
52, Female


United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Hi. I'm Kelly. I have had AU since I was 4 years old. As much as I'm grateful for how AU has shaped who I am, I am not just the AU at all - I am a well rounded, confident, outgoing and intelligent woman. I have been through many trials and come out better each time.

On the lighter side, I have a caring and wonderful husband. We also have a fur baby named Maddie. I value quality people and so enjoy the company of a small circle of friends.

Kelly Kapp's Facebook profile
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Ev

    Hey thats great that the meeting went well. I hope that you have another soon!!
  • Ev

    Hey Kelly, I had a great weekend up in Prescott. Thanks for asking. I will hopefully be able to make the next meeting. I look forward to it.
  • sgomez

    I will make those calls tomorrow morning. I will let you know a soon as I get a confirmation. I'm possitive that one of the two will facilitate us. Yeah, even if we don't make the deadline for NAAF, we can still have our meeting. I see that Ev wants to be involved. I also have another friend who has AA and wants to be involved also. It's gonna be another Desert Divas day!!! YAY
  • Ev

    Hey Kelly, I was wondering if you could give me that name of that lady you know who sells wigs. I have decided that I am going to look at a few....thanks x
  • Ev

    Hey Kelly, I am just wondering if you were getting involved in that book on Alopecia. I am interested in getting involved. Photos are needed and I guess it is preferable to get professional ones done but the deadline is the 25th of May. I was wondering if we were a group of people would it work out cheaper...or maybe someone knows someone who is willing to donate their photography skills...
  • Ev

    Hey, I am pretty busy as well and I def do not have money to spend on prof. pictures. I guess I can ask someone to take them and if they are good enough BiBBy can use them. Otherwise it doesnt matter.
  • sgomez

    Thanks you for updating the info regarding the next meeting. You are awesome, girl! Take care. :)
  • sgomez

    Mmm Hmm........Whatever you say ;) (jk) It will be nice if he comes. I agree that it would be nice to have a male perspective in our group.
  • Yvonne~Yhoney

    Hey Girl,
    You did it! :) You have shown your crown of glory! :) And you look beautiful! :)

    I will keep you posted on any media coverage we get on the meeting.
  • Nancy

    Hi Kelly,
    I really like how your page is set up. I need to figure out how to make mine more personal. I can relate how you say "it's funny how God works". I see how His timing is right. I have had AU since I was 5. But I never got involved in any support until 2 years ago when I found out about the NAAF conference in Minneapolis. I prayed about going or sister lives there and it would be a perfect opportunity to spend time with my sister and family and FINALLY meet others with alopecia. Well, it was a life changing experience. It had to be God's timing that it happened this way. I was so blessed. It helped me with acceptance of my AU. It has been a long journey.
    Oh, I just love your puppy!
  • sgomez

    Alright!! You did it, girl! You are so beautiful in your 'bald' look! It really brings out your big beautiful blue eyes! woohoo!
  • Nancy

    I will be at our next meeting. Do you think we will organize some kind of awareness event or fundraiser? That would get the word out for our group. We are already growing......
  • Ev

    Hey your pics are cool! You look very good. I just posted my first pics of my bald patches...
  • Elline Surianello

    You're welcome my dear! Be proud of who you are.
  • François

    Hi Kelly !
    Just looked at your pictures...You are beautifull...Nice blue eyes...Keep smiling !

  • Roger

    Nice photos.

  • Roger


    Yes, im very excited for the trip to Louisville.

    Did you live in Brussels?

  • Roger

    Nice. I never been to Belgium.

    What kind of dog do you have? I really cant place that dog =)

  • Roger

    Aha! A little mixie dog =)
  • François

    Good thing we have this site...Keep your head up Kelly cause you are a beaufiful woman !

  • Anon

    thank you. i won't be able to go to the meeting, however. perhaps the next one. good luck with the masters. what are you studying?
  • Paula

    hello new friend!!! it was great to meet you at the meeting Saturday- I love your bald photos, you are so brave to get over your fear of posting something like that! I am proud of you. Gimme a shout back and I hope to see you gain soon.
  • Ev

    Hey Kelly, It was great to meet and talk with you on Saturday. I had a great time. I was meant to ask you where you were doing your masters? and on what subject...
  • Paula

    hey girl! did I miss your birthday!!??!?!?! DARN IT!!! ok, I owe ya a drink and a hug then! Sorry I havent started plans for a happy hour/fun night yet... its been a tough week and a half... my kitty that I adore is very sick and its been stressful to deal with all that, my boyfriend has come into town to help me deal... I hope things are good with you- talk to you soon- PP
  • Nancy

    Well, Happy Belated Birthday!!!
    ((((Hugs)))) to you!!!
    We got a new doggie. He is a maltese/shih tzu mix. He was a rescue dog and about 8 years old. My hubby named him George. He's a mellow guy and gets along with Peggy Sue and Emily. He looks similar to your doggie, just alot older.
    Have a good weekend!
  • Paula

    hey girlie- see you tomorrow for happy hour? Since there was no group preference, I decided on San Felipes Cantina- after 4:30 or whenever you can get there!
  • JayB

