
, Male

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About Me:
I'm Joshua from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. One of my best buddies is Dotty Jenkins who have raised fund for me to attend my first Alopecia Meeting / NAAF Conference in 2007. My first Alopecia Meeting has been the most positive emotionally overwhelming point of my life where I got to meet at least 40 friends (including their family members) that I have know through another Alopecia Support Group website for years. Therefore, I strongly believe that my Alopecia Universalis is truly a blessing from God which through it I was able to have so many genuine friends and were able to rise up from addictions and now living a more meaningful and highly motivated life. However, life is not always sweet but that does not make life not beautiful. My friends whom I know through alopecia whether on Alopecia World or otherwhere have been the MOST INFLUENTIAL GROUP OF PEOPLE in my life and WILL DEFINITELY remain the same for the rest of my life. You're most welcome to get to know me better personally through my blogs: (Speak Up) (Travellin's thru life)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

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  • David

    Hey Josh. Thanks for the friend add. I don't know anyone in person who has Alopecia. I'm fairly new to this site and I think it's amazing how people affected from all around the world can communicate. Keep in touch.
  • Roger

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Thanks Joshua! How are you?
  • Lori Black

    Hi Joshua, So good to meet another one of God's chosen alopecians!! Ha! I was so glad to have found this sight and am encouraged daily by all of you and our shared "lifestyle". Alopecia has been with me a long time
  • Lori Black

    Joshua, Thanks for the comment!! JUst stopping by with a "hello" and a prayer that you feel HIS presence and enjoy your day!! My late husband visited Kuala Lumpur in the mid '80s on a missions trip with his Bible college. He said it was gorgeous!! We have pics. Have a Son shiny day!
  • Sheila Burton

    Hi Joshua
    Its nice to hear from you, Hayley has of course spoken about you and Ive seen lots of group photos at the NAAF conference. Thanks for your comments and empathy. I just think its very sad that people think its ok to call people names but thank goodness for the supportive alopecia community!
  • LouiseOxford

    Hi Josh!
    Lovely to hear from you- hope everything is going well for you- are you in your final year of Uni now?
    I can't believe it was nearly 2 years since we were at NAAF together. That was such a wonderful time! I hope I'll manage to go again sometime.
    I am going to Boston in the summer which I am really looking forward to.
    Hope to catch you for a chat on MSN soon!
  • Richard

  • Matthew

    thanks Josh
  • Matthew

    hey check out some of my new songs including Joyful noise, Indwelling sin,Thank you,. and Rebel intro all worship songs
  • Hayley Burton

    Hey Josh, how are you doing? xxx
  • Matthew

    thanks i didn't listen to much rap worship but a friend of mind showed it to me and my father and I thought it as awesome
  • JeffreySF

    Thanks Joshua,

    I hope to see you on Monday with Dotty (AASC)

  • Matthew

  • lauren

    thanks for the awesome comment! :)
  • Hayley Burton

    good luck with your exams josh xxx
  • Rahela

    Hi Joshua,
    tnx for adding me please to met you!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Josh,

    No worries about the chat it's so hot here today I'm a total slug.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Joshau, Thanks for the encouragement. I couldn't imagine not sharing the pictures/moment with Alopecia World. It is my 2nd family!
  • Sharon

    Hey Josh thanks for the msg we are all good thanks...........In the middle of a busy term you know how it goes. Hows things with you.
  • WyldCard

    Just read your blog post on AA. Very well done! You really did a great job gathering all that info. Now if more people would read it.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Josh,

    How are you doing?
    The Conf was great!!! I finally got to meet Dotty in person so that was way cool.

