked to partake in such an event, wow, Good For You.
    I like the "My Bald Is Beautiful" idea of yours, however, there is that trademark issue again, as it is very close to My Black Is Beautiful, but perhaps putting heads together we can come up with a great one, many an alopecian has said bald is beautiful.
    Put a suggestion into Mary, something wonderful will come of this. I agree with you there something that just hums right along with My Bald Is Beautiful.
    Thanks again, I learned something new today & once again congrats on being asked to partake, what a totally cool & awesome thing to be able to put on ones resume.
    Take care of you.
  • Sam Sam

    Hey Christy I just got your message. Let me know where you want to come maybe we can catch a movie in time square. 347-998-6064.

  • Stephanie

    Christy, Would you recommend Dawn dish soap for a human hair wig? Thanks, Stephanie