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About Me:
I'm a wife and mother of 2. I was diagnosed with Alopecia in 2006. Going bald has been a pretty traumatic experience for me. I was also diagnosed with multiple sclerosis two years prior to my Alopecia, which didn't upset me half as much as going bald. I look back and think how silly is that, hair vs. my body functioning properly. I was wearing wigs for many years until I realized that for others to accept me, I must accept myself first. I feel much more comfortable just being me. No more hiding.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Jaclyn

    Hey T! Thanks for the welcome! Just looked through your photos - you are really beautiful, with AND without hair! Can I ask how your kids handle it? My kids are 4, 3 and 1. The two girls (4 & 1) are okay with it, but my 3-year-old son is pretty traumatized by my hair-loss. He keeps saying, "I don't like your bald, Mommy." and "When are you going to be a lady again?" I know it's hard on little kids to accept any kind of change, but it's hard to hear him say stuff like that!

  • moonflower

    Thanks for the friend add and compliment on my little boy. He is definitely my world! Talk to you soon!

  • Deejay

    Hi T! Thank you for the add and the warm welcome. I hope today meets you in great spirits. Just read your profile. "I realized that for others to accept me, I must accept myself first." Powerful words. I have alopecia areata and have spent over 15 yrs hiding it. Until recently i've really been contemplating going bald. I think those words are just what i needed to hear. Hopefully i find the courage soon. I feel like a prisoner in my own body. Its time for a radical change! :)