  • Laurie

    Hi Joshua,

    How are you doing bud? I miss you. Did you go to the conf this year?
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Joshua,
    How are you going and how is your friend Terry?
    We have been praying for him and his family.
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    I am ok.Lost it a bit on Friday as I have been trying to get in touch with a counsellor and just can't get her. I have been praying about it, and low and behold I ran into a nun who does sandplay therapy. She helped Jon when he was first diagnosed with it. I thought that she had retired but she just moved into a private practice. She has offered to see him again but can't fit him in till next month.
    Seeing her bought me back to earth and I remembered that I shouldn't give up because God IS looking after us. HE does answer our prayers. This has strengthened my resolve and I am committed to trying something else. I am not giving up on Jon, I can't.
    Thank you for your concern.
    God Bless
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Thanks for the friend invite.
  • Hayley Burton

    Hey Josh, how are you doing?
  • Hayley Burton

    Hey! I wasn't actually in Korea, I was at a summer school here in the UK and we had lots of Korean kids travel over this summer to learn English. I am hoping to do a trip to Asia in early 2011 so will definitely stop off in KL!!! I am actually working from October for the British Council in Spain for a year, and getting my qualifications to teach English abroad for my round the world plan hehe. Can't wait!! xxx
  • Cindy

    Hi Josh, thanks for the kind words on my blog.How is school going?
  • David

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Joshua. I have to work a little early morning for a court case but I will get to enjoy the rest of the day.
  • Erika Vincent

    Thank you very much :)
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Joshua,
    Thanks. Jon had a nice time making bubbles in my foot spa. He decided to use some as a wig.
    How are you? And how is your friend Terry going? Am praying that all is well with him and his family.
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Joshua,
    Good luck with the last 6 months of your veterinary course. How exciting to be nearly finished.
    I am well- on my second week of holidays. I go back to work on the 20th so i am enjoying some R & R. As far as Jon goes - it is very evident that he is suffering from anxiety. We tried one cousellor but that only lasted for 3 visits. He won't allow us to take him to anyone else. Not sure what to do now but to support and encourage him. If he doesn't go back to school for the last term I will have to give up work to homeschool him looks like.
    I appreciate your support and you are obviously a very special person.
    Thank you
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Joshua,

    We had a great time in Boston.
    How are you doing?
    It was great to see Dotty and the reat o0f the gang!!!

    Hugz my friend.

  • Mallory Crowner

    I do remember you! :o) I keep forgetting to log in to AASC...are you guys doing the gift exchange again this year?? Keep me posted. :o) Good to hear from you!
  • Mallory Crowner

    Everything is going really well. I'm still trying to figure out where this year sure seemed to fly by didn't it?! ;o)
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Joshua
    Jon is getting there. Had some forward progression. He has been a bit more sociable. Sleep overs here and at one of his friends. He has also been going to a youth group on a Friday night. His friend got him there and I thank God for him. He has been so good for Jon. He goes to a different school so we may be able to get Jon to go to his friends school. Will are letting settle down for now and waiting to see what the new year brings.
    He had also finally agreed to see a Psychologist. So we have seen her twice and are taking things slowly.
    So I am happier that things are looking better and there is something positive happening.
    And how are you? Rabbit welfare huh? Sounds like fun. I bet you don't have the rabbits inside your home. My daughter has house trained our rabbit. Though it lives in a play pen most of the time. He gets to run around the house at times. Has to be watched cos he likes to nibble on things that he shouldn't. :-D
  • JeffreySF

    Merry Christmas Josh!!!
  • JeffreySF

    Happy New Year Joshua!

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Joshua,

    How are you doing?
    All is good here. Just got back from a holiday in Hawaii. It was great to soak up some sun.

    Did you get the card I sent you? Thanks for the card you sent me.

    Happy New Year!

