Debbi Fuller

75, Female

Langdon, New Hampshire

United States

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About Me:
I've been AU since 1989. At the time, I was a flight attendant with Pan Am. Since 1991 I've been helping women get back their self-esteem by designing and importing beautiful vacuum-fitted hair prostheses. I love to ski, ride our Harley, cook and spend time with friends. My husband has a daughter and we have 2 cats! We live in New Hampshire in the country.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
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  • JeffreySF

    Hi Debbi,

    How did the fundraiser go?
    AASC is the MSN Alopecia Group. Dotty hosts a weekly chat on wednesdays.

    Hope you are doing well.

  • JeffreySF

    HI Debbi,
    Glad you two were a hit.

  • Roger

    Maine and New Hampshire looks very nice. Vermont and New England too =)

  • Roger

    Hi Debbi. I think I remember your face from Louisville. But like you said it was so many faces there. It was my first time there too. I really enjoyed the conference a lot! Ill be back in Houston next summer.

  • Roger

    Aha! Do you work with the Freedom wigs? I know there were a lots of people showing wigs and so at the hotel. On the upper floor.

    Have you been to many conferences before? This was my first.
  • Roger


    I promise to visit you two in Houston! Wow. That Eye of the tiger is so famous.
  • Lee

    Forgot to share this with you. I have not gotten into a pool since AU. Even though its ok to swim in the prosthesis, I was still really scared it was gonna come off....Over Thanksgiving, I went to the Poconoes...and there was a hot tub...and it was my bday and I was not saying no. So I got in...and I swam in the pool!! It was a BIG moment for me ; ) Didn't move an inch!!! Didn't feel any different than my hair used to feel! I wish I were rich...I would order one a year haha!
  • Lee

    haha!Yeah...the price is understandable though. Its really the closest thing to hair...couldn't imagine anything better...and if they do think of something, I want to be the first to know! I work a lot of OT...that will help ; )
  • Lee

    yeah I agree with you. I've only work a lace and a netted wig with tape...very very strong tape, but still....absolutly no comparison. This REALLY doesn't move. I don't know why people say it's hot either. I honestly don't think it's any hotter than my hair was. The first hour, I feel it on my head because I think it kind of forms to my head, right? Then after that, I literally don't feel it on's just like my natural hair. Couldn't imagine going back to the other kinds. ALSO...they ITCH!
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • Roger

  • Nini

    Hi Deb,

    Thanks a lot for your words. Sometimes I feel I am going thru a rollercoaster of emotions. Even though we know hair is not everything and "we are not our hair", sometimes we do need to hear it from someone esle.

    Thanks, and yes I do hope and have faith that it grows back and decides to stay :)
  • Tammy Cowart

  • Nini

    Debbi, you have no idea how much your words meant to me today. Thank you so much :)
  • Roger


    Will I see you in Houston?

  • Alexandra

    Hi Debbi!
    Thank you so much for writing such kind words to me! Today was one of those rough days, so you sent it at the perfect time.
    I agree completely that female pattern baldness can be more difficult that totalis. It's so hard to decide whether to wear a wig or to keep what I have and see how much more I'll lose. As the days pass, however, I feel myself getting closer and closer to breaking out that razor and shaving it all off. I feel that it would be liberating and there would be no more "what if's."
    I'm so relieved to hear that about the sex! Haha! That was actually one of my biggest concerns, as a healthy and active gal. I can't imagine myself wanting to be chained to worrying whether or not a wig would stay on my head the entire time. And even more, I was praying that there are men out there who love bald women and find them incredibly sexy. I guess there are! How does the vacuum wig stay on during sex? Does it shift or fall off? Or does it stay securely in place the entire time?
    Should I shave my head one day, I would definitely be interested in buying a vacuum wig. If that day comes, I'll be sure to contact you.
    And that's amazing about how your mom overcame her grief for your alopecia! Sadly, my mom is still crying on a weekly basis and wishing it was her instead of me. I hate seeing her this upset all the time. She's lost her hope and her spirit. I'm still carrying on with my life and staying strong, but I hope one day that she does too.
    Thanks again, Debbi, for being so friendly and kind. =) And when I get that apartment in Paris, I'll be sure to send you an invite!!
  • Alexandra

