Annette Thompson


Edmonds, WA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I am an over-40 gal living in the Northwest with Alopecia for almost four years. I would like to find
support and friendships in my big old bald journey. It would be nice to meet other women who have walked the wigged walk.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Annette
    Welcome to Alopecia World I am glad that you have joined us here.
    Haven't walked the wig walk but I am sure that you will get to meet lots of others who have.
  • Deeann

    Hi Annette: Yes, I live in the Mt. Vernon area. It would be good to get together sometime for coffee or tea, and talk. I hope you are well.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Annette!
    I'm a NW girl too -- I'm in Portland.
    How are you today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Annette, let me know how you like my book!
    What kind of artist are you?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Oh, I'm a painter. Thanks for asking! You can see my work on my web site:
  • Deeann

    Hi Annette: What days do you have off? I just got back from being away, and am just getting things organized. Kids go back to school tomorrow. So I should have a bit of time during each week for meeting up. Let me know what works for you, and we'll figure something out. If you want to e-mail me direct, my e-mail is
  • Mary

    Hi Annette - thank you for the friend request! I've been out of internet contact for several weeks, and am just now back online. I'm happy that my photos and postings have helped...It's meant a lot to me to be able to turn this experience into something positive.
    All the best,
  • cherie

    Hi Annette, thanx for the friend request....maybe it's something in the water here in Kansas!!! Nice to meet you!
  • cherie

    Hi Annette, I live in Bennington it's about 10 miles north of Salina. I've been to Overland Park many times. I am wearing a full lace human hair wig that I get from China. I bond it with supertape, it has a lace base. They are very natural looking. It took some practice with the bonding and all, but now I can attach in less than 10 minutes whereas it used to take 20 to 30 minutes. I remove my wig nightly. Let me know if you have any more questions I can help you with. ;)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Annette, Thanks for the encouragement. Like many of us, it took time for me to start to see my uniqueness, but I must say that I am happy, regardless of my hairs condition. You have a great smile, warm and sincere. I am sure it uplifts many :)
  • Leanne Sam

    Thank you Annette, I'm new too, about 3 days into this site, it is pretty great! I too am not new to Alopecia, 16 years of wigs, ahhh they suck but are fun when you need to shake things up in your life.
  • Joel

    Hi Annette !

    I live in Maple Valley and work in Seattle. Right now Im across the mountains at the place in my pict helping my mom she is ill. Glad you found this site and me!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Annette,

    How are you?
    So going on 4 years with the alopecia eh? I'm going on 3 years.
    There must be a group up your way. I hope so.
    I'm glad you like the pics. I love all my bald peeps!

  • Sherry Stalnaker

    Thanks for the invite!! I love to dabble in every kind of art and hobby things as well. The best hairpiece I like is when its hanging off my styrofoam head!! Some of our fellow alopecian women are soo brave and all are so beautiful. I just can't bring myself to walk in public with my bald head. I am a very happy and well rounded individual, but I like my self either way. Look on line at Jennys hair sense and click on the lace front wig catagory..I love them and they don't cost a fortune ( approx. 159.00 ). I have had extremely expensive wigs, custom made etc ranging from 2000.00 to 800.00 and so on. Like I have said before try on different styles and colors, you'll be amazed at the difference. Good luck and keep in touch!..btw I am 48 and have had AU for 20 yrs now. Still seems like yesterday!!hahaha!!
  • cherie

    Did you get much snow? I remove my wig with 91 or 99% alcohol. It comes off very easy! I went with a full lace wig because my hairloss is diffuse, it's thin all over especially on the sides and in the back, kinda weird pattern. I have not worn my wig in the summer yet, I just started wearing them in December, I'm hoping it's not too bad. I cut my bio hair underneath fairly short. I do love to do yard work so I may not wear it then if it's too hot. I have worked out on my treadmill with it on and it didn't get real hot. The lace allows your head to breathe. Just got my 3rd wig last week and went to have my sister cut it last night and then I put some highlights in it myself, turned out good! Have a great weekend!
  • Sherry Stalnaker

    lol..thats hilarious...see how easy we can turn a thing into something positive??
  • Sherry Stalnaker

    Silly me, I left you a comment on MY
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Annette,

    This will be my 3rd NAAF Conf. Only 136 days to go.

