Heather Bloom


Astoria, NY

United States

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About Me:
Had alopecia for about
twenty years.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Phyllis Wallace

    Hi Again. The only skin that gets red is on my scalp. The "hot spots" turn red and that's where the hair falls out the most. So, I have questions for you...how long have you been dealing with hair loss and how long have you had the burning symptoms? I've been told and have also read that a neuropeptide ("substance P") is present in hair follicles where burning occurs. The goal is to block substance P. For some people anti-depressants help. My neurologist neighbor told me that capsaicin (found in peppers) is also used to block it. Have you heard anything like this?
  • Phyllis Wallace

    Hi Heather. I just visited my new dermatologist who happens to be a "hair loss specialist" here in the northwest. She told me that I'm the first patient she has had that has the burning symptoms (sounds like you and I are anomolies in the alopecia world). Rats! I was hoping she would know how to make it stop. For now, I will continue my own experiments and will continue to avoid corn, wheat, soy, and peanuts. By the way, have you heard of Shou Wu? It's a chinese remedy (from the Fo-Ti root, I believe). It is supposed to help kidney and liver function but, is also popular (in China) for promoting hair growth. I learned about it from an acupucturist/herbalist. I found it at the health food store and have been taking it daily for a few months now. Despite my bald burning patches (which are pretty small), I have alot of new hair growing in areas where my hair is thin. I just wish I could stop the hair that is falling out!
  • Phyllis Wallace

    Heather. Yes, my hair started growing after taking Shou Wu. I have not experienced any side effects from it. I am taking three tablets three times per day.