
38, Female


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I am Sally from London.

I have had Alopecia Universalis since I was 4 years old, and I started wearing wigs at 16. I have a strong sense of fairness that I think has come as a result of having to cope with my Alopecia for so long.

Other than that I love the theatre, dancing, laughing, travelling, glasses of wine, my nephews, and I care for dogs very much, most of all Labradors!!

Next step: To upload a picture of me with no wig!!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Sally, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

    co- founder
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Sally, we are so glad that you are liking it. We look forward to getting to know you :)
  • Orbit

    Hi Sally, I'm AU too! I loved your photos, you seem to have a great energy about you! :-D
  • Matt

    Smiles are good. :)
  • Daria

    Hi, Sally. Welcome to the site. I also have AU and don't like to have to talk about it all the time with my friends. They're fantastic, but don't really "get it" like you said. This site is great...I've connected with a bunch of people who understand fully and I'm sure you will too. Take care!
  • Roger

    Nice pics.

  • Orbit

    Sally, thanks for your compliments, you sure know how to make a girl's day! I just use an eyebrow pencil and draw them on. I too am considering getting cosmetic tattooing, but I am such a chicken! What if I don't like them, what if they're not symmetrical, what about the pain factor?! If you do decide to get them done, be sure to post a photo! :-D
  • brian kirchman

    well thank u very much comeing from such a beautiful girl u pretty much made my week...yea thats my lab Tj stands for turd junior. hes pretty much the love of my life right now.
  • Sarah

    Hi Sally

    Nice to hear from you. Erica looks really nice on you. I get my Stevie from a lady in America from Wig Support as it is much cheaper than Trendco. It is cut and styled shorter as stevie is to long right out of the box. The lady I use always put on the parcel gift when she sends my wigs so I avoid the UK taxes.

    Hope you are having a good week so far.

  • Sarah

    Hi Sally

    I have found the same with some of my wigs that they take a few days to settle, I personally always think they look better after the first wash too.

    I also find synthetics don’t last long before you get the dreaded tangles in longer styles.

    I have two emails for the lady at Wig Support her name is Kathy. I would suggest you send her an email at both address as I know Kathy was having a problem with one of her email accounts.

    Basically Wig Support is a secure MSN Group for people who have alopecia, in order to join you would need to email Kathy who will send you a link and access to the group.

    Kathy also runs her own wig shop in the USA.

    I don’t cut my own wigs. Kathy cuts my wigs at no extra charge and sends me an email with photos for my approval before shipping.

    It has to be worth comparing the priceI know my Stevie is around half the price it would cost at Trendco.

    Hope that’s not too much of an epic reply lol…

    Have a nice evening :-)

  • Katherine Green

    Hey hey Sally.

    So good that you are here too. Yes there are not many of us from the UK, Yep i am looking forward to catching up,ok.


  • Kate

    Hi Sally,
    Hope you don’t mind me contacting you, but I've just joined this website as I really have only been bald for the last month or so. I live in London and need to start the hunt for a wig, but have no idea where to begin, not even the pros and cons for real and synthetic - I never imagined I would have to wear a wig in my life! Bit of a surprise!
    I have sene you and Sarah talking about types of wigs...I don't know where to start at all! Any godd suggestions for a wig virgin in London?
    Thanks a lot
  • Kate

    Essay of a reply is exactly what I was after, so thanks a bunch!

    I used to live in Greenwich, on Calvert Road, but my boyfriend and I managed to scrap enough together to get a flat in Bow, right next to the Olympic village. We have been there a year now and we love it - though we are endlessly considering whether to move back to Greenwich again!! Bit of a change from our native Edinburgh, but London suits us really well for now!

    I will certainly look up Trendco in Notting Hill Gate. Presume you can go and try them out without buying first time? Just so I don't fall off my chair or anything when I get there, what sort of prices are we talking about? I heard synthetic are about £100? And real ones are upwards of £300? Also, how long does a synthetic wig last - so I can plan my savings fund already!

    Thanks heaps for your advice - so helpful to be able to drop a note to someone with such experience!
    Cheers K xxx
  • Sarah

    Hi Sally

    Glad I could help hun. I find Kathy really helpful.

    Thank you for joining the UK Group I set up.

    I am glad it’s almost the weekend. Have a great weekend.

    Take care

  • Sophie Ray

    Hii! yeah i guess i am pretty surrey typical aswell! im from Cranleigh, near guildford, about an hour from london? dont know if you know it?! what about you? have you always lived in london? it is lush in london! i was shopping there yesterday infact! i do however find its very scarse of poeple with alopecia, like ive never met anyone with it or seen anyone in person - unless they wear a wig and ive not noticed!! have you?? XX
  • Laura Duksta

    Thank You! I like to think that life is like a sling shot and the further we get pulled back, the further we have the ability to soar! Losing my hair at 11(along with other things) pulled me back pretty far and now I'm enjoying the ride!
    Keep Shining!
  • Sophie Ray

    hii sorry ive taken soo long to reply! ive had SO much coursework for GCSE its doing my headdd in! arghhhhhh! im meant to be doing it now but i just couldnt resist! yeah ive kinda heard of greenwich... have you always lived there or moved htere as a student kinda thing? ive got my freedom wig on now and i feel like cousin it! haha... you know taht thing in that thing in the adams family?! haha.... ive just got back from getting it looked at by my hair colourer and he said genuinly that it was the best wig he has seen in all his time being a hairdresser!- so i got all my colours sorted but didnt get them put in today.... but he recommended that i wait for a month or so to get used to hacing hair on my face and on my neck and stuff, seen as i havnt had hair for 7 years or so!! but anyway i am finding hte wig amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing.... im not being funnny but i can REALLY see when people say they change their lives, that they acutally do... like its will not come off ur head unless you break the seal with your fingers... trust, oh i have tried all the ways to see if it comes off! i love it! i do kinda feel like im having an identidty crisis though i almost feel uglier when i take my wig off, even though im just wearing it around the house atm, just its almost like im going through the feeling of loosing my hair all over again? i just feel so differnet and dont really know how i feel and look atm now!?!? dont know if you found that or it sounds silly!?!? hope your day is good!! X
  • Kate

