

China Grove, NC

United States

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About Me:
I am a very nice person. I have had alopecia going on for at least a year. I like to draw,and read. My favorite food is Mac & Chz. I'm a teenager. I love social studies, playing tennis and the twilight books. I love horses and watching tv. I am single as of right now just waiting for that special someone;)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?

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  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Oh, that will be fun to take drama in high school. I did that, too. And it was my major in college. Yes, I am painting most every day and have some new representations (galleries) all over the country. Take a look at my web site to see my new stuff when you get a chance.
    The weather is so BEAUTIFUL here! Flowers and trees are blooming like crazy.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Yes, I did a lot of plays! Among others, I was Glinda the good witch in Wizard of Oz, Eileen in Wonderful Town (My Sister Eileen), Nellie Forbush in South Pacific, and many others...
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thanks for your comment about my paintings!
    Big hugs to you, beautiful girl.
  • Lacey

    Hey dear!
    how have you been? hows your hair?
    I have been great, and yes my old boyfriend and i got back together :D
    I am so so happy.
    how did your love problems work out?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Bummer about the rain! Stay dry!
  • Samantha

    Hay , My name is Samantha , Sammie and Sam . Yes I live in the United states , I live in Upton , Ma ,29 Knolton circle . I have a dog and her name is Harmony , she was fowand ( Spade ) and she was at a kill shelter . I got her at the sterling shelter . She was cooped up in there with another dog who was playing rood to her . My mom said it looked like it was saying : Please take me I am stranded hear . And know she got her wish to be with us a great family .
  • Angela Rose

    Hm, I'd say i'm not the best at giving advice...haha. Anything specific you want to know?
    Oh, and I read your about me, and i'm very sorry about the rough times.
    I saw that you had put that you had to live with it for the rest of your life..but you could actually you can grow out. (: It's mainly a childhood disease. Not necessarily saying you will, but it's possible.
  • Angela Rose

    Well, in my town, since it's so small, we don't have a middle school..
    So, highschool actually starts in eight grade, and elementary ends in 7th. :p
    weird i know, but i'm used to it.

    honestly I don't know what i'm going to be doing in the future, and my school doesn't have too many oppurtunities to learn extra curricualr stuff. :/ soo. sucks!

    and for your first year, all i would have to say is be yourself, cliche i know, but don't try to fit in,it's not gonna work out. i don't really know, my school's so small, highschool's not really a big deal ya know?
  • Angela Rose

    well i found a bald spot on the back of my head recently, and now my hairs thinning out kinda on the side, i'll prob have a picture soon. :p but the hair from my huuuge bald spot on the front of my head is pretty much grown back. (:
  • Adam Elliott

    Hey I'm 14 aswell :)
    how's things going for you?

    P.s what does ttyl mean lol :)
  • Adam Elliott

    Haha yeh I'm good thanks, just hoping all my hair don't fall out :)
    how's school etc for you?
  • Adam Elliott

    Hey I'm just got one bald spot an it's thinning all over really so it's really annoying.
    What's your hair been like at it's worst?
  • Adam Elliott

    I've got really thin hair on the top and 1 big bald spot and I just hope so much that I don't lose anymore cus then I won't be able to cover it anymore.
    All my friends know about it so it's not too bad :)
    what are your friends like with it, if they know?
  • Adam Elliott

    Everyone finds out and then maybe thinks about it for a second and then they don't even care anymore :)
  • Adam Elliott

    Everyone finds out and then maybe thinks about it for a second and then they don't even care anymore :)
  • Adam Elliott

    Yeh people think about it for 1 sec and then leave it, even the real idiots.
    How you dealing with it now?
    I think my hair maybe starting to grow back :D
  • Adam Elliott

    Thanks! :)
    Well i went to this 'homeopathist' and she is giving me some tablets so hopefully that helps, but i can see some really fine light hairs on my bald patch :)
    Yeh I'm dealing with it alright now, I'm just used to it and because like all of my friends know I'm not bothered tbh.
    Thanks for the support :)
  • Adam Elliott

    Yeh I've been good, dealing with it well and stuff. Ar it just annoys me when you wake up and see hair on ure pillow I think that's the worst thing about it, what do u think is the worst thing?
  • Adam Elliott

    ooh right its the opposite way round for me, i have a quite a bit on my pillow, but when i wash my hair not too much comes out.
    What kind of stuff do you use to try and get rid of the patches, if any?

    Adam :)
  • Heather

    i had extensions in my pics, but thanks :). you are really pretty too. your hair looks good in your pics.
  • Adam Elliott

    yeh i used some steroid lotion on my head but ive stopped that now to use some tablets from this homeopathist. my hair loss has slowed down so im really happy :D
  • Heather

    You look really pretty in your new pics and yeah don't get extensions, they ruin your hair, i'm not getting them again. Right now I'm pretty good, I got a lot of studying to do cuz my finals are coming up. So how are you?
  • Adam Elliott

    Yeh im not too bad, this year 9 (im year 10) today, i sort of know him, said 'why are you going bald at the sides of your head?' and i dont mind that my friends know but it sort of upset me that other people are noticing sort of thing :(
    anything like that happened to you?
    Adam :)
  • Heather

    thanks. i go to the university of maryland. and yeah the weather is great. i'm sorry about your bald spot. i know losing hair sucks.
  • Adam Elliott