    Happy Sunday!

  • Denise

    Hi Annete, thanks fo rthe invite. I have 2 real ones, & 2 fakes ones, they stay on really good, it is a mesh cap, I can hang upsid edown and they stay on, but come off with nothing but my fingers, no glue, nothing, Yah, a little hot in the summer heat, but working out, I thorw it on the chair & work out (at home I have a gym in my living room)
    I appreciate the poepl on this site too, they are amazing, they support each other & it keep sme going, mentally. I am 44 , and loving life otherwise.... but there are moments when I still have a hard time knowing this is me, for my whole life now, with time it will get better, or just used to it??????which ever as logn as I can still smile, all is good. Talk toyou soon. Denise
  • Denise


    I just got back from belly dance tone & sculpt class. I talked some friend sinto trying it, we are all sorts of sizes it is 10 wks of fun. & lots of laughs. My hair is real human hair, brand name is luxurious, not sure what you mean monfilament?????????can you explain, this is so weird a journey we are one eh? It happened really fast for me, April 25 & all off within about sya 6 wks total, & now new wonderful friends. So with every bad comes some greatness, that is how I like to look at it. i like yours too. Yes I am still thinking of going to conference. I work tomorrow & am going to see if I can get the time off. ? Are you still thinking for sure, I would like to go, & maybe we could hang out together. We could go thru this experience as newbies . Are you totally bald too? I have somw shadows but they move around & then fall out & then reappear soemwhere else, but never even a centimete in height, only shadows. I will email again Saturday, 12 hr shift tomorrow & nights Sund. Yes & picking something to have on our heads to be us is a hard decision. I was luck she fitted me with almost like my old self, except bangs. have a great day talk to you tomorrow night. Denise PS they say there will be lot sof good info & Doctors, & sessions to help us learn more about our new world. so maybe it would be great & a good emotional help also, cause 95% of the time I am good, but hten that 5% sneeks in and makes me feel (I don;t even know how to really describe it???) I am still trying to figure it out. chow for now. where exactly are you from again?
  • cherie

    Hi there, if I were totally bald I'm not sure if I would wear vacuum or not. I have also heard they are hot. Mine isn't hot so far, but it's still cold here in Kansas. I'll let you know how it is in July!!! It really does breathe though with the lace cap. And yes, it is human hair. I know that the lace wigs can be very expensive, however from my experience they don't have to be. I paid $250 for my first one, and $200 for the 2nd and 3rd wig. I buy them from China, which is cheaper than buying them from American vendors. The American vendors get there hair from the Chinese anyway, so you're just cutting out the middle man. Right now I am unemployed. I worked as a loan officer for 15 years and they ended up shutting down our office about 10 months ago. I have been keeping myself busy doing volunteer work. Let me know if you have any other questions. TTYL
  • Denise

    Hey Annette ,
    Sorry I have been working lately. Yes, shift work, You asked if I work at the Hospital, yes, but thru the MInistry Of Health. I am an Ambulance dispatcher. We do the medical help with the pt on the phone till the medics arrive, & also track all the ambulance's & fire rescue vehicles. It is very cool, a little high stress at times, but very rewarding. & I work with an amazing group of people.
    I am still thinking of attending, I have to wait till the vacation requests get put in about the 2nd wk of March, to see if I can get the time. But keep me posted if you are def going. we can go thru our first conference together, maybe? If that is good with you. What do you do at the hospital? Talk to you soon. Denise Have a great day.
  • Jill

    Thank you! It's very nice to meet you!
  • Denise

    Hey there, How was your day??????????? mine great day off today. talk to you soon Denise
  • Ann Seatio

