Alicia Duncan


Waterford, MI

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I've always had thin, fine hair. I used to be called, "Qtip" in high school because I had just enough to cover my head. It never really bother me much because I had so many wonderful friends who loved my Qtip head.
I've been thinning the last 5 years without really understanding what was going on. After tons of hormone checks, blood tests, etc. I have just diagnosed with Alopecia areata. It took awhile to diagnose because I've been wearing Prohair extensions so my hair didn't look as splotchy and patchy as I really am.

The interesting thing is that my mother has Alopecia totalis. However, she has lived with her condition in isolation, fear and much pain. My heart goes out to her in the deepest compassion. Alopecia has been paralyzing to her in some ways. I've decided to make this MY experience by reaching out, being honest and open. I hope to find healing within community and turn this into a rich, meaningful experience for becoming a more deeply compassionate human being. But it's still hard. Really, really hard.

So, that's my story. Thanks for establishing a community. I look forward to being a valuable member. :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Alicia!
    How are you doing today?
    You have come to the right place for support!
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi ALicia
    Love your attitude! Keep it up.
    BTW -You are a beautiful!
  • Roger


  • stephanie hammond

    Hello Alicia and welcome!!! I am new to this site I haven't added much to my profile..need to get it updated and put pics up with me with my wigs..which I have loved...anything you want to know or have questions about just ask!!
  • stephanie hammond

    I got mine through Peggy Knight solutions. It was very expensive and I'm a single working mom so it was tough to afford. But now they are coming out with less expensive ones. I might try going through a different company for my next one. I have had mine for over 2 years then had to mail it off for repair. I'm just waiting to get it back now. It was 4,500.00 for 12 inches and took 6 months of waiting till it was ready. I flew out from Utah to San Fransisco and got a hotel and rental car, drove to Saulcilito, CA to pick up prosthesis then I went to there hair stylist in San Fransisco. I flew out Friday and was back by Sunday night. But that was lots of money too. I dont know anyone in Utah who styles the prosthetic wigs so I just continue to go see Eva in San Fransisco. Wish I knew someone in Utah but when your trusting someone to dye your 4,500.00 wig you want to make sure they know what they are doing...I could go on and on but I'm at work getting ready to take patient's back so I will get back to you a little later..Hope your having a great day! And yes I love this site because I can actually talk and people know what I'm talking about!!
  • stephanie hammond

    Just read your story and I'm overjoyed by your up-beat attitude! So your mom has alopecia and now you do? Well I have a little girl and I worry that she will get it someday. I hope she has the attitude that you do if it should happen. : )
  • Natalie

    Hi Alicia! Thanks for the friend add :) Feel free to ak me any questions about wigs/eyebrows/etc. I would love to help!!
  • Mallory Crowner

    Thanks for the comment! :o) You made my Friday. And I just saw your status at the top about that India Arie song. I just heard it not too long ago, September actually. I loved it!! We were trying to come up with a mixed CD to play during the awareness event we had. That was one of the songs on it. ;o)
  • charlene lewis

    wow are sooo beautiful, and your wigs is gorgeous........I love your attitude Charlee
  • Jules

    Hi, I just read some of your posts & they are so well written. Just wanted to say hi!
  • Jules

    I know... I love AW, it's helped me so much! Nice to meet you :)
  • MiNAH

    You are so amazing...& beautiful I might add!
    Thanks for your thoughtfulness.
  • Mark S. Hansen

    Hi my name is Mark and I live in MIlwaukee. I have heard that there are two kinds of people. The people who matter don't mind and those that don't mind don't matter. I think that it is much easier to be a positive person in the presence of people in your life who don't mind. I have lived in Milwaukee for about 16 years and unforunatley the greatest number of people who I have known, did mind and do mind. So, even though I have had alopecia unversalis, total body hair loss for about 40 years, one would think that I would be used to it. But not really. Well take care,
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Alicia,

    I came along your page tonight and wanted to say hello.
    Looks like I'll be seeing you in Indanapolis.

  • Becka

    I'm so happy you liked the video! ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))
  • JeffreySF

    Happy Birthday Alicia!!!

  • Donna DeHoog

    Hey girl! Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! Love, Donna
  • Devin

    Happy Birthday Alicia!
  • Lexi

    Hello, I am just "cruising" the AW site, and came across something you wrote...then viewed your page....The hair in the pictures, is it your real hair or your wig/extensions? It looks really nice, and just hoping (lol) it is a wig, so I can find out what kind and maybe get one...I am always searching for the perfect wig, if that really exists...and not at a break the bank price tag either. Have a great day
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    HI Alicia, Alopecians in Michigan will celebrate International Alopecia Day (August 6th, 2011) with a late lunch at T.G.I Fridays in Livonia. We will be meeting at 3 PM.

    Come for lunch, come for dinner, come for an appetizer or just come for coffee and dessert!

    We want to meet you!

    T.G.I Fridays
    20120 Haggerty Road
    Livonia, MI 48152-1087
    (734) 464-8443

    Please RSVP on the Events page:
    so that we can make reservations if needed.

    Thanks and we really look forward to meeting you!

    TGI Fridays has been kind enough to offer our group a 10% discount on the meals.

    PS: Please note that this is a dutch treat and everyone is responsible for their own bill!

  • Ruth Chapman

    Hi Alicia

    I was just keen to hear more of your experience with Russian Hair, you look so fab in your pic.

    Thank you
