Stacey, Olivias mom


truro nova scotia


Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am married and have a daughter with alopecia her first bout was at age 3. She lost all her hair eyelashes, brows everything. It came back almost as fast as it all fell out but she lost it all again but with no return. She asked for a wig which she wore to school but now wears a hat most of the times, she doesnt mind going without it all depending on her mood. I hope she keeps her confidence as she grows up!
"Everyone is born bald God just covered up the ugly ones with hair"
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Billie

    Hi Stacey! Welcome. I am sure you will find alot of encouragement for you as well as your daughter as she grows up with this disease. It is great source of support for those who experience the same things daily.
  • Carol

    Hi Stacey
    I grew up with alopecia since I was only one year old. This site is a wonderful resource and is full of support, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Welcome! :)
  • Roger


  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Stacey, My mom was born in Truro, her maiden name is Paris. I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • tony

    Hi Stacey nice to meet you, ya it gets fustrating and sad at times, but we have to stay strong and posetive for her sakes.Funny shes seems not to be botherd by it as much as I am and hopefully if hair doesn't return I do my part to make her be strong and confident to deal with it. I see some older girls on here who look vibrit and full of life. I've learned so much through this site and other websites that not to expect much but anything can happen, we made an appointment to see a specialists at sick kids here in Toronto who has done studies on alopecia just to hear more and maybe if find out anything we haven't already heard.My daughter's only 6 so any kind of steroid or heavy meds is out of the question but will be interesting to hear what she has to say. Well thanks for connecting ,oh shes hasn't had any eye problems yet but like your husband I've got all the things that can happen covered ,spent many nights on here researching all there is to know about alopecia. Again thanks for sharing and will let you know what the alopecia specialists says, chat again I hope take care stacey,
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Stacey,
    Sometimes it's harder for the parent than the child, isn't it!
    Just wanted to say hello.
    I've had aa for 30 years.
  • Christel Hertz

    Hi Stacey,
    Thanks for your comment. Yes they do sound a lot alike. Jennifer loves wearing her wig, she doesn't go out without it only on our back yard when she plays with her little brother. We have a new problem now ,he attends kinder at the same primary school and he has been telling his friends that Jennifer wears a wig and we prefer to keep it quiet to avoid teasing. So I have to try and convince a four year old to keep quiet. For him it is normal that Jennifer wears a wig, but he doesn't realize that other people may not understand. I love your quote I have to tell that one to Jennifer she will get a laugh out of that. All the best to you and your beautiful daughter.
  • Cindy

    Hi Stacey. I was reading your post about your daughter on the childrens board and it made me smile. You daughter shares a very similar attitude to mine. Sam would like her hair back very much, but she has the acceptance to live her life without hair if it is deemed that way. I hope not...Sam developed AA at age 5. She has been wearing a wig since Dec and lost her brows and lashes this year. That was harder I think..Are you doing anything to help her hair regrow or is it coming back on its own? Cindy
  • Cindy

    We have to be blessed our kids are handling this so well. We can't say that about every child!! Do you find that your daughters eyes are exceptionally itchy with the hair coming in and are the lashes white? We are doing a treatment. Samantha has a layer of hair on about 60-70% of her head and getting thicker. I am seeing her brows starting to pop out, but no lashes yet. They were were the last to go in Feb...Cindy
  • Salmezan

    Thanks Stacey. Olivia is a very beautiful girl and she does remind me of my younger years. I can see she is a very confident girl and she will get through her teenage years as easy as I did! How old she is now if you don't me asking?
  • Tracy

    Hey ! my daughter (8 years old) also has Alopecia, she has lost most hair on her head and just started losing it on her eyebrows. I find it hard, I think she is dealing just fine. I feel almost selfish for thinking her hair was the most beautiful ever, then she lost it! What do we moms do! lol. Your daughter is just beautiful!!!!
  • Tracy

    Well my email is You can send me an email there and I will give you my address and I can take yours down and the girls can start writing letters to one another!
  • carly

    haha i love the picture of your daughter with the sand on the back of her head! its so cute!
  • carly

    thank you <3
    tell her happy birthday!
  • Amber Lounder

    Hi Stacey your girl is truely beautiful She's angelic
  • emilie

    Hi Stacey!
    I think its amazing how you care so much about your daughter and support her!
    I am sure she will keep her confidence especially knowing she has so much love and support around her.
    I saw her pictures and she is really beautiful. So cute!! :)
    Best of luck!

  • Liz

    Your daughter is beautiful....I too love the picture of your daughter with the sand on the back of her pics...