


Profile Information:

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About Me:
In 2010, I was told I has A.A Now 2012, I had a new biopsy and its Telogen Effluvium. Oh My!
Do you have alopecia?
Telogen effluvium
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Sophia

    Many thanks for your comment. It is fantastic to have a reception like that.
  • Dee Long

    Thanks It's nice to meet you.
  • Angie P

    w00t!!! Two Divas named Angie! Is the world ready???? Bwahahahaaa!
  • Dotty

    Just wanted to thank you for starting such an awesome topic. Great idea. I love it. Thank you for the nice compliment also. :-)
  • Dotty

    Thank You Note
  • Norm

    Angie!!! It's your birthday!!! Congrats on being 21 for the umpteenth time! :)

    Hope you have fun and do some kewl stuff.... have a few slurps for me! xx
  • Samantha V.P.

    Your welcome sistah.... ;-)
  • Hot Comments

    Enjoy YOUR day! Whoo hoo! :)
  • Felicia

    Happy Birthday
  • Norm

    Hey! What are you doing on here when you should be out stuffing your face and knocking back the G&T's????
    (sorry to hear about the spinal surgery - a good friend of mine had that some years back so I know how it goes. But I don't believe it's affected her ability to consume bottles of Vino Collapso...) ;)
  • LOL Thanks for the Chaka Khaun comment. How was your B-day? Did you find a gorgeous wig?

    Hope you saved me a slice of cake?? ;)
  • Stephanie

    Yes, ask me anything. My son has been off gluten for over two years now so I have become a "pro" at this :)
  • Stephanie

    I am the blond in the middle. Those girls take my dance class and we all got together for dinner this summer. Such fun! No one besides my family and closest friends know that I wear a wig.
  • Stephanie

    Thanks, Angie! I have a son who is 23 and engaged as well. I cannot believe how fast time flies.

    No, I really don't "need" a wig but I also believe that my AA is in remission and am not ready to take my wig off. I want to see what happens in the next several months. It was crazy how fast my hair fell out, with no time for me to adjust it just came out in clumps, and what's to say that won't happen again? We know there is no cure. I don't know the statistics of people who regrow their hair forever because they then probably leave this site. For this reason, I have pledged to stay on and let everyone know what is happening with me.

    I found that it was not helpful to tell people. They don't know what to say and while well-meaning, generally say the wrong things. I came to grips with it early on and really don't care about it anymore as the problem is solved with the wig. And yet, people still worry about it for me which is not what I wanted.
  • Stephanie

    Fabulous! Where are you getting it? Be sure to post a picture.
  • Trish

    Sure we can!!
  • Essence

    thank you (: & cool!
  • Felicia

    Angie you said you had an afro so I am betting you are a Brown Lady(no picture). Brown ladies can get away with having extremely short hair and look great...I am thinking of putting my bald head under the tanning bed to get a Brazilian tanned noggin. :)

    Also you said you are going gluten free. I truly think I am gluten intolerant due to stomach problems its a change I have been trying to make slowly too .
  • Galena

    Thanks for the friend invite Angie. I hope all is well in your world. I checked out the group and it would be very nice to connect somewhere central. I'll stay posted. I get a notice to my Blackberry when members post. Take care ~G
  • Rhonda Kelley

    Red Ribbon
  • Leah Ingle

    Thank you very much, Angie. I am glad to be here.
  • Monica LUPUS MATTERS Ellis

    Hello Angie,sorry im just getting back 2 u,how r u donig and its nice to meet u.Thx for the compliment.I make my own quickweaves although i USED to where wigs.Have a blessed wkend:):):):)
  • Tracy

    I was born and raised in Chicago, but I do often wonder here and there about moving to a warmer climate. Well, you never know that could happen one day.
  • Reginia S.

    Thanks Angie. No I don't model. I just try to stay healthy and happy.
  • Valerie Hutcherson

    Hi Angie,
    Just stopping by to say hi. I hope all is well in your world! Talk to you soon.
  • Natasha

    Hi Angie, Just wanted to stop by and say hello. How is everything going with you?
  • Michelle

    Angie Girl,
    I am back to drawing them in. I tried the temporary tattoos and had to take them off and redo them 3 times before I kinda had them even. Grrrrrr. I like the way they look but it took too many tries and a serious wash cloth burn. They lasted a day and then they started to get gummy from the oils on my face. I will only be breaking them out for special occassions. LOL. I have decided to get the permanent tats with the hair strokes. Just need to save up some money first. Thanks for asking.
  • Angie