  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Thanks Joshua
    Shall pass on your best wishes.
    Thanks for caring. Hope all is well with you.
  • Christine

    Hi Joshua, I haven't been on here much lately, as I have, much to my friends delight joined Facebook, what a time consumer that is :-) I thought about you after my bible study last night, at the end someone there asked for prayer about Morocco, and the problems that country is facing with freedom of beliefs. It just brought Malaysia to my heart and you in particular. You have been such a blessing here and on Alopecia Areata community. Thank you for all the encouragement and comfort you give to so many of us.
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Good luck with your exams. THE exams! You can do it. We will be praying for you....
    Jon and I are good. Jon is still going to school. Finds it boring. May talk to the teachers about giving him some extra work. Not sure. Don't want any more stresses for him. He is enjoying his friends at school. Did I tell you he has a girlfriend? (he must feel more confident in himself). Still needs to participate in more things like sport. Goes to youthgroup every Friday night - even goes early to help set up. So things are looking up. Thank the Good Lord :D
    Look forward to hearing how you go with your exams...
    God Bless
  • Matthew

    I'm doing pretty good, I've been busy with school so I couldn't get on.
  • Giorgio

    wow, very good that well, this is the best place to master it! You are always welcome here. greetings!
  • Connie - Chris' Mom

    Thank you, I just wish I could do something to make this easier for him. I pray that he will have your positive attitude some day.
  • Connie - Chris' Mom

    Joshua, since you have been through all of this, could you let me know what you would have wanted someone to do when you were first dealing with this at 16? You said you didn't have a good relationship with your parents, but what would you have wanted from then had your relationship been better? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  • Connie - Chris' Mom

    Thank you for your insight. I have left the choice of treatment or no treatment as well as wig or no wig completely up to Chris. He has decided that it's not worth pain for the slight chance hair will grow back (and then fall out again). He also thought the idea of a wig or fake eyebrows was ridiculous. I just try to offer him whatever is available, but leave the decisions up to him. I even bought him 4 different types of hats so he could try them on at home because he didn't want to take off his cap in the store (I then returned the ones he didn't like).

    The only thing I'm real concerned about is his emotional well being and how that seems to be affecting his school work. Chris' teachers have told me that he just stares off into space and "zones out" during class, not participating or turning in assignments. I'm trying to give him his "space" and be supportive. He is a very bright kid and I just don't want him to fail his classes and have to suffer the consequences for years to come.
  • Connie - Chris' Mom

    Chris has always been a good student. He was handling his hair loss fairly well when the doctors said it was due to his anemia and as soon as the anemia was under control his hair would grow back - within 9 months. He saw it as a temporary thing and he was just wearing a hat while waiting for it to grow back. Then, the day the doctor told him it didn't look like it was the anemia, but the autoimmune disease alopecia universalis, and his hair loss was quite possibly permanent, I watched as he deflated. He was told to continue to hope that someday his hair would return, but now there was no timetable and the ever-present possibility that if it did return it would probably fall out again. In talking with all of his teachers, it was the day after the new diagnosis that he "zoned-out" from his classes. I've also noticed a dramatic reduction in the number of text messages he sends and receives. His sisters have tried talking to him and have made sure to let him know that they are there for him if he wants to talk. I've offered to take him to a counselor that he could talk to privately, but he tells me I'd just be wasting money because he won't talk to them. I'll just keep praying that he finds someone to open up to and in the mean time try to give him some space and deal with any failed classes next school year. He has three more years of high school to find his way and hopefully a passion he can pursue.
  • Christine

    Hi Joshua, hope you are doing well, I haven't been on here as much, just trying to deal with life, and my AA, trying hard not to become too depressed over it all, I have the Ophiasis pattern, which doesn't hold much hope anyways, but I've had so many fall outs, and regrowth's, I just kept thinking it would just be done, and that would be that, I've heard so many stories, even my Dentist Brother, had AU for 5 years while in Med school, it all grew back and has never fallen out again. I tried not to take to heart everything I read, and how negative the internet can be, and sometimes just downright scary. I've never stopped praying for a cure, and I don't think I ever will. I've been using the Minoidil and Clobetasol now but don't think it's doing much anymore. Your always such a positive person, I'm always glad to read your posts. Thanks Joshua.