
56, Female

la rochelle


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I'm french
I was 16 years old when I lost my hair
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • nathalie

    Happy to be here with you !
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Bonjour Nathalie,

    I wanted to welcome to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • kastababy

    Bienvenue Nathalie!
  • kastababy

    Bonsoir Nathalie ! Une question : Où avez-vous obtenu que le rose a perlé des headdress dans une de vos images ? Je l'aime et veux un pour me ! ! !
  • Roger

  • Jérôme

    Oui bien sur
    nous sommes 182 inscrits maintenant !

    Tu vas a la réunion à Besançon ?
  • Angela Jackman

    Your pictures are beautiful - If you look at my page you will see I am in contact with Nerfitit - a French woman with alopecia - we have started an Australian Group on Alopecia World - you should link up and start a French group - might be fun?

    Lovely to meet you and thank you for sharing your photos

  • nathalie

    thank you for your kindness
    I feel good here
    For the first time I'm not different
    I'm deeply happy to meet each of you
    even if it's not so easy for me to try to express myself in english!
    sincerely yours
  • Angela Jackman

    I understand you no problem - keep in touch!
  • Nefertiti

    Bonjour Nathalie
    J'ai découvert ce site en début de semaine et j'avoue que je suis trés enthousiaste.... et en plus c'est une révison "terrible" de vieux cours d'anglais !
    à bientot
  • Susan

    Your pictures are beautiful!!!!!!
  • nathalie

    thank you Susan I'm so happy to meet same persons
    I'm not alone anymore and you neither
    excuse-me for my english
    sometimes it's difficult for me to express myself in english as well as I should
    I wish you hapiness with your family
  • Zoe Dusting

    Ton anglais est très bon! Je suis fière de toi. Je peux essayer de parler en français, mais je ne suis pas très bon. Tu es vraiment très belle!! J'adore tes photos. C'est exitant d'avoir toutes ses nouvelles amies! Je veux visiter France bientôt. Est-tu jamais venu au Canada?
  • brian kirchman

  • brian kirchman

    and u as well. hope all is great
  • Julia

    Thank you so much for the comment...and back at you?

    So what's th weather like there?
  • Diane

    Bonjour Nathalie,

    Enfin, une autre francophone! Je suis de Montréal. Au plaisir d'échanger!
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Nathalie. Your photos are awesome. Do you have videos of your performances that you can also upload and share with the rest of Alopecia World? :-)
  • rj, Co-founder

    Nathalie, I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I also hope that you're treating life well and reaping the wonderful benefits of doing so. :-) If you need assistance uploading your video, please let me know.
  • Catharina

    Hallo Nathalie! Thanks for your nice songs! Love from Sweden and Catharina
  • Julia

    Je veux que vous ayez été à part de mon livre. Fera vous écrit la poésie pour moi de même que fait don d'une photo et votre histoire. Le devrait être des photos Professionnelles.


    Send me your email address at
  • Katherine Green

    Hi Nathalie,

    I just want to say that you are gifted !


    Katherine. x
  • gerald

    You are a very beautiful feminine bald lady.
    I love your style, and those headscarves you wear look lovely on you.
    My beautiful bald wife who has au, also loves to wear her feminine sensual headscarves.
    To me, beautiful bald women are some of the most gorgeous ladies.
  • narjiss

    bonsoir nathalie,
    on s'est pas vu sur alopeciepelade par hasard ? ;)
    en tout cas t'es superbe
  • Ken

    Hmmmm...if only you could sing ~ : ) Does my humor translate? How do you say "idiot" in French because that would clearly be me! Your voice is extraordinary. You're incredibly gifted, seem genuine, strong and kind.
  • Ken

    Thanks so much, Nathalie! And just to be clear, I love your voice and think you sing beautifully! :)
  • Katherine Green

    Heya Nathalie, just to say that ,yes, its true. You are very talented.

    Keep singing,ok


  • Sami

    Hello Nat un petit coucou depuis la Suisse
  • cw

    You're an awesome singer. Well done!
  • as

    Bon jour,
    beau civilités au de Bohême république,êtes fort belle dame.Vos deux photo au perruque au corail elles sont fort belles.Merci vous. as
  • Angela Jackman

    Hi Natalie - I can't remember what I wrote!!!!! I have 3 little children and my brain is hopeless!!! I really enjoyed your music and I probably meant that it went well with the glass of wine I was enjoying whilst watching your beautiful video of music - you are indeed very talented... I would love to be able to sing...

    ANGELA :-))
  • François

    Salut Nathalie !
    Mon nom est Francois et j'ai l'alopecie depuis maintenant 5 ans.
    J'habites à 40 min au nord de Montreal...J'aimerais bien en savoir plus sur toi.
    Au Plaisir
  • François

    Salut Nathalie !
    Tu sais dans un sens je te trouve chanceuse car tu as récupérée la première chose que j'aimerais retrouvé mes cils et mes sourcils que j'ai perdu depuis 5 ans maintenant.
    Je suis bien d'accord avec toi pour dire que c'est vraiment une maladie bizarre que cette alopécie.
    Tu as un fils de 14 ans qui se nomme Léo et bien Nathalie moi j'ai une fille de 14 ans qui se nomme Léa !!!
    J'ai aussi un fils de 9 ans.
    Je vois que tu chantes mais je ne peux malheureusement pas te voir en vidéo car j'ai une connexion basse vitesse sauf que je peux voir tes photos et je dois t'avoué que tu es très jolie...
    Au plaisir de te reparler...
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hi, Nathalie. How goes the singing career?
  • rj, Co-founder

    Nathalie, I've been quite busy and doing a lot of long distance driving lately. Nonetheless, life is good, Cheryl and I are progressing nicely, and my daughters are enjoying their summer break from school. When are you going to post more videos of you singing? ;-)
  • nicu

    nice voice do you have
    and i like your hats, i think you look beautuful with or without them
  • nicu

    thanks a lot
    give me a sign when you want to talk about
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Bonjour Nathalie!
    I wanted to tell you hello and see how you are doing today!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    FORTY? You look like you're in your 20's!
    Yes, I am terrificly happy. I am a painter and in the process of doing a new series called "Pensées de Nuit." I take entries from my journals over the years and translate them into French, then do paintings with the entries in the paintings. If you want to see, go to my gallery web site: and click on "view gallery."
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thank you -- and keep on singing, beautiful girl.
  • rj, Co-founder

    Hey, Nathalie. We're missing you here in Alopecia World. I hope that all is well with you and your loved one. Talk to ya soon.
  • Glen

    Thanks and have a merry christmas hope to talk with ya soon ...Glen
  • Amber Lounder

    Je parle le francais,mais pas aussi bien que toi. Je suis acadienne.
    J'en ai trouvee un sur ebay je l'ai achetee Merci pour l'inspiration:)
  • Rony

    Salut Nathalie,
    Merci pour tes mails. Je ne viens pas souvent sur Alopécia World, donc je ne les découvre que maintenant.
    Je te souhaite plein de bonnes choses également pour cette année !

    A bientôt

  • Sandy

    Salut, merci de m'avoir accepter dans tes amis. Tu chante très bien!
  • Ransom King

    so for I am loving it
  • martin

    hi nathalie, or shout i say bonjour , ca va, either way ,as you noticed , i saw youre picture on facebook and cann´t resist to write you.
    I hope you are interested in having email contact with me to get to know each other better.
    Greetings martin
  • Leon Johnson

    Looove your head pieces. You rock!
  • Chris

    I had the pleasure to meet you. You will stay in my mind...
    Still a pleasure to see you, to hear you here... please add some others...
    Best whishes


  • Okan

    thanks nathalie