    Thanks :)
    I really think, finally , my hair is starting to slow down falling out but i dont want go get too positive about it just incase :|
  • Heather

    my finals haven't started yet, there coming up this week. so how have you learned to deal with losing your hair so well? I have not lost a ton of hair yet, but still I worry a lot that it will get worse and it's hard not to think about.
  • Heather

    Yeah i know it's hard but I'm glad i found this site with other people who understand what i'm going through. I used to have really thick hair like 2 years ago, now i have about half of it left maybe a little more idk, but luckily i have lost it pretty evenly all over my head, so i don't have any bald spots, it's just really thin.
  • Heather

    Oh I'm sorry. I'm alright, just studying for finals, I can't wait to be done with school. How are you doing? Are you almost done with school?
  • Adam Elliott

    Are you losing more hair then? Sorry about that, hopefully if it has grown back in the past then it will grow back again :)
  • Heather

    Thanks I'm done with school at the end of this week, but then my parents are making me go to summer school and get a job, so I don't get much of a break. And maybe you could wear a swim cap or head band when you swim so no one notices if you are worried.
  • Heather

    Well that's good that you can wear a headband. My finals aren't until friday, I have all 3 in one day. And the reason I need to go to summer school is because I am behind on the credits I need, so I need to catch up.
  • Adam Elliott

    I really don't know what's going on with mine, one day I think less is falling out, but the next it seems to be worse so i'm not sure. I have got some small hairs that i can feel on my spot so i'm hopeful. Wherabouts have you got spots?
  • Adam Elliott

    Thats good. What do you mean spots under my bangs? I just hope mine clears up enough to go swimming in the sea without being worried about it being seen so fingers crossed.
    How long till you finish school and how long are you off?
  • Heather

    My finals went good. I only had two and I got B's on both. So how are things going with you? Are you almost done with school now?
  • T

    Sorry i haven't commented you back i haven't been on this site in a while due to the fact that im making my own. ^^ well its very nice to meet you and thanks for the support hope your doing well yourself
  • Adam Elliott

    Errm I'm out of school for about 6 weeks but in England we have holiday around the year for easter and half terms (1 week off) etc.
    Got quite a bit of growth now on my spot so i think its turning around XD
    Hows you?
  • T

    Thanks about that but the hair i have in that picture is fake i dont have any its a wig i dont wear it anymore i just am bald now
  • Adam Elliott

    Its not too bad only having 6 weeks off cus im on a half term now and we have a few more around the year so s'all good. How long do you get off?
    Yeh thanks, i'm hopeful ;)
    Thats good about your hair aswell, hope it stays for you :)
  • T

    Ye it was 2 much of a pain so i stopped wearing it. So how are you doing besides that :)
  • Heather

    That's great. Mine is doing good, it's still kinda thin but it's not getting worse at least.
  • Heather

    It's doing good. Good luck on getting your permit :)
  • Adam Elliott

    Hey not been on in like a month.
    Hows the driving going?
    Hows the hair?
    Adam :)
  • Heather L

    Hello Aspen!

    Thank you for the friend invite!! :) Love all your profile pics! Yummy -I love mac and cheese too... esp my mother's homemade. ( and when she lets the cheese burn a little bit on top...OMG!)

    I see you are a Twilight fan... so I must ask- Team Edward or Team Jacob? (I'm totally team Edward! ) Yep even people my age weigh in! haha!!

    I hope you are doing well!
  • Heather L

    Hey Aspen! 

    Thanks for the Christmas greetings! and a great big MERRY CHRISTMAS to you!!  How was your holiday?  


    I had hoped for a white Christmas -  looks like it will come a day late. We are supposed to get 6 to 10 inches tomorrow!  I'm ready to be snowed in... I have TONS of left over food and a couple movies lined up to watch! :)  


    Hope 2011 is a wonderful, happy and healthy year for you! 



  • Heather L

    Thank you!! 


    Well the weather man got it wrong.. instead of 6 to 10 inches we only got 3!  bummer - I was ready for it! :)  


    so what movies have you watched.  Last night I rented "the town" -  thought it was little slow - but good.   Also since I have been off I saw "push" - Dakota Flanning - that was weird but interesting!  I wish I had special powers! ha!  ( if I did I'd make my hair grow! ) 


    Off to run some errands!  Hope you have a great day! 


  • Adam Elliott

    Not been on here in ages! Hows everything going with you?
    I'm just on easter holidays now revising for exams coming up :(
    Hope you're ok!

  • Adam Elliott

    Yeh i'm great thank you :) Hows your hair atm?
    Got any plans for summer?
  • Adam Elliott

    Yehh I know the feeling, i hope it gets better for you!
    Hmm mine has actually started to fall out a little so I've started to take these phosphourous tablet things in hoping to stop it. It might be because of stress for exams coming up but im not sure just hope it doesn't get as bad as last time. (fingers crossed.)
    Comment back soon :) Adam
  • Adam Elliott

    4 exams down, 6 to go with me :( lol
    I hope your other problems don't cause too much trouble for you.
    Hope you're ok and get revising!! lol
    Reply soon, adam
  • Adam Elliott

    After the one i just did i now have 2 weeks exam free!
    Dno about it in america but we have exam leave where we're off school now until the end of the year just to revise so i basically have 2 weeks off :D
    Do you have exam leave or anything?