anita martin rueda




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In a Relationship
About Me:
i had have effluvium telogen for a year now, but iam staring to think it could be a diffuse areta, i got a lot of pain as well in my scalp
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Anita!
    How are you today?
  • Julie Koch

    How are you? Please accept my friend request so we can send messages! I would love to talk with you... :)
  • Chefpam

    Yes, I do still have hair...very thin and lifeless and still falling out LITERALLY in handfuls with days of severe scalp pain. I have seen tons of drs, had 5 biopsies, still no answers.....I just keep hoping something will change or that it will all fall out and I find the strength to overcome it. Wishing you the best. You are not alone!
  • Heather

    First, yes, it is possible to have autoimmune alopecia without bald is called diffuse alopecia. It's the same as alopecia areata, but instead of bald spot it is in a diffuse manner throughout the entire head. The pain that I experience is a burning sensation and sometimes that bruised feeling, too. It's God awful. Actually, hair loss problem is more like 11 years. It grew back once, and then it started to fall out again and just kept going. Yes, I still have hair for now, but I don't see any signs of it returning. It's brittle and weak. I finally got the correct diagnosis about a couple years ago from a very reputable hair specialist, Jerry Shapiro.
  • Heather

    Tell your doctor to read up on his alopecias.
  • Carol Yuen

    i had two spots, one was like the size of a golf ball, the other is the size of a marble. however, my hair lost is in the diffuse pattern. I was literally bald after 3 months of when alopecia started. I used minoxdil 5% for couple of months and i had significant regrowth, but when i stopped using it, my hair fell again. i hope you feel better soon and that your hair will grow back
  • Julie Koch

    I was tested for celiac last week and have some of the symptoms. He isn't positive to say I have it or not. He wants me to get rechecked in a few months. My labs fit some of the criteria for it, so i am not sure yet... May I ask why? Is this bad? Thanks!
  • Julie Koch

    My allergist called today and I dont have Celiac. I do have a slight intolerance to wheat but not gluten. He said I am free to eat whatever doesn't bother me. So, check that off the list! My seborrhea dermatitis is driving me nuts. I have never had any hair or scalp issues until I woke up that one day... Sucks. I appreciate your input!
  • estella garcia

    i am losing about 600 hairs a day,and i have te and also believe i might diffuse aa
  • estella garcia

    do you have an idea what the trigger is?
  • estella garcia

    have you had a scalp biopsy?
  • estella garcia

    they also kept telling me it was te ,but when they did the biopsy it showed different .
    i really recommend a biopsy so you really know whats going on,they can never be sure without one .how long has this been going on ? do you still have hair?how is the rogaine working for you? there really isn't a scar with a biopsy its very small .
  • estella garcia

    hello ,i understand you do not worry about your English my grand mother was from Spain. so the rogaine didn't increase your shed.i would like to try it but my scalp is very inflamed and your hair is growing in thinner than before.i heard rogaine doesn't grow thick hair just baby soft white hair.
  • estella garcia

    nothing right now just vitamins and iron.
  • estella garcia

    well my hair is getting thinner but different parts are worse
  • Julie Koch

    My hair loss seems to have lessened more recently and don't lose more than 100 a day for the past week or so. It was closer to 200 or more for the last 7 months. I hope it's slowing down but scared of another shed because my stress is so high. My scalp is also in a lot of pain and discomfort due to the seb derm i was just diagnosed with a few weeks ago. Hang in there. Hugs!