
34, Female

Saint Joseph, Mo

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Photography (which you've probably noticed)
Reading (Nora Roberts,Lynn Kurland, J.K. Rowling, Patricia Briggs)
Egyptian history
Pride & Prejudice (w/Keira Knightley)
Josh Groban,Josh Groban,Josh Groban!
Lavender and Vanilla scents
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Lightning storms
Carrots and celery
My teddy bear (Buttons)
Being left-handed
Bill Engval, John Pinette,Halloween and CHRISTmas
Writing a whole bunch of pointless fanfiction on DBZ and Harry Potter. :)

Dislikes: Wasps, Moths, humid and dry weather, low bank account, my stupid old phone, losing my place in a good book, gas prices, cheese, How my nails keep breaking,when my camera battery dies as I'm getting ready to take a really good picture.

~My Favorite Songs~

"Wake up, wake up, the sun cannot wait for long.
Reach out, reach out before it fades away.
You will find the warmth when you surrender.
Smile into the fear and let it play.

You wanna run away, run away and you say that it can’t be so.
You wanna look away, look away but you stay cause’ it’s all so close.

When you stand up and hold out your hand.
In the face of what I don’t understand.
My reason to be brave.

Hold on, hold on, so strong, time just carries on.
And all that you thought was wrong is pure again.
You can’t hide forever from the thunder.
Look into the storm and feel the rain."

- Brave by Josh Groban

"You’re a wonder, how bright you shine
A flickering candle in a short lifetime
A secret dreamer that never shows
If no one sees you then nobody knows
And all these words you were meant to say
Held in silence day after day
Words of kindness that our poor hearts crave
Please don't keep them hidden away

Sing it out so I can finally breathe in
I can take in all you say
Reaching out for someone I believe in
All I really need today"

-Josh Groban "Hidden Away" - Illuminations.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • as

    Welcome upon this splendid place.
    Beautiful greeting from Czech republic.
  • Drew

    Hi Carissa, just wanted to say welcome!

  • Tessa

    Hi, you commented on my page, thought I'd comment back...ya I live in kc. How long you lived in Platte? So what do you do for fun?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Carissa, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Carissa,
    Just thought I'd say hello! I've had aa for over 30 years and am here to give people support. Love your pics -- looks like you are a fellow animal lover!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You are also a fabulous photographer, aren't you?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You'll do it. You are very talented. Go for it!
  • Lucy

    Hey Carissa, I loovee your pictures their great really! Your so talented. i hope ill hear about u soon
  • Lucy

    carissaa well yeah now you know that people actually like your pictures lol
    Yeah i'm still at school im in 8th grade and i actually have a brother that has AA too so i knew about it and everything i actually told the principal about it and they let me take a cap to school so i dont feel uncomfortable..people are actually nice with me and i like that and they treat me like i dont have AA so thats a good thing but anyways how r u? r u still at school too?
  • Roger

    Nice photos. The dog was so cute.

  • Lucy

    No my brother and i aren't twins he's like 4 years younger than me.
    were you at the conference this year?
  • Lucy

    I did go, it was my first year though..but it was great really its a great experience and you actually enjoy it you not sure if im going next year to houston but i do wanna go
  • May

    Did you take the pictures in your slideshow? If so your a wonderful photographer
  • Charity

    Thanks! I got it from a local wig shop called Evelyn's Wigs
  • Gary

    Hi, carrots and celery? I am addicted to carrots! :-)
  • Kevin Woolen

    You're a talented photographer