Phyllis Wallace


Portland, OR

United States

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About Me:
Stay at home mom with two boys and a very loving husband. Active as a school volunteer and gym rat. Interests include travel, cooking, movies, jigsaw puzzles, learning to golf, etc. Experienced AA for the first time at age 47. Been battling with it for the past 8 months.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):
http://Don't have a web address

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  • Heather Bloom

    Hi Phyllis, I've been dealing with the hair loss and the burning for more than a decade. And yes, I've heard of the Substance P...I've been doing research on this for a loooooong time. I actually tried the capsaicin cream on my forehead, not a good idea. I also was taking cayenne pepper for a little while, but I didn't stick with it long enough. Honestly, I don't know if the burning is related to the hair loss, although it did start at the same. I had burning allover my body...and it was very painful. Now, it seems to flare up when I'm expecting my period. So, maybe there is a hormonal component and a food component. It is still a mystery to me. Even though the burning has subsided, the hair loss continues.
  • Heather Bloom

    Hi again, we are not such anomalies, there are so many people at AW that have this burning. If you do a search, you will see that many people are just as confused. Yes, I've heard of Shou wu, actually I've used a shampoo made by Aubrey that has Shou Wu in it. Well, maybe I should try taking it. Are there any side effects? Did your hair start growing when you began taking it?
  • Heather Bloom

    Hmmm...I read up on it a little, it's suppose to estrogenic effects. That would not be a wise choice for me. Oh, well.