Angie P

, Female

Houston, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I'm trying to think of what to say about me. I'm not accustomed to talking about myself, so here goes:

I was diagnosed with cicatricial alopecia/lichen planopilaris in June of this year. I was prescribed Olux-E foam for the itching/pain which I am happy with at the moment. I was also prescribed Rogaine 5% which I am NOT happy with since the strong smell set off my asthma/allergies and it grew hair just about everywhere BUT my scalp. It cost me $75 to get my face waxed!! Bwahahahaaaa! I can laugh about it now, but maaaaannnnnnn three weeks ago I was highly annoyed.
Now, I'm just strategizing when to get out the headblade. My derm doesn't think I should do it since I still have plenty of thick hair on the back and sides, for the moment She actually suggested a perm. Yes, ya'll read it right, a PERM. I couldn't believe it either.
To me putting lye on my head so I can pull off a comb-over is out of the question, and I'm getting annoyed of hair being everywhere in the house.
So, the next logical** step for me is to get rid of it.

**I know, what's logic got to do with it, right? ;)

UPDATE: Got tired of the spots and shaved on 2/25/2011.
Do you have alopecia?
Scarring alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Welcome to Alopecia World, Angie! :)
  • Trina Berry

    Angie, Thank you. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy the photos.
  • Julia

    That is Awesome Angie, please let me know what you think. By the way, which Boarders in Houston?
  • la licha

    Hi there! Yes, I am still in Houston, are you?
  • Michelle Chapman

    Hey Angie, how you doing? Nice to see you. Mx
  • Tallgirl

    I especially liked the one about the alpaca! You are a hoot! Join in to some of the discussions when we get rolling on the Funny Train!
  • Tallgirl

    Then welcome to Wig and Hat Country!
  • Norm

    You're right, Ange.... now you're Out There, it's too late to go back! But at least you kept your eyes covered with the goggles, to spare us all the Evil Stare. Hey, maybe you've got a new form of alopecia.... it's not "scarring", it's "SCARING"! Eeek! Be afraid.... be very afraid.... ;)
  • Aliennation

    Hi Angie How r u ..No I havnt found a wig we dont really have to much to choose from here in baytown. I ve seen that place Wig World its by the big lots I think Ive been wanting to go..let me know when ur going maybe I can meet you there ..I always go by my self and it would be nice to have someone to go with.. Hope to hear from you soon .
  • C. Nicole

    Thanks Ms! :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Angie, How are you doing?
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Smile, Thanks for the encouragement. And I like the *waves* ;)
  • Aliennation

    Hey Angie. 12:00-:1:00 works for me I forgot I got a 7 am meeting on sat for work! Uhhhggg!
    let me know if thats ok or we can do earlier ..
  • Diana Carter

    Angie!! Love the new profile pic!! You look great! I'm glad we met on AW!
  • MiNAH

    Take it off .... u beautiful .... take it all off!!!!
  • la licha

    Hi Angie, how are you? you really look great! :-)
  • Trina Berry

    Hey Angie, Hope all is going well with you. Thanks for passing some energy along, I really do need it.
  • Aliennation

    Hi Angie,
    I had to take my son to the dr today by (Dome) lol and guess what I just had to stop at wig world! I have to say they are very nice there just like you said.And yes they have very nice wigs! I really liked them but yeah they are a little more pricier but they way I see it you get what you pay for right? I might try and buy a good one after the holidays ..
    ok just wanted to stop by n let u know.. talk to u soon!
  • Aliennation

    Hi Angie,
    my sons ok so so far he had some kinda episode 3 weeks ago at school he was confused & disoreted n could remember things not even my name for a bit..we dont know why or what coulda happened they think maybe he had some kinda siezure or something so he had to get a eeg done..but wont know anything for a couple weeks..turkey what turky day! i hve to work! haha i hate it my job!!!! lol they want me to work the whole weekend? i was like wf i have the biggest famlit here n no days off!!! idj what ima do i may work thhrus just so i can get time & a half then quit on fri! haHA .say fried turket the remote & netflixsounds verrrrrrrry good to me!!!!!!!!
  • kastababy

    Hi Angie!!

    Just working and studying...same old same old for me.

    Happy New Year!!!

  • Linda

    Hi Angie, welcome to alopeciaworld!
  • Tallgirl

    Check your inbox for my order of the disc...does it work on Vista?
  • Diana Carter

    Hi Angie...Left you a message. Just wanted to also say hello. :)
  • Tiffani

    Thanks for your comment-you completely answered my questions and more. I may also refuse some forms of treatment if it becomes too costly or painful. I will be returning to the Derm on Monday and she noted she will suggest and perform some treatment to stimulate growth, but my main focus is to keep the hair that I have. I'm not really concerned about the hair that won't come out to play. Hopefully soon, I will post some pics. Your hair looks great. TTYL.

  • kastababy

    Hey there! Thanks for the comment!!
  • Tallgirl

    Red Ribbon
  • Reginia S.

    Thanks for the welcome to this site. It's actually a welcome back for me. I stepped away from this site and most things Alopecia about a year ago. I had to grieve the loss and regroup. I hope to inspire those who want to be inspired. And maybe in turn gain a little more altitude and a better attitude as I live life against the grain.
  • Diana Carter

    Angie!!! I am loving your new profile picture! You are beautiful! Who needs the hair, honey, you are so sexy!! WTG girl!!
  • Lili Añel (aka Eulalia)

    Thank you for the feedback Angie. I researched photographers and in my area it was slim pickin's. Kyle Ober was a perfect match for me. He captured me. I told him all about my recently losing my hair. He knew just what to do.
  • Sandra Dubose-Gibson

    Thank you Angie for your comment. Stay connected and stay beautiful.
  • Norm

    The Ange! 'Tis yourself!
    Yeah, I'm fine, thanks - not been on here that much meself. Life is still unintentionally hilarious... a friend gave me some extra RAM for my computer a short while back, and as I was leaving, I said (without thinking) "Thanks for the memory".... *sigh* Sometimes I terrify myself.

    How's you, anyway? Still the cynical, bitter, twisted old hag you always were? ... which is why I like you so much? :) xxx
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hey Angie
    I hope you had a good flight home.
    It was so wonderful seeing & meeting you at the conference you are a very special lady & once again I am so proud & pleased to not only call you friend but Alopecian Sister.
    Take Care,