    Hi Ann,
    A big thank you for your lovely words It sure does help . I hope I get to where I feel okay with the thoughts of me losing my hair. I have some still but not so much on the top. It is getting harder every day. Oh course my doctor said it is from Memopause. HUH I never thought you could lose this much that way. I have had stress about 3 m o nths ago lose someone very close to me. So maybe that is what it is from I don't know. But I do know it is not the same I had it colored and it didn't seem to help just made it worst I think . So I will have to get into the wigs one of these days. I will have to order one close to what I have not . most of them have to much hair for me. Too big like back in the 70's not sure I like those look to fake I like your is the picture it looks nice on you. I will check in here alot for the help with this.. Thanks again.
  • Nicole

    Hey Annette, thanks for the add. It's so nice to have this site at your fingertips. I learned just a few days ago a few tricks that have been helping me to move forward. I've been doing well with the hand I was dealt. My family and friends are life savers. Any who, if you ever want to talk wigs, let me in. I purchased a full lace and cannot wait for it's arrival. I figure if I can wear what's on my head now then lace will be the way to go. I hear they are a bit more "breathable" for lack of a better word. How have you been dealing? How quickly did the totalis take place if you don't mind I ask? AU was a shocker for me, taking it all in just 6 months. I'd only lost a quarter size of hair just once before so I certainly did not expect this. Just another curve ball I suppose.
  • Nicole

    Hey Annette, sorry for the late response. I ordered my hair through The gal's name is Amber. I haven't received it yet so I'd wait until you see what my experience is like. It's taking longer than expected. Long story but hopefully I will have it this April. I'm excited about it. I believe the lace wig is just what I need with my lifestyle. I'm more concerned about comfort and sleeping in it. This is all new to me so I guess you live and ya learn.
  • Cindy

    Hi Annette,

    I am happy to answer any questions for you. I think you will have a fabulous time Alopeciapalooza. I run CAP meeting in Mass. It is a rewarding experience to be able to bring kids and their families. Please let me know how I can help. Cindy
  • Ellie

    Annette, I am so glad to hear that you will be coming to Alopeciapalooza. We had a great time last year. Is there any spacific questions that you have? I grew up on the eastern side of Washington State.
  • Petra

    Hi Annette, Looking forward to talking to you - I'm in Tacoma not that far away from you.
  • Petra

    Hi Annette, Congrats on the new puppy. How old is the new puppy? You just gotta love those rescue dogs - both of mine were rescues, the fuzzy one is Samson , he is almost 11 but a young 11. Our girl (first one) is Hera she is almost 2. She is a handful, probably because she is way to smart. Not that our boy isn't it's just that he is lazy so teaching him any tricks is like a waste of time - he gives the look like are you crazy. The picure with the dogs was taken on Whidby Island last year. They have a great off-leash dog beach there. The ones with me were taken on the Oregon coast. So, I can keep talking about my dogs all day :-) they are my kids and so YES they are very much spoiled.
    This rain is really starting to get depressing. Were the heck is spring?
  • Late K8

    Hi Annette! Thanks for the comments on my tattoos. I love them! Good luck if you decide to get some too. The hard part for me wasn't deciding if I was going to get them, but figuring out what to get and finding a really good artist!
  • Denise

    Hey Annette, sorry I have been absent. Did you make it to conference? I could not, maybe next year. How have you been? work? I bought a couple new wigs a little shorter and lighter, still the real ones. I will update my pic soon
    take care have a great day. Denise
  • Diana Wood

    Hi Annette,

    I'm new to this site and I'm just learning how to navigate through it. I see you sent me a message that you were interested in the support group in Seattle. I'll keep you posted when they have the next meeting. I think it will be in the Fall sometime. Yes, I do occasionally get up North for work. How about you, do you ever head South for any reason?

    Take care
  • Petra

    How is it going???? How is the puppy? Mine are trying to find a cool place in the house.
  • Denise

    Hey there, sorry I have not been on in so long,. life has been crazy. I now have lost my eyelashes & eyebrows, ugh that sucks worse than the hair, cause there is no eyebrow wigs LOL . Did you go to convention???????????? Do you know where it is next year?

    How have you been??????? take care
  • Denise

    Hi, how have you been? Me crazy with life and work. Hope all is well. ?????for you
    does your head get little white hairs, and then some odd patterned black areas, ? does it stay or grow, or change in pattern?