    Thank you Vida for the gift! Keep smiling.
  • Tallgirl

    Thank you for the new title. Since I lost my teaching job and my kids are too old to listen to anything I say, this means a lot to me!
  • Natasha

    Hey Angie, I'm doing ok, still looking for work. Yes, I know I live in GA but I don't think I have full excepted it yet. Maybe I will once I start working or maybe not. lol
  • VanillaPlum01

    I love your energy lol thanks :)
  • Michelle

    Hi Angie,
    It was actually a temporary eyebrow tattoo. Used once and not again. Still saving for the permanent ones. I've been doing pretty good. Can't complain. How about you?
  • Michelle

    Good morning Angie,
    I know it's hard seeing new spots pop up and the drama of trying to find outfits to go with the scarves and hats that you have. I've been there!!!! I felt a little better when I shaved my head. I couldn't take the emotional toll of seeing my hair come out in clumps everyday. I felt and looked like I was dying. You can always try wigs. When I had hair I was so anti weaves, wigs, and anything that wasn't natural. Now that I'm bald, I am the wig and fake eyelash queen. Haha, God has a sense of humor. I just got hip to a website called they have some great looking wigs and reasonable prices!!! I just heard about the site yesterday and bought a wig already. I'll keep you informed on how it turns out. Never bought a wig online. I usually like to go into the shops and try them on first. Gotta go and get the kids ready for summer camp. Have a blessed day.
  • Nancy King

    Hi Angie!
    I'll be looking forward to hearing your progress with your eating regime and its effects.
    But i really wanted to say BEAUTIFUL PICTURE!!!!! You are just lovely; and, i would give almost anything for a smile like that :)
  • Michelle

    You go Angie!!!!!! It's going to take some time but soon enough you will be walking around your house and family without a care. I can't wait to get home and whip my wig off so I can scratch. I've only went public with my baldie once at a spa. I would probably do it more often but I have this ridiculous lace front tan line around my face. I look crazy! Shaving your head is going to make it that much easier to move on. Go Angie! Go Angie! Go, Go!
  • Evan

    Hi Angie - congrats on your decision to take control and no allow alopecia to run your life. I applaud you on your confidence to finally say 'screw it' I'm doing what makes me comfortable. I know having hair is a big thing for a lot of people (the male comb-over would not exists otherwise) and even more so for women. However, the confidence you exude being short-shorn or bald speaks volumes about your personality : )
  • msdmt

    Thanks for the kind words...I'm lost i dont know what to expect...
  • Michelle

    Ms. Angie,
    How are you girl? Yes I did purchase the latest wig online at Only cost me $38.00 with shipping. I love that site. Must say..... I'm a little addicted. Lol! So what is new in your life? I just recently had the opportunity to go wig shopping with a young girl from my church. She is 23 and has cancer and is losing her hair to chemo. We went to a local beauty supply store and she picked out a really nice wig. God gave me this alopecia for some reason. If I can help others that's what I'm going to do.

  • Andie

    Hi Angie! I love your photo! You look so radiant and beautiful!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Angie! Great discussion. I also shared it on my facebook page. Nothing like real people answering the questions.
  • Carla

    I just love your smile, it gives me confidence that I can survive this AA.

    How do I make it so I have to friend someone to get their e-mail. I received a very strange private e-mail from someone on this website and I think it would be wise to review individual profiles before someone contacts me privately.


  • Valerie Hutcherson

    How are you? When did you shave your head? I LOVE it! Let's get together soon.
  • Mel

    Hey Angie,

    Thanks for adding me. I admire your strength, yes this is my first day on the site and it is a breath of fresh air. Blessings.

  • antoinette bosquet

    HI Angie, you look beautiful and keep smile on and your head held high! we got your back sister! We will defeat AA, don't let it take our spirits down!

  • Stephanie

    How are you, Angie? Guess what? My hair is falling out again! Thank goodness I kept the wig on. Now the question is whether to cut off what has grown in so that the wig feels more comfortable.
    I was reading through this thread and see a pattern. My hair is falling out at the nape which was the LAST area to grow back in. Isn't that odd? This condition is just so weird.

  • Norm

    Hiya Angie.... good to see ya :) Hope everything's alright in Angieworld! Keep smilin'1 :)

  • Tallgirl

    Have a great summer!
  • Angela

    Hi Angie, thanks for the invite. I am so sorry I am late seeing your request. I'm on everyday, not sure why I didn't see the request icon.

  • Angela

    Red Ribbon
  • Miss Peaches

    Hi Angie, just stopped by your page to say hello,HOPE ALL IS WELL. Happy Holidays.