Dee Connelly


Gettysburg, PA

United States

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About Me:
HI, I have had alopecia universalis since I was 2 years old. I am so glad that Cheryl Carvery sent me the email regarding this site. I truly enjoy the NAAF conferences that my husband and I attend and the opportunities that they give me to make new friends in the alopecia world. If anyone would like to write me regarding their experiences with alopecia I would love to get to know you.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • Roger

    Hi Dee.

    Now its 2 days left until I go to the US. =) Im very excited and little nervous cuz im going alone but I know im going to have a great time in Louisville. Ill keep you posted with some photos and text =)

    Take care, Roger.
  • Roger

    Hi Dee.

    I have some photos up from Louisville now.

  • Roger

    Are you two planning to go next year to Houston?

  • chelsi

    Un petit bonjour du Québec ...
  • Elizabeth

    Hi neighbor...I live in Reading!
  • Roger

    Thanks. Yes, I hope you can go to Houston next summer!

  • Elizabeth

    Yes I live in Reading. But I just moved here from DC. So you will have to have patience with me, as I have NO idea where you are talking about!!! I would absolutley love to meet you! It is SO COOL to have someone like me so near!!!
  • chelsi

    Hi ! Yes i had a good day today , and you , have you a good summer ?
  • Elizabeth

    Ah GREAT!! I spent alot of time in Gettysburg when I lived in Maryland. I dated a reenactor at one time. Awesome place!
  • Roger

    My Space Or Yours?.net
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • Roger

  • jeff grindall

    hi dee have had alopecia universalis since 13 but i have learned to embrace it,have stopped wearing wigs apart from at work.
  • Roger

    Dont worry =)

    Do you two have any plans for Houston this summer?
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Dee,

    How are you?
    Sorry I missed you earlier.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Dee,

    Holidays were great.
    How are things with you?
    Going to NAAF this June?

  • JeffreySF

    Last year was my first conference and my first year with Alopecia
    I couldnt have had a better time. It made everything real!!!

  • jeff grindall

    hi dee thanks for your mail i am enjoying not wearing a wig i want people to gradually get used to me without hair.i wear hats as well instead of wigs a lot of the time
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Dee,

    Have a wonderful day :)
  • Mary

    Welcome to the National Bald Out Group!!!

  • Lisa Nicholson

    Hi Dee! I miss you guys so much!!!!! I haven't been to a conference since the one in Minnessota either. I am really dying to go to another one. I am really sorry to hear about your Mom. Last November I took my father in because he had an anyurism in his stomach. The doctor told us we didn't lose him by like 5 minutes. Since he got out of the hospital he has been living with us since a few months before that my parents had gotten divorced. The kids had just gotten their own bedrooms and then they had to move back into the same bedroom. It's been crazy over here. I will definitly send you a Christmas card. The kids are growing so quickly. If you ever get on facebook look me up. I post pictures of the kids a lot on facebook. I have Kat on here as well as on facebook. She doesn't seem to get online a lot but this way is a great way to keep in touch. I saw some pics from the last conference because Dotty is on facebook and she posted some. I really hope we can see each other next summer at the conference :)

    XOXO, Lisa
  • Izzy

    Hey how are you?? I only live hear cause my husband is stationed hear. I will be going back home to sc on Thursday after my husband deploys : (
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Dee,

    Welcome back.

    I hope your mom is doing okay.

  • Izzy

    yea its not that far
  • Jackie McKillop

    Hi Dee - thanks for your welcome
  • Pat

    Hello Dee, yes my day is going okay. Did some major gardening this morning hacking down large bushes, mulching them, and then clearing up...whew I'm knackered!
  • Essence

    thank you?

    lol, i'm not sure what gregerious means.. but hopefully it's good.
    or did you mean gorgeous or gregarious. idk anyway ! ...

    =) how are you??
  • Angie W.

    Thank you, Dee...what a wonderful compliment! I look forward to getting to know you better. ~Angie
  • Natalie

    Hi Dee! Thanks for the friend add! Is Gettysburg, PA near Philadelphia at all? My boyfriend lives in Philly and I'm visiting all the time- it is a great city! Talk to you soon :)
  • ashlee

    Hey Dee. thanks for the friend request and the kind in Pa too!! look forward to hearing from you!

    hey Dee thanks for the friend request...hope the sight is all your looking for
  • Salmezan

    Hi Dee, thanks! One of my favourite colours is red which is why I've got lots on it on my page! lol. Also the background is actually a picture from my mum's shop back home! :)
  • Morgan Wagstaff

    no we do not have any snow right now, but we did have snow last monday. we only got about an inch probably and it turned to ice.
  • suzie

    thanks for that add!!!
  • becky

    hi thanks for adding me as a friend. You only live 2 maybe 3 hrs from me, I live 2 hrs east of Pittsburgh, 45 mins from Altoona. Have a wonderful day.

  • Dotty

    Just stopping by to say hello and let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping your health problems are in check!!! Hugs to you!
  • Anna Harmbi

    Hi my dear, thanks for your comment. From your mail i understoud that you lost your positive energy , becouse of some extra health problems?
    pls dont do that to yourself must think positive most of the days.think small thinks that make you feel happy.. sach as, thanks i have more beautiful hair than my husbant has .. (that was a joke of course)! have a nice positive week!
  • Pat Latina

    Hi - I'm glad you'e back. Hope your health lines up. My thoughts are with you ((HUGS)). Every day think of something super - something that makes you happy - start each day with a positive thought or an inspirational poem. Believe that your day will be better than the day before at any cost. Smile it's contagious.
  • Andrea Martinez

    Thanks for the comment, it does get better right?? I sure hope so =) Any suggestion are very welcomed. Thanks for the friend request =)
  • barbara lyman

    Hi Dee, thank you for adding me as a friend.
  • Maryann

    Thanks Dee & happy riding!!!
  • Roger

    Hi Dee.

    How are you doing?

  • meliana

    I, actually i have only lived here for 3 years now, i am originally from NJ
  • DaggiFK

    Thank you, that you added me as a friend.
  • DaggiFK

    You right, Germany is really beautiful. I life in the north of germany in a littel town near Hamburg.
  • nojash

    How long have you been hypo? Though I got AA only about a year ago, but I hear it could turn into AU or AT. You never know from one day to the next what's going to happen. If I knew for sure either way, it probably would be easier to accept, at least you know where you stand. You have had it all your life. Is it easier for you to deal with it? The not knowing is driving me crazier than the disease. My thyroid seems to be under control and I feel pretty good otherwise, except there are always some little symptoms that become annoying. I take Levoxyl. What do you take? I used to take Synthroid, but I found out that with me, Levoxyl at the same dosage brought my numbers down and I felt better. I'm so glad I found this site. Actually someone on the NAAF site mentioned it. I never heard of this disease before until I got it. I'm amazed at all the people all over the world that have come together for support and friendship. God Bless you all!
  • Lavira

    Thanks for adding me! :) Hope all is well with you, and cool profile pic ;)
  • Anna Harmbi

  • Wynter GS

    hi =) thanks for the add.
  • Dora Mares

    hi! thanx for the comment!