    Hi Kelly, hope all's well with you, btw Phoenix looks Happenin' I must take a trip out.
  • sgomez are sooo funny. By the way, I really was doing dishes. lol! Girl get your mind out of the gutter! (jk) lol! We took care of the "other chores" the night before. We did some real spring cleaning then(woohoo!). lol!
    I had so much fun w/ you ladies!! I can't wait til the Divas get together again in January. Do you know if Brandy is going to make it? I hope she says yes! Talk to you soon. BTW, thanks for the compliment. I REALLY love my new hair too.
  • Frank

    Hello Kelly,
    I have had au for some time. It sounds like we both "got it" at about the same age, although I went au almost immediately. Oh the joy! I read through your blog about growing up with au and could totally identify. If possible, I would like to chat some time. Or at least exchange emails. I am not sure if you are on that often but I will watch.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kelly,

    Your Blog post has had so many responses. You must be too busy to post them. I'm looking forward to reading the responses over a nice pot of cofee

    Hope you are having a great day.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kelly,

    I read all the responses to your Blog Post over my coffee this morning.
    The people in Alopecia World never let me down.

    Have a super day!!!

  • Magan

    I came here to wish you a very happy birthday, and read some of your page, you're an inspiring woman! I hope it was a wonderful day.
    Take care
  • Heather L

    Hi Kelly!

    Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

    ps. love the puppy pictures!
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Happy Birthday Kelly!

    I hope you have a great day today!

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kelly,

    Wishing you a Happy Birthday!!!

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Kelly 37 was a great year for me. 45 is even better. A few more moans and groans but it's all good.

    Stay cool with the AC. Most of my family is in Chandler and Mesa AZ. I'm planning a trip for the fall.

    Hope your Birthday was Fab-u-lous!!!

  • Tonia M McCracken

    Hi ... Thanks for writting back. Your dog is so cute!! I have 3 dogs. 2 little boys and 1 big girl. My husband said I am not allowed to bring any more home!! I love little dogs.
    I would love to come to the meeting. I am not sure if i will be able to make it to this months.
    Again, Thanks.
  • Karina

    Kelly..what type of wig are you wearing?Is it comfortable?Can you live a normal life?
  • Karina

    Thanks Jenny...I have telogen effluvium and have little hair..I´m a bit depressed..I seldom go out with a pony taol and a hat..I bought a natural hair machine-made wig but it´s very rough at the front and hurts me a bit..How did you manage this issue?Did U immediately buy a wig?Do people know about this?
  • Karina

    Thanks be honest your hair looks fantastic and your face is still attractive without it...In fact I believe that the inner beauty is what a real person reflects..You seem to be a very caring and sensitive person...I am also very clse to my parents and I have a crazy dog called "Mora" that goves to all her unconditional love.
  • Karina

    Thanks Kelly!! Sorry for the name. I would like to go on in contact with U. I sense you are a person with a lot of wisdom.
  • Tonia M McCracken

    Hi Kelly, Sorry I have not been on line in a while. Still trying to deal with this the best I know how. I have bought a nice wig but it itches really bad. any ideas on how to stop that.
    I would love to come to the next meeting in Phx. I am so ready to talk to people face to face.
    Thanks for the help,
  • Tonia M McCracken

    Thanks for the email. When and where is the next get together? I will be there.
  • Angela

    Hi Kelly-
    Can you give me more info about the Phoenix support group? I am new to all of this and really would like to find a local support group. Please let me know. Thank you :)
  • Jules

    Hi Kelly,
    I did get the info about Fri, I would have LOVED to go but it's my husbands Christmas work party ;( Hope to meet you soon & Merry Christmas!
  • Angela

    Hi Kelly,
    I apologize for not getting back to you sooner...I didn't have access for awhile. I would love to be a part of the email list. My address is Thanks so much.
  • Pam Hagler

    Hello! Looks like we're neighbors! So, tell me, is anything planned for IAD? I didn't find anything going on so I've been rushing to get something started. I have a bit of hair left on my head and I'm contemplating (YIKES!) shaving it off on the 17th in honor of IAD. I've contacted the local media to try to get some coverage, but no word on that yet. If I'm brave and actually go through with it, I'll probably go to the barber shop at AZ Mills and then see if I can get the Glamour Shots store to take photos. AND have the t-shirt kiosk make IAD shirts. So if nothing else is going on... and you're interested... I could use some help! BUT - if something IS going on I'd rather jump on board and not 'compete' - if you know what I mean!

    Thanks for adding me as a friend. Would like to meet you!
    Til then,
    Grace and Peace,
  • Pam Hagler

    Kelly - Just sent you an email...
  • Pam Hagler

    KELLY! Please contact me! I can't find the info for tomorrow's brunch!
  • Nancy

    Hi Kelly,
    I missed the meetup at Denny's last Saturday. I started taking Zumba classes......they are so much fun!!!! The class is at 9:00am on Saturdays. I'm working on getting in shape and I found something different. I miss you and our Alopecia friends!!! Maybe we can try Saturday mid-afternoon??? Take Care,