    That's great that you have such a supportive family! My mom thinks I should only shave it off if it either starts to look really bad or if it's too hard to fix in the mornings.
    I'm so happy to hear that you can have an active lifestyle without having to worry about whether or not the Freedom wig will come off! I'm a very active person (into dancing, motorcycle riding, jet skiing, roller coasters, etc) and would like to know that my hair won't go flying away with the birds, haha.
    How long do the blonde freedom wigs come? Is it too damaging to bleach the hair?
    Alexandra =)
  • Tracy Cheek

    Hey Debbie, Wanted to let you know everything was going good with my wig. I'm loving Alopecia World it makes you feel great to know there are a lot others.
  • Jude

    Hi Debbi

    I watched your videos on the Freedom wig. Thanks for doing this. I really want one now but will have to start saving!! Didn't expect the tats - you look quite sensible and respectable with the wig on!! ;-)
  • Cherylnz

    Hi Debbie

    Happy Birthday
    Have a wonderful day :)
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hi Debbie,
    I'm from Winnipeg, Canada and was interested in the freedom hairpieces. Would you be the person I would need to be in contact with in my area?
  • Nancy

    Thanks so much! I'm actually in contact with Rose regarding ordering a vacuum wig...I live in San Diego. I loved your video, it was very informative!!!
  • Sherrie Laurie

    Hi Debbi....good to make your acquintance also! Always feel connected with those who have been with the airlines!
    I watched your video about the vacuum wigs and they look wonderful! I wore long human hair wigs for along time and then about a year ago switched to synthetic short wigs (170.00 range). They were just easier traveling and wash&go....but I really miss the long human hair and am very interested in the vacuum wig. I'm trying to get my husband convinced that this is necessary (he's a pilot also, so you know what they are like!!!) I told him if he had his hand cut off wouldn't he rather have a nice prosthetic hand and not a hook!!!!HA!!! Anyways, was wondering if you have ever done a vac.wig for anyone in Anchorage, Alaska? If so would they be willing to talk to me. My phone is 907-345-8930. I'm very interested and want to look into them a little further.
  • Hayley Burton

    Hey Debbie! Yeah I love my Freedom wig! Still waiting for my haircut appointment though! But it's very comfortable and I'm getting used to wearing it, taking it off and putting it on etc.
    Qué bien que hablas español! Y Peru - nunca he ido a Latinoamerica pero me encantaría ir! Esta semana estoy en Madrid y Lunes volveré a Inglaterra.

    ps- glad you like the funny eyebrow pics...that was really fun - my Mum and I messing around with the freebies I got from the NAAF conference in 2007 haha xx
  • Julia

    Hey Debbi,
    Thanks for being my friend! I was looking over some of the profiles here and came across yours. I have to say that its very comforting to see someone who is as caring and confident as you are. Its hard going through something like this when others can't relate. It's even harder when those who can relate are bitter and depressed about it. Its makes me fill a whole lot better seeing someone like yourself thriving in spite of it all.
    So you design hair prostheses! Yours is beautiful :) Just wondering, do you make any that are non- vacuum (that can be worn for by women with only partial hair loss?)

    ~ Julia
  • Julia

    Hey Debbi,
    I'd greatly appreciate that! Right now I reside in Atlanta, Ga.

    It'd feel good to talk to someone, thanks for the offer. What would be the best way for me to contact you?
  • Alexandra

    Hi Debbi!
    I was just watching your videos about your Freedom hair (I really liked them!) and I'm wondering how long your hair is in your "Jennifer Aniston" (haha, I loved when you said that) wig. I remember you said that the blonde wigs come in up to 12" at the moment, but do any of the other colors come any longer? Also, would you strongly recommend against bleaching the Freedom wigs platinum blonde? Would lightening a darker wig to a golden blonde be ok?
  • Alexandra

    Hi! Thanks so much for answering my questions! You're a huge help!
  • Roger

    Hi Debbi.

    Are you ready for Houston?