    Hi Sally,
    I had a great time at Trendco, so big thanks for your recommendation! It was so easy and Michael made me feel so at ease! He was a great laugh!
    I tried on about 20 wigs! I ended up going for two wigs, one short and sassy, Codi, in the photo on my page, and the other was a Niroko make and is longer and blonder so fun for the weekend (i'll gtet photos of her up soon!)! I really like them both and thankfully they are both totally comfortable. I wore Codi to work on Friday, having not had hair since the start of February I think everyone got a bit of a shock as they are so used to seeing me in my headscarves. I find myself looking in the mirror or in windows of places as I pass just to check it looks ok! So vain!! So, it still feels a little surreal, but I am sure that in a few weeks I won't think about it anymore!
    Once again, really big thanks. This website has been such a find, otherwise I would have been trawling google to find somewhere and undoubtedly would have ended up somewhere rubbish or expensive!
    Hope you are having a great weekend!
    Kate xxx
  • Kate

    Ooo, I have started looking at that too- it would appear that when I try to draw in my eye brows I have the hand of an alocoholic in remetion! Eeek! Much practice needed! lol xxx
  • Ken

    You're studying Drama...extraordinary ~ My life is a study in drama! : ) your page and what you said. Speaks to a level of self-awareness and clarity that is beautiful. Oh and btw, I too have a yellow Lab. My baby's name is Madison! She and Max would get along famously!! : )
  • Sophie Ray

    hi gorgeous! im Soo sorry .. again! that i havnt replied!! i have been just so BUSY!! i had one of my gcses last week, so that was all a bit time consuming and i have been playing alot of tennis etc!! but yah, im now in hte full swing of my wig, and no its really not uncomfortable the suction.. like i only reason most of the time i am aware i have it on is cos i can feel the hair round my face!! i had it highlighted and cut but im not too sure about the cut... !!
    i went to bloomsbury to have my first ever look at wigs and wasnt impressed!!!!! have you been yet? what did you think?? i felt they were just coloured very weirdly, and the hair was very coarse?? what have you been up to in the lovely london then?? xxxxxx
  • Nils

    Hello Sally,

    I'm a 25-year old Belgian guy who really likes to know you! Is that possible?

    Nils Delete Comment
  • Nick

    yep good ol' london hehe :]
    how are you doing?
    x x
  • ebrahim

  • Nick

    haha!! well i go to reading uni and read law. i'm there term time.. i've just finished my second year and am on hols till october. right now i'm looking for jobs to get a little money in and i've already sorted out some degree related work in a few months :) ohh and i live in west london, in ealing. how about you? x x
  • Mark

    YO ! just thought id say hello. I live in east dulwich so i think pretty close to you. Always nice to know other alopecians are near. Hope you're well.
  • Mark

    Hey.... the music is fleet foxes.. the albums amazing. Saw them live a while back.

    Had aa for about 18 months now, it mainly stayed on my beard area but last month i found a spot in my hair which i was none too happy about. I have quite a lot of white hair regrowth, fed up waiting for the buggers to go black though, i liked being unshaven.

    Hope you're well ... hows goldsmiths going ?

    Whoever came up with this site is a genius, its really positive rather than dwelling on the negative aspects of aa.
  • Jennifer M

    Wow thank you! Actually it's H&Ms´ eyelashes!
    I wear eyelashes very often and H&M is cheap and they are actually very good!
    I started to put on lashes when I was about 12, I really sucked at it and didn't know how to do it. But with a little training it gets like a routine! I draw a little eyeliner in the gap that gets between your eye and the eyelash so it looks more real!
    Do you have AA or AU?
    Good luck with the eyelashes!
  • Hayley Burton

    HI Sally,
    Happy New Year!
  • Sophie Ray

    aaah this is so bad im so sorry this is so late!!! im good thankyou- but been injured for 2 months! tore a ligament in my ankle in netball! my gcses are going not so great!!- in a bit trouble with it all acutally haha. aaaw thankyou! what have you been up to? i love english springs! apart from today, being sooo rainy! hope you are goood! xxxxx
  • Megan Willmott

    hey sally :)
    i get my wigs from a place called mandeville's in London. They are amazing wigs, made from real hair, and i use double sided tape to make sure it stays on my head. This means i am able to do sports which involves me getting rather sweaty and not have to worry about my wig coming off.
    Go to and browse around a bit. if you go into the gallery you will see a picture of a young blonde girl, that's me. i've been going there since i was 5 years old. i had fake wigs from the NHS before i was 5 and i hated them so so much!
    hope this helps. :D Megannn x
  • Tony Fitzgerald

    Hey Sally...thankyou for the compliment, you don't look
    Half bad in yours either! 

    How goes it?

  • Devin

    Hi Sally,
    Love your new song Ive added it to my music. Thanks!
  • Ted Michael Morgan

    Red Ribbon
  • Devin

    Hey Sal, Thanks for the compliment! That means a lot coming from such a young beautiful girl like you. I haven’t gone back for this treatment yet now because it is hard to get the drug that is used with PUVA, but I have done this about three times over the years and each time my hair grew back 100% and then it would slowly fall out again over many years, but I never would burn, just like I never burn in the sun either. Sorry it didn’t work for you, but I think you would look good bald because you have that pretty face. Take Care!
