

Norcross, GA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Hi, I've been living with Alopecia since i was 17. I'm tired of hiding. I'm here to meet others like me and finally coming to terms with this.
Do you have alopecia?
Male pattern baldness
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Deejay!
    How are you today?
    Leslie Ann

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Well, let me know if I can help!

  • T

    Hi Deejay. I know all about hiding. I was an expert. But it does feel at times that your being someone your not. Alopecia World is basically what gave me my courage to step out. Seeing so many other people in the same boat as me and still smiling on top of it all, really was an eye opener. I encourage you to be you as you see fit. TTFN - T (for Tammy):D

  • Rosemary Janeiro

    Hey deejay,
    Hopefully with working on urself that will give u the self esteem u need to b how ur most comfortable. Finding a partner is always a challenge, but for us it's even more trying as we r still trying to find a personal comfort of our own. In time u will find a partner that excepts u just as u are, n falls for u as a person n not appearance. Whether bald or not, going to places with a partner gets u looks regardless of
    Whats on ur head unfortunately but when u hv someone ur comfortable with by ur side, it doesn't matter what looks u get. Just do u and the rest will follow :) here if u need to talk.
  • Rosemary Janeiro

    Awwww!!! ;-) love the new pic!!
  • sarah

    That's ok! Yes I have had great results from them took them about 6 m
  • sarah

    Months, u should try them what alopecia u have? What have u tried and how long u had it for?
  • sarah

    U need to see a dermatologist ask for some steroid drugs to stop hair falling out and need some lotions as well. The herbs are called fusion and there from Australia u will need to get the hair tonic pills. U can buy them online I think take 2 a day..
  • sarah

    That's true a dermatologist will give u what they think is best for your alopecia. Not sure website just google fusion herbs alopecia and I'm sure something will come up.