  • Roger

    I will stop by and say hi to you =)

  • Alexandra

    Hi Debbi! How are you?
    I'm trying to get an idea of how much money I'd have to save for a vacuum wig, so would you mind giving me some quotes on prices, please? =)
    I'm thinking of getting a wavy / slightly curly textured, medium-thick, golden blonde 12" or 10" piece. How much do you think that would cost me?
    Thanks so much, Debbi!
  • Alexandra

    Hi Debbi!
    Thanks for the price quote! I'm going to wait a bit longer just to see how my own hair progresses, but my mom and I are starting a vacuum wig savings for when I might need it! Is there any way I can get an idea of what the hair I described would look like? Are there any pictures of 10-12" golden blonde wavy vacuum wigs anywhere that you know of?
    Thanks again for all your help, Debbi! I really appreciate it.
    Alexandra =)
  • Roger

    Houston is coming up Debbi =)=) See you soon !

  • Cherylnz

    Hi Debbie,
    Thanks for the message.
    Great to read that you enjoyed your visit to the South Island and visit with Murray and Averill. Hope you are able to visit again soon. I haven't managed to meet Murray and Averill in person yet, even after all these years of been a very happy client/customer (have only spoken to them over the phone). I hope to be able to one day soon now that we live much closer to Dunedin. It would be great to meet the rest of the Freedom staff too.
    Have a great weekend
  • Kimberly Rolon

    Hi Debbie,
    Thanks for your message. I always wanted to be a flight attendant growing up but it never happend but I guess being a military family compensates for it since we haft to travel and move so much. I agree that the restaurants and food here are great!!! I love the fact that you could stay as long as you want and not feel rushed. On another note... thanks for inspiring me to enjoy life..just looking at your pictures speaks volumes about how much your enjoing yours.

    Have a great day,
  • pedro

    Excuse me
    my english is very limited
    I told your tatto is nice is the same as bald.
  • pedro

    Cordial Saludo
    Deseo que hayas tenido una feliz navidad y tengas un prospero año 2010.

  • Karina

    Hi Debbi..I want to know how much will an average medium wig cost to be sent to Argentina?
  • Julia McDowell

    Hey Debbi,

    I finally figured out how to style my Freedom hair! I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!!! Thanks a million,

  • Julia McDowell

    I use Fructis colour-treated shampoo, and then I towel dry it and add a little Fructis Curl & Shine leave-in conditioner. Then I turn my head upside down, and using a drier set on warm only, I scrunch it up with my fingers. Then I put my head back up, and scrunch it a bit more with my fingers, and then leave it to air dry. Denise at Strandz (Lincoln Heights) cut it for me. She had never seen a Freedom hairpiece before, let alone cut one, but she did a great job and I'm very pleased with the results. Especially since I've been leaving it more 'messy' and not blow-drying it straight. My next one will have more of a curl pattern, I think!
  • Nicole

    Hi Debbie,
    Nicole here. Looking to schedule an appt for your upcoming trip to Orlando. Can't wait. Hope your having a beautiful day. =)
  • MacKenzie

    Hi Debbie, I have been getting lace wigs for a year now and still feel uncomfortable when wearing wigs, especially because I cant wear my hair up at all without it being noticeable. The front looks great and it looks like my real hair (no one can tell the difference) but I would love to feel more comfortable. I've spent an insane amount of money trying to find the "right" wig.. I live in CT right now and would love to meet with you whenever you are in the area next. Please let me know when you are available I would really appreciate it! Have a great day, talk with you soon.
  • Devin

    Hi Debbi, Happy Birthday! 62 you don't even look half that. I hope all is going well with you and you are enjoying your birthday.
  • Kendal Rauh

    Hey Debbi! Happy belated birthday! Hope all is well and hope to see you in April :)
  • Mindy

    Thanks Debbie! And you helped me to look so good :-)
  • Erika

    I think we have friends in common on Facebook... I recognise you!! :)
  • Sandra Fournier

    Thanks so much for the support means the world to me. I will take you up on your offer if I ever need anything. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Alina07

    Hi Debbi,
    Thank you for being so supportive. It was actually really beautiful out. In the low 60s high 50's and sunny, felt like fall.Tomorrow should be a little colder. Have fun in DC :)

  • MacKenzie

    Hi Debbi! Posted some new pictures of my Freedom Wig.. what do you think?! I will be contacting you soon about ordering another form of hair for working out in.. I think I would sweat the vacuum off! Thank you again for your help, I am in a much happier place with this hair :) - MacKenzie

  • Michjo57

    Hi Debbi, I hear that you ride a Harley. Do you wear a helmet if so do you were a wig underneath or just a scarf. I'm new to the alopecia thing and trying to figure out what to do this summer.
