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About Me:
Hi everyone! My name is Heather, and I've had Alopecia since I was 10, so I've been hairless for more than half of my life. I wear a Follea wig on most days and on other days I've been enjoying my new head tattoo. Currently pursuing my Masters in Urban Planning.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • kastababy

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here!!!!
  • Alex

    hi heather! i read ur forum and thought u mite want to talk to someone thats already gone through what ur going through now. =)
  • Ashley

    Hey, welcome to the site. If you need to talk, or have any questions about alopecia, let me know. =)
  • Alex

    well having alopecia has its ups and downs...some days its hard, and others its easier. for starters, u need to know that U ARE BEAUTIIFUL, ABSOLUTELy GORGEOUS!! and i mean it. thats the first step, getting ur own self confidence up. i know that i am beautiful whether i have hair or not. after that, its all about accepting urself as u are. just because one person may not like that u are bald, some many more people wont care.

    me personally: ive had alopecia since i was about 4, so i dont know any other way to live. some days i hate being bald, and i hate that im different than all the other girls in school. and sometimes i dont feel pretty, but it all goes back to having confidence. i do have 3 wigs. most of the time, i dont wear them. i dont wear a wig to school anymore. i did wear a wig when i was a freshman, but then i realized that most people didnt care, so i stopped wearing it.

    i am me. take me or leave me. thats how ive been living. the people that cant accpet u without hair shouldnt be in ur life anyways. and i know that not having hair is a big deal, but thank god we dont have a disease that can really harm us.

    let me know if theres anything in particular that u have questions about

    how about u? how are u dealing with having alopecia?
  • Alex

    the people that are worth having around u wont care if ur bald. ur true friends will be there whether u have long beautiful hair or none at all =)
    have u ever went to school without ur wig?
  • Sarah McIntosh

    Hi,I was 12 when I first lost the majority of my hair,I even lost my eyebrows and eyelashes.I went through all of high school like that to.I remember everyone talking behind my back and some people bold enough to make rude comments to my face.it wasn't easy.I'm 23 now and the funny thing is all of those people who had hurt me then now want to be my friend.I try not to hold grudges their just to big of a burden and I don't need to carry that weight around.Anyways,you are beautiful,don't let anyone ever get you down,chances are when your older they'll be trying to make up for it.
  • Amy Jo

  • Caroline

    thank you for the help<3
  • Katie Jones

    Hi I'm Katie Jones and I have just become a member. I have had Alopecia Areata since I was 12. Right now you could say i'm bald. I would enjoy hearing your story.
  • Colleen

    Hi Heather!
    I have to say that the best thing I have done so far with alopecia is to get my eybrows tatooed. I hated getting out of the shower without a face and I hated spending time painting eyebrows on. I'm not a big makeup person so daily application of makeup was not cool. My permanent makeup artist is awesome. She uses a numbing cream and the whole thing is super easy. I highly recommend it. As far as the eyelashes... I tried getting them tattooed but it didn't work so well. First of all it was quite uncomfortable to get them done then they faded quickly... I recommend eyeliner for that. Hope this helps..
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Heather,
    How are you? Are you doing all right?
    How are the other kids treating you?
    Just wanted to say hello. I've had AU for 20 years.
  • Carol

    Hey Heather,
    I've had alopecia for 30 years (wow, I'm gettin' old). I went AT when I was 13 and then AU at 16. If you ever wanna talk to someone who's been through the good and the bad, don't be afraid of sending me a message. Keep smiling! :)
  • Nezz

    Hi Heather, It's nice to see lots of young people around. don't feel so isolated that way.
    Hope we can talk soon :)
  • mademoiselle

    hello Heather ,
    You look great , is that a wig or your real hair !

    I love it , it suits you so much
  • Vanessa

    Hi Heather, I'm so curious about Amy's presence wigs! Yours looks great! Is it this 'cyberhair' I've read about? I was always an avid swimmer and so would love to have a wig that I could swim and exercise in. Do you use an adhesive to keep it on? I went to a wig shop in Vancouver - an Amy's presence/cyberhair dealer and wasn't able to get much info. The fellow only kept insisting that I should order a wig for $5000.00!! Can I ask you where you get your wigs and approximately how much they cost? Any info would be appreciated!
  • Vanessa

    Hi Heather,
    Thanks for the info. I'm so glad to hear that you are happy with your cyberhair wig. I'm going to make a trip to an Amy's Presence dealer in Washington soon - they have quoted me prices that are far more reasonable, and they seem to know what they are talking about. Excited to think about swimming with hair!
  • Ally

    Hi, thanks for the info, thats really helpful, I'm going to look on the website now, could you tell me how your wig is attached? Is it bonded on? Thanx
  • Tanya

    Hi Heather! You look great, and you hair is gorgeous! :) I checked out Amys' Presence, but couldn't tell what base is used. My current hair is lace based with real hair, so I prefer to not swim in it. Tell me more about yours (price, hairline, attachment?).

    I got AT at around the same age as you. I wore a bandana for a while during high school too. I didn't get a secure wig 'til after high school, so I missed out on sleepovers, dance club, track&field team, swimming, etc. I'm glad you found a great wig - it's quite useful especially during high school years! :)
  • Tana

    Hi heather, Im 14 and will be 15 this year I was diagnosed with alopecia areata when i was 13. Only aftter 3 months of experiencing hair loss I had to get a wig, It was very devastating for me. It is still hard to except it now sometimes. I don't have a lot of hair left, but i started out with a long human hair wig too. Then my mom bought me a cyber hair wig. And then i went to a synthetic... I want to switch back to my medium hair lenght cyber, my synthetic is a bob cut and i don't want kids at school to make fun of me i have already had to deal with that and i don't really want to go throught all that stress again.. so what should i do?
  • Meme

    Hi heather. I read your comment on the teenager with alopecia group. My mom also realized that my hair was falling out in Disney World when i was like four.The chlorine in the pool was the trigger to my alopecia. im also 14 almmost 15 and i dont have a wig but im thinking ill need one soon.
  • Meme

    thanks! are they kind of like vacumm wigs or how do they work? becuase you can swim in them right?
  • Meme

    oh thats cool...ill think about it....im not sure which one is better for me, the one youre talking about or a freedom wig. how much was yours?
  • Ashleigh

    Hey I was reading your about me and I was diagnosed with alopecia areata when I was 13 and now I am 15 and I loose like 50% of my hair then it comes back and then goes away again and I was just wondering about your wig what kind is it? I can never find a comfertable one, and I just wanted to say your so pretty, and your wig looks really nice in your picture
  • Chris Jeffer

    I just returned to Vancouver after living in Australia and want to know if you belong to an Alopecia support group in the Lower Mainland. If so which one and if not are you interested in joining one?

  • Nikki

    Hey Heather: just wanted to let you know that I am trying to get some in the Vancouver area to a meet and greet. So.... it's going to be at Artigiano's in Park Royal South Side on Sunday Aug 29 at 3pm. I hope you can make it. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
  • Pat

    You're an inspiration Heather, What a great experience for you. Well done!
  • BTB (John)