
31, Female


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:

My name is Megan.I'm 21 years old and I have had alopecia for 7 years. I currently wear a wig and have lost most of my body hair.

I am in the process of making a short awareness documentary on alopecia and living with it.

If you ever need to chat you can always get me on email at and I'll always reply.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Linda

    Hi Megan, the back of my head was one of the places I had AA, I used to pull my hair in the front over the spot and wear a pony tail at the nape of my neck. Welcome to A-world, if I can help in any way, send me a message!
  • Roger

    Welcome Megan.

  • Nick

    hiyaaa :)
  • Zoey

    Hello Megan :) Nice to meet ya
  • Nick

    im okay thanks, just being really really lazy today.
    how about yourself? you up to anything good today?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Megan, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • Dawn

    Hi and welcome Megan!!
  • Zoey

    I am great! I love the summer so many things to do outside.. I love the outdoors... Big into Kayaking and camping. (Yet, I havent really went camping this summer yet)
    But, We are going to the Peach Festival tomorrow, Sounds like its gonna be a blast....
    What have you been up to??
  • Nick

    all kinds of stuff really.. i absolutely love music :) and enjoy going to gigs and stuff with friends. ohh and i guess i should be into law lol because im studying it at uni.
    how about you? x x x
  • myranda

    hey so you just found out about this hair loss thing i just turned 16 and i got it when i was 13 and my life has been rough i didnt no if you go to hgihschool and if kids ever talk about you?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Megan, I dig your slippers! How are you?
  • Nick

    hehe, im gonna be really really lazy and say visit my newly setup myspace ;)
  • Nick
  • Nick

    ohh, at one point i couldn't live without checking myspace all the time, then it turned to checking facebook all the time since uni and i'm just balancing the 2 now lol.
    i'm good thank you, had an amazing weekend but this week has been nothing special so far. x
  • Jana

    heey :)
  • Jana

    im gooood and you ? =) so what did you do this weekend ?
  • Jana

    uhm just working , partying and stuff :)
    just wondering , do you have spots or are you bald ? :)
  • Jana

    yeah me too , i only have spots ..
  • lauren

    Hey how are you doing?
  • lauren

    im doing pretty good. My hair is getting worse (but thats ok) and not really in to wearing the wig its not really comfortable.
    So how is everything going for you?
  • lauren

    They should find a way to make those things more comfortable. I just been buried in homework , chores, and soccer practice. How bout you ? Anything intresting going on?
  • lauren

    sweet did you name them yet? What show did you go see?
    Oh happy early b-day. I have four cats but not all in one house 2 at my moms and 2 at my dads.
  • lauren

    My cats names are Missy hissy , jenny, siah, and brodie( i didnt get to pick any of the names)
  • Georgia Van C

    thanks huni!!!
  • Carla

    It's nice to meet you as well Megan!
  • Mike

    Hi Megan.
    Saw your prayer request where you mentioned that you might have to give up a couple of cats because its causing an asthma in your Mum.
    Something that might be of interest to you. My sister has worked in the past as a Vet nurse. One of the vets she worked with would say it is not the cat that causes asthma attacks, but rather, it is the dust that a cat carries. He recommended people with asthma to bath their cats regularly. This would enable asthma sufferers to be able to keep their cats. Your cats are still young so maybe it is possible to get them used to being bathed? Worth a try?
  • Mike

    Just did a quick web search and found this.
    Hope it helps.
  • Moni

    Hello. I will be coming out on The Doctors show today. I will be asking about childhood Alopecia Areata. Check it out if you can.
  • Moni

    Hello, Megan. I hope and pray that you are feeling stronger and stronger. My daughter goes out w/no hat. She'll put it on for awhile but eventually pulls it off. How are you doing in school? What grade are you in? I read that you are Christian. We are too. Praise God everyday. Even when it's so hard, Megan. I tell God, "Don't let go of me". Write back. I will pray for all of us tonight.
  • Lucy

    hey megan
    how r u?
  • Lori Black

    HI Megan, I am new to this site, but alopecia and I have walked through life together since I was 12. I am now 36. If we can truly accept the way the Lord sees us (on the inside) and accept HIS acceptance and love for us, there is nothing we can't be in Him! Philippians 4:13 says we can do ALL things with Jesus' help! Pray and ask the Lord to just help you to let it go everyday if you have to and let HIM keep it and He will lead you, to this site ( I wish they had sucha thing when I was 16). People will be unable to accept some of us due to the fact that we're "different" and believe me I know how that hurts when you just want to be "like everybody else". As Christians we are "different" than the world anyways, right? God will use this in your life to allow you to bless someone else down the road, Romans 8:28 says He uses it ALL for our good but for HIS glory, you stay encouraged and ask the Lord who you can bless by this, He'll show you how to live the life He has planned for you, alopecia doesn't happen without His notice. Psalm 91 is one of my favorite passages and Isaiah 41:10 was and has been a comfort to me since my husband died and gave him peace thru his illness. The WORD is alive!!
    Because He first loved us,
  • Debbie

    Hi Mega, I am from Glasgow, just thought I would let you know there are at least 3 wig places there too if you needed to find somewhere else not sure about other parts of scotland tho.
  • Megan Willmott

    Ahh your welcome :) i've realised theres no need to worry about what you look like, it's who you are and i'm pretty proud hehe. hmm, i like to play lots of sports and stuff. hanging out with my mates ha. i've done lots of competitions in horseriding and football and having alopecia hasn't ruined it. What about you, what do you like doing? x
  • Lizzie

    Hi Megan :) Thanks for the friend request. Hope your having a good day :) Looking forward to getting to know you better! Take Care, Liz x
  • Jo kelly

    Hi there Megan.....Thank you for your warm welcome. It'll be nice to get to know you all. I do hope youre feeling in good spirits.
    I'm from Cheshire...though originally from Liverpool. I married a Scottish man. Though were not together now......
    Anyway take care and God bless x
  • Joy

    Hey Megan..i am now getting notices from the Christian group..dont know what happened but it is fixed now!! i hope you are having a good day!
  • amirali

    hi, tnx for add ;) BTW r u living